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posted: 2013-01-05 11:34:09 (ID: 74922) Report Abuse
Never read or seen game of thrones and never been a fan of Nirvana. There was 11 months between my younger sister and I, as we were growing up she was a big nirvana fan and kept playing them over and over again so since then I haven't been a fan. The only thing we did agree musically was guns n roses and it's partly because of that reason I will never be able to listen to November Rain again.

SH8888 I know you will think it's funny posting a link to the song but please don't as it isn't funny and I know I will click the play button no matter how much I know I don't want to.
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posted: 2013-01-05 11:48:40 (ID: 74925) Report Abuse
bwadders76 wrote:
SH8888 I know you will think it's funny posting a link to the song but please don't as it isn't funny and I know I will click the play button no matter how much I know I don't want to.

Lip Up Fatwadders

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posted: 2013-01-05 11:51:19 (ID: 74926) Report Abuse
I guess I have to establish kind of a censorship system. This is so terribly bad, sh8888
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posted: 2013-01-05 12:22:09 (ID: 74929) Report Abuse
I cant believe that they got away with miming so badly
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posted: 2013-01-05 12:39:34 (ID: 74932) Report Abuse
sh8888 wrote:
bwadders76 wrote:
SH8888 I know you will think it's funny posting a link to the song but please don't as it isn't funny and I know I will click the play button no matter how much I know I don't want to.

Lip Up Fatwadders

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posted: 2013-01-05 13:28:13 (ID: 74947) Report Abuse
Civilis wrote:
I've been a huge fan of Game of Thrones since the first book came out. Nobody had ever heard of it and nobody would believe it was good. Now it's on tv and I can't friggin turn my head without someone bringing it up. I wish people weren't such sheep.
Offcourse they've all been reading it forever. Like everyone was always a Nirvana fan when Cobain died and everyone was always a Tolkien fan when those movies came out.
I say screw GoT, It's been ruined by the sheep. I'll stick to Joe Abercrombie and Steven Erikson

Its amazing that nobody liked it before the series. I wonder how it gained enough credit to become a show?

It is by far the best book to tv show/film adaptation I have ever seen/read.
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posted: 2013-01-05 14:07:26 (ID: 74956) Report Abuse
Is not g0od !!!

Last edited on 2013-03-18 11:30:11 by nobody

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posted: 2013-01-29 21:04:31 (ID: 79443) Report Abuse
Civilis wrote:

I say screw GoT, It's been ruined by the sheep.

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posted: 2013-01-29 21:32:31 (ID: 79450) Report Abuse
Civilis wrote:
Like everyone was always a Nirvana fan when Cobain died and everyone was always a Tolkien fan when those movies came out.

Guess I'm an exception there, I went to the Reading Festival in 1991 with the main intention of catching Nirvana's set (when they were low on the bill), and again in 1992 when they headlined - now that was awesome!

And as for Tolkein, I read the Hobbit in 1980, when I was 8, and was a Fantasy Games geek in the 80s.....

Last edited on 2013-01-30 15:41:13 by JonnyP

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posted: 2013-01-30 14:01:41 (ID: 79559) Report Abuse
I get really worked up about this stuff because everything the sheep (sorry ) touch turns to crap. Literature used to be the last form of entertainment that was judged by merit and not by how well it's advertised. The sheep are always followed by the suits who repeat formulas that have worked and never take risks. Variety and originality get sucked out. Go to your local bookstore and you'll see proof. Only the big sellers that get advertised on tv are for sale. The good authors you have to order online these days.
But I know there's real peole still who have an own opinion. Thank god
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