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15:00 Cointoss won by Constanta Ravens, elects to receive 15:00 Alexis Oltean (K) kicks the ball for 57, Radu Stoica (KR/R) returns, tackled by Larry Sinclair (STT), this was a 17 yards return, Flórián Aranyos (G/L) missed the tackle, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 25 more 14:53 1 and 10 to go on own 25, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), David Pricop (HB/R) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the center, Joye Pyamootoo (NT) brings down David Pricop (HB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: no gain (Pro set vs. 5-3-3) more 14:26 2 and 10 to go on own 25, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the center, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Elek Kocsis (DE/R), forward progress: 1 yards (Singleback Big vs. 3-3-5) more 13:58 3 and 9 to go on own 26, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Catalin Mitrea (WR/L) as target, Elek Kocsis (DE/R) breaks through the line, Eun-Ju Tae (FS/L) seems to go for the blitz, Ovidiu Antohi (QB) gets sacked by Elek Kocsis (DE/R), 8 yards for loss (Pro set vs. 3-3-5) more 13:33 Catalin Dinea (P) punts the ball from own 18 for 36, Arif Abdul (KR/C) is returning the ball, tackled by Andrei Stanca (G/L), this was a 8 yards return 13:30 1 and 10 to go on opp 46, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Rafael Moga (CB/L) missed the tackle, Iulian Roman (OLB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 12:58 1 and 10 to go on opp 36, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this inner right pass catches the ball, tackled by Rafael Moga (CB/L), forward progress: 9 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 12:27 2 and 1 to go on opp 27, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), hands off to Zhong Li (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the left tackle, Zhong Li (HB/C) tackled by Aurica Armas (MLB), forward progress: 8 yards, New first down (Singleback Big vs. 5-3-3) more 11:58 1 and 10 to go on opp 19, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Lemuel Mcknight (WR/L) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, he passes inner left for 11 yards to him, intercepted by Aurica Armas (MLB) on the opp 8 (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 11:55 Aurica Armas (MLB) returns the ball, Lemuel Mcknight (WR/L) missed the tackle, Isidro Grenier (QB) made the tackle, this was a 44 yards interception return (3-4-4 vs. I-formation) more 11:41 1 and 10 to go on opp 48, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), he starts running over the right end, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) was not successfully tackled by Elek Kocsis (DE/R), and gets tackled by Maximilian Schmid (SS/C), forward progress: 7 yards (I-formation vs. 3-1-7) more 11:10 2 and 3 to go on opp 41, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ciprian Cozac (HB/L) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the left tackle, Elek Kocsis (DE/R) breaks through, Ciprian Cozac (HB/L) tackled by Zissis Gekas (DT/L), forward progress: 1 yards (Pro set vs. 5-3-3) more 10:43 3 and 2 to go on opp 40, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Radu Stanca (FB/R) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the center, Elek Kocsis (DE/R) breaks through, Radu Petrache (TE/L) blocks, Radu Stanca (FB/R) tackled by Hank Akin (MLB), forward progress: 6 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-1-7) more 10:14 1 and 10 to go on opp 34, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Catalin Mitrea (WR/L) as target, Otto Dugger (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this inner left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Chance Kemper (FS/C), forward progress: 14 yards, New first down (Pro set vs. 5-3-3) more 9:42 1 and 10 to go on opp 20, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Radu Petrache (TE/R) as target, Larry Sinclair (DE/L) breaks through the line, Chance Kemper (FS/C) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (Pro set vs. 5-3-3) more 9:34 2 and 10 to go on opp 20, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Catalin Mitrea (WR/L) as target, Eun-Ju Tae (FS/L) seems to go for the blitz, Elek Kocsis (DE/R) breaks through, Ovidiu Antohi (QB) gets sacked by Elek Kocsis (DE/R), 9 yards for loss (Singleback Big vs. 3-3-5) more 9:08 3 and 19 to go on opp 29, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected David Herea (WR/R) as target, Larry Sinclair (DE/L) breaks through the line, Radu Stanca (FB/R) blocks, this outer right pass is incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-1-7) more 9:00 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 46 yard field goal is good 8:55 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for 63, Dimitri Deshayes (KR/L) returns, tackled by Andrei Stanca (G/R), this was a 17 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 19 more 8:48 1 and 10 to go on own 19, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/L) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this inner left pass is incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 8:39 2 and 10 to go on own 19, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, who catches the ball, the tackle was missed by Rafael Moga (CB/L), Iulian Roman (OLB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 8:08 1 and 10 to go on own 29, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/L) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Isidro Grenier (QB) gets sacked by Cosmin Herea (MLB), 8 yards for loss (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 7:42 2 and 18 to go on own 21, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/L) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/R) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/R), forward progress: 19 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 7:11 1 and 10 to go on own 40, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/R) breaks through, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, this outer screen left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Romain Piquet (TE/L) tackled by Iulian Mitrean (OLB/R), forward progress: 6 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 6:41 2 and 4 to go on own 46, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), who hands off to Zhong Li (HB/C), he starts running over the right end, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, the well blocked Defense Line can not do anything against, Zhong Li (HB/C) breaks the tackle of Iulian Roman (OLB/L), and gets tackled by Radu Dragan (SS/L), forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 6:11 1 and 10 to go on opp 42, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Lemuel Mcknight (WR/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, overthrown outer right pass, incomplete, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 6:02 2 and 10 to go on opp 42, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Art Kovach (WR/R) as target, the receiver can not catch this outer right pass, incomplete, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 5:54 3 and 10 to go on opp 42, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, this inner right pass is incomplete, overthrown, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 5:45 Ondrej Niedźwiedź (P) punts the ball from opp 42 for 35, Radu Stoica (KR/C) is returning the ball, no, he signals a Fair Catch, no return 5:45 1 and 10 to go on own 7, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected David Herea (WR/R) as target, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, tackled by Athanasios Becker (CB/L), forward