csacsinho owns a supporter account  Home of Green Mark Packers (ID: 3261)

Owned by csacsinho (Last logged in on 2024-07-26 21:24:58 )

Joined the game: 2013-01-23 / S06

Manager rank is Top Manager

Sponsored by Scooby's Doo Sewage Company - Endorsement by Gomers Pyle

League: Admirals 1 NC North

ELO score: 1060 - Rank global: 36 - Rank in league: 4

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Team chemistry:
91 %
98 %
Physical condition:
98 %
Financial situation:
Managers tactical talent:
Leagueok Champ of Champsunknown Supercupok Supercup Playoffsunknown
86.3 %
87.2 %
  Avg Age Seniors: 25.9
Pass Defense:
85.0 %
  Rush Defense:
86.9 %
  Weekly wages Players $ 5,110,029
Special Team:
84.7 %
86.2 %
  Weekly wages Coaches $ 1,549,261
Stadium: GM Lambeau (capacity: 144300)
Home Away
Trophy room
Hide Trophies won by csacsinho (52)
Season 56Winner Dragons 1 NC West
Season 55Winner Dragons 1 NC West
Season 54Winner Dragons 1 NC West
Season 53Winner Dragons 1 NC West
Season 52Winner Dragons 1 NC West
Season 50Winner Admirals 1 NC West
Season 49Member RZA Elite League
Season 48Member RZA Elite League
Season 47Conference Champion Admirals 1 NC
Season 47Winner Admirals 1 NC West
Season 46Winner Admirals 1 NC West
Season 45Winner Admirals 1 NC West
Season 44Member RZA Elite League
Season 43Winner RZA Elite League 0 AC West
Season 43Member RZA Elite League
Season 42League Champion Admirals 1
Season 42Conference Champion Admirals 1 AC
Season 42Friendly Cup RZA Teams World Cup I
Season 42Winner Admirals 1 AC East
Season 41Member RZA Elite League
Season 40Conference Champion Admirals 1 AC
Season 40Winner Admirals 1 AC East
Season 39Member RZA Elite League
Season 38League Champion Admirals 1
Season 38Conference Champion Admirals 1 AC
Season 38Winner Admirals 1 AC East
Season 36Winner Admirals 1 AC East
Season 35Winner Admirals 1 AC East
Season 27Member RZA Elite League
Season 26Conference Champion Admirals 1 AC
Season 26Winner Admirals 1 AC South
Season 25Winner Admirals 1 AC South
Season 24Member RZA Elite League
Season 23League Champion Admirals 1
Season 23Conference Champion Admirals 1 AC
Season 23Winner Admirals 1 AC North
Season 22Winner Admirals 1 AC North
Season 21Member RZA Elite League
Season 20Member RZA Elite League
Season 19Conference Champion Admirals 1 NC
Season 18Winner Admirals 1 NC East
Season 15Member RZA Elite League
Season 14Conference Champion Admirals 1 NC
Season 14Winner Admirals 1 NC West
Season 13Winner Admirals 1 NC West
Season 12Winner Admirals 1 NC West
Season 10Conference Champion Admirals 2 AC
Season 10Friendly Cup The Maple Crown Cup
Season 10Winner Admirals 2 AC North
Season 7League Champion Admirals 4
Season 7Conference Champion Admirals 4 AC
Season 7Winner Admirals 4 AC East
Record (current season)
Game type Won Lost
Champ of Champions00
Friendly Cup00
Trophy summary
Elite member in seasons: 15, 20, 21, 24, 27, 39, 41, 43, 44, 48, 49
Superbowl Champion in seasons: 7, 23, 38, 42
Conference Champion in seasons: 7, 10, 14, 19, 23, 26, 38, 40, 42, 47
Division Champion in seasons: 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 18, 22, 23, 25, 26, 35, 36, 38, 40, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56
Friendly Cups won in seasons: 10, 42
All releases show top 5

2021-04-02 09:39:46 - Gold for Austria!Report Abuse

The Green Mark Packers won the 1st RZA Teams World Cup and want to thank Kanar and the RZA Community for the opportunity to participate in this tournament.
To win this title comes completely unexpected and is therefore all the more beautiful and rewarding. We are proud to win this title for Austria and hope, that in the future there will be more Manager from our country (again) who join RZA. We are very aware that there was big tradition in the first years of RZA, which now seems to be weakened over the last couple of seasons.
Thanks csacsinho

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