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Main / Suggestions / End of game/half hurry-up offense Search Forum
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posted: 2012-04-03 21:43:32 (ID: 34396) Report Abuse
In my game today, I got the ball on the opponents 49 yard line with 5:11 left and down by a TD. Plenty of time to drive down and score a tying TD, right?

3 running plays took me below the 4 minute threshold for the hurry up offense I built into my playbook to take effect. 3:41 left from the opponents 41 yard line. 3 complete passes and an incomplete pass takes me to the 22 yard line (3 completions = 19 yards?!?) with 1:58 left. 2 more passes and I'm on the 10 (2 more completions = 12 yards?) with 0:39 left. A 4 yard pass and an incomplete and the game is over.

Here are my "problems", hopefully we can come up with some suggestions.

A) The "pace" of the game during a hurry-up scenario should be much faster than it is during the rest of the game. There should be timeouts and people getting out of bounds to stop the clock. 30+ seconds per play for a complete pass is out of the question. If using TOs or getting out of bounds, 10 seconds per play is closer to reality. If no TOs or out of bounds, then getting to the line and spiking the ball should be maybe 20 seconds.

B) My hurry-up is set to "pass" with no length designation. Its my understanding that this means the QB will go for the first down. My complete passes in this sequence were 6, 4, 9, 5, 7, and 4 yards. Why is my QB throwing for 4 yards on first down and 5 yards on second down?
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posted: 2012-04-04 06:14:51 (ID: 34419)
slider6 wrote:
A) The "pace" of the game during a hurry-up scenario should be much faster than it is during the rest of the game. There should be timeouts and people getting out of bounds to stop the clock. 30+ seconds per play for a complete pass is out of the question. If using TOs or getting out of bounds, 10 seconds per play is closer to reality. If no TOs or out of bounds, then getting to the line and spiking the ball should be maybe 20 seconds.

B) My hurry-up is set to "pass" with no length designation. Its my understanding that this means the QB will go for the first down. My complete passes in this sequence were 6, 4, 9, 5, 7, and 4 yards. Why is my QB throwing for 4 yards on first down and 5 yards on second down?

A) This means we need clock management, in the playbook. This is on my todo already, but was not touched so far.

B) The QB will target for the first down, yes. But this does not mean, he achieves this goal on every attempt. If there is no free receiver at 10 yards, he will pass to another receiver. I see no need to change this part, tbh.
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posted: 2012-04-04 18:29:55 (ID: 34453) Report Abuse
Admin wrote:
slider6 wrote:
A) The "pace" of the game during a hurry-up scenario should be much faster than it is during the rest of the game. There should be timeouts and people getting out of bounds to stop the clock. 30+ seconds per play for a complete pass is out of the question. If using TOs or getting out of bounds, 10 seconds per play is closer to reality. If no TOs or out of bounds, then getting to the line and spiking the ball should be maybe 20 seconds.

B) My hurry-up is set to "pass" with no length designation. Its my understanding that this means the QB will go for the first down. My complete passes in this sequence were 6, 4, 9, 5, 7, and 4 yards. Why is my QB throwing for 4 yards on first down and 5 yards on second down?

A) This means we need clock management, in the playbook. This is on my todo already, but was not touched so far.

B) The QB will target for the first down, yes. But this does not mean, he achieves this goal on every attempt. If there is no free receiver at 10 yards, he will pass to another receiver. I see no need to change this part, tbh.

A) I checked the todo, but must have missed it. Was surprised that it hadn't come up in the past.

B) I guess my issue is with the QB decision making later in the game. On 1st down in a late game situation, it would be better for the QB to throw an incomplete pass rather than throw for 4 yards. But with Time Management being implemented, then we could call Time Out or maybe get out of bounds.
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posted: 2012-04-05 00:23:37 (ID: 34482) Report Abuse
slider6 wrote:

A) I checked the todo, but must have missed it. Was surprised that it hadn't come up in the past.

my memory tel my it was on the todo list but i canĀ“t find it just like you !!
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Main / Suggestions / End of game/half hurry-up offense