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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2015-01-14 18:24:40 (ID: 100048835) Report Abuse
First of all, to all: Please check your wording, especially when discussing such topics as we are doing here. It would be a shame if I have to close this only because of abusive wording!

Topic: I disagree strongly to make an excuse like this "they offended us, let's kill'em". No-one has to right to kill another one, no matter what the reason should be. This includes death penalties and wars!

On the other hand, free speech is not unlimited. The german law as example says "tell whatever you want"...on the other hand, the freedom of speech is limited if it comes to personal offendings or when violating laws to protect the youth

And I am completely ok with these exceptions - so the question is: can I offend someone personally, if I make more or less really dirty jokes about his religion? IMO you cannot, but this is just my opinion...

It is different if I talk about making jokes about someones the example from a few posts above doesn't work in my opinion. Racism is by definition offending, and if such a case as described would cause riots in the US, I am OK with, where can I send money to support the guys? But again: Killing the painter? never!
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2015-01-14 18:27:35 (ID: 100048837) Report Abuse
DonWilliam wrote:
Btw. they did covers and stories about Jesus and God as well.

That, btw, is a rather bad cannot judge a thing by telling "I caused pain to the others as well"

It is on or can do satirics on religions...yes or no - without exception!
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posted: 2015-01-14 21:44:32 (ID: 100048853) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
DonWilliam wrote:
Btw. they did covers and stories about Jesus and God as well.

That, btw, is a rather bad cannot judge a thing by telling ...

Of course. I just wanted to state that Charlie Hebdo's satirics didn't target only one religion, but their view is satiric to religion itself.
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posted: 2015-01-15 16:57:14 (ID: 100048878) Report Abuse
Not surprised to hear such nonsense from you considering your posting history but it's even funnier coming from an Irish man when your government actually made a law prohibiting blasphemy just a few years ago.

I think it's sad when Western countries do such things to limit freedom.
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posted: 2015-01-15 19:48:13 (ID: 100048879)
@all: Once more: please be careful. Double-check wording, and make sure not offend any other users
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France   Drogon owns a supporter account

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posted: 2015-01-15 20:48:21 (ID: 100048882) Report Abuse
Blasphemy does exist in France.

Blasphemy in France

Concordat in France

"The Concordat recognises four religious traditions in Alsace-Moselle: the Jewish religion and three branches of Christianity: Catholic, Lutheran and Reformed."

Therefore, blasphemy does not apply to Islam...

This is what we call République française... laïque.

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posted: 2015-01-18 21:28:41 (ID: 100049025) Report Abuse
Yeah you got that very wrong, Blaspheme stopped existing in France well over 100 years ago... It only currently exist in Alsace-Moselle and ironically Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders from Alsace-Moselle went to Paris the day before the terrible attack on Charlie Hebdo to get the law cancelled.
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France   Drogon owns a supporter account

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posted: 2015-01-19 07:36:27 (ID: 100049044) Report Abuse
Meitheisman wrote:
Yeah you got that very wrong, Blaspheme stopped existing in France well over 100 years ago... It only currently exist in Alsace-Moselle and ironically Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders from Alsace-Moselle went to Paris the day before the terrible attack on Charlie Hebdo to get the law cancelled.

"Blaspheme stopped existing in France over 100 years ago"
Absolutely wrong !
Again :
You know what the CODE PENAL is ?
And this still does exist in France.

"to get the law cancelled" ?
Was it cancelled or does that mean the law still does exist in France ?
Tell me, who got what very wrong ?

In case you still ignore it : Alsace-Moselle is in France.

Last edited on 2015-01-19 08:06:22 by Drogon

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posted: 2015-01-19 12:03:01 (ID: 100049049) Report Abuse
I told you Alsace-Moselle was an exception! Find the Code Penal from France, not from one tiny region that happens to be an exception.

Read this article, it states that Alsace-Moselle is an exception and that blasphemy law doesn't exist in France.

And the Wiki page confirms that blasphemy in France was abolished in 1881.

For the law "canceled" I probably got the wrong term in English, in French it's "abroge". Here's another quote saying the same thing. "Coïncidence, les représentants des principaux cultes en Alsace-Moselle, y compris l'islam, avait demandé la veille de l'attentat contre Charlie Hebdo, que le délit de blasphème soit abrogé car "il est tombé en désuétude"."
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2015-01-19 17:07:37 (ID: 100049058) Report Abuse
Meitheisman wrote:"Coïncidence, les représentants des principaux cultes en Alsace-Moselle, y compris l'islam, avait demandé la veille de l'attentat contre Charlie Hebdo, que le délit de blasphème soit abrogé car "il est tombé en désuétude"."

You are not allowed to post non-english in this part of the forum. So please provide a translation, or move to the french forum

Would be interested in knowing what you are typing, seriously!
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