progress: 14 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 5:14 1 and 10 to go on own 21, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected David Herea (WR/R) as target, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through the line, Radu Stanca (FB/C) blocks, this inner right pass is incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Wishbone vs. 5-3-3) more 5:05 2 and 10 to go on own 21, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the left guard, Maximilian Schmid (SS/C) goes for the blitz, Radu Petrache (TE/R) blocks, Joye Pyamootoo (NT) is unable to make a successful tackle on Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Partev Lalazarian (MLB), forward progress: 6 yards (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 4:36 3 and 4 to go on own 27, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the right guard, Maximilian Schmid (SS/C) goes for the blitz, Vlad Balla (TE/R) blocks, there is no SS who could tackle him, he is able to avoid the tackling of Chance Kemper (FS/L), forward progress: 73 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-3-5) more 3:58 touchdown more 3:58 Ball spotted on the 15, Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for the PAT, PAT is good 3:58 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for 66, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more 3:58 Constanta Ravens: Andrei Viasu (G/L) injured (Twisted knee) during the play 3:58 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 3:49 2 and 10 to go on own 20, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Rafael Moga (CB/L), forward progress: 8 yards (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 3:18 3 and 2 to go on own 28, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Zhong Li (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the right end, Zhong Li (HB/C) was not successfully tackled by Gabriel Savu (DE/R), there is no SS who could tackle him, Zhong Li (HB/C) tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 14 yards, New first down (Singleback Spread vs. 5-3-3) more 2:46 1 and 10 to go on own 42, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 2:37 2 and 10 to go on own 42, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Art Kovach (WR/R) as target, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Radu Mazilu (CB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 2:06 1 and 10 to go on opp 48, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Isidro Grenier (QB) gets sacked by Cosmin Herea (MLB), 9 yards for loss (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 1:40 2 and 19 to go on own 43, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Martin Roche (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 20 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 1:09 1 and 10 to go on opp 37, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 1:00 2 and 10 to go on opp 37, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Jaromír Prouza (WR/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Isidro Grenier (QB) gets sacked by Iulian Roman (OLB/R), 8 yards for loss (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 0:35 3 and 18 to go on opp 45, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/R) blocks, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 0:26 Ondrej Niedźwiedź (P) punts the ball from opp 45 for 47, this is a touchback 0:26 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Vlad Balla (TE/R) as target, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through the line, Radu Stanca (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this inner right pass catches the ball, the tackle was missed by Athanasios Becker (CB/L), Bálint Saskõi (OLB/L) made the tackle, forward progress: 14 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 15:00 1 and 10 to go on own 34, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the left tackle, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through, Vlad Balla (TE/R) blocks, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Zissis Gekas (DT/L), forward progress: no gain (Big I formation vs. 5-3-3) more 14:33 2 and 10 to go on own 34, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the left end, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Bálint Saskõi (OLB/R), forward progress: 9 yards (Singleback Big vs. 3-3-5) more 14:04 3 and 1 to go on own 43, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/C), he starts running over the right tackle, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through, Radu Petrache (TE/L) blocks, Yevgeniy Zukhurov (DT/R) brings down Radu Stanca (FB/C), nice tackle, forward progress: 1 yards, New first down (Goalline O vs. Goalline D) more 13:36 1 and 10 to go on own 44, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to David Pricop (HB/R), this seems to be a run over the right end, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) brings down David Pricop (HB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Pro set vs. 5-3-3) more 13:09 2 and 11 to go on own 43, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Ianis Pascu (WR/R) as target, the receiver of this inner right pass catches the ball, Dámaso Pardo (CB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 13 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-1-7) more 12:37 1 and 10 to go on opp 44, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected David Herea (WR/L) as target, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Rouven Schröder (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 9 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 12:06 2 and 1 to go on opp 35, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who runs by himself, this seems to be a run over the right end, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) brings down Ovidiu Antohi (QB), nice tackle, forward progress: no gain (Goalline O vs. Goalline D) more 11:38 3 and 1 to go on opp 35, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/C), he starts running over the left guard, Partev Lalazarian (MLB) goes for the blitz, Radu Petrache (TE/L) blocks, Radu Stanca (FB/C) tackled by Hank Akin (MLB), forward progress: 7 yards, New first down (Goalline O vs. Goalline D) more 11:32 Constanta Ravens: Andrei Viasu (G/L) is back in the game after his injury (Goalline O vs. Goalline D) more 11:09 1 and 10 to go on opp 28, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Catalin Mitrea (WR/R) as target, he passes outer right for 11 yards to him, intercepted by Hans-Walter Schneider (CB/L) on the opp 17 (I-formation vs. 3-1-7) more 11:07 Hans-Walter Schneider (CB/L) returns the ball, tackled by Catalin Mitrea (WR/R), this was a 43 yards interception return (3-1-7 vs. I-formation) more 10:55 1 and 10 to go on opp 40, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Isidro Grenier (QB) gets sacked by Cosmin Herea (MLB), 10 yards for loss (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 10:29 2 and 20 to go on 50, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 10:21 3 and 20 to go on 50, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Jaromír Prouza (WR/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through, Jamey Ramirez (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this outer screen right pass catches the ball, Jaromír Prouza (WR/R) tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 7 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 9:51 Ondrej Niedźwiedź (P) punts the ball from opp 43 for 34, out of bounds 9:51 1 and 10 to go on own 9, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Ionut Niculae (TE/R) as target, Eun-Ju Tae (FS/C) seems to go for the blitz, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, this was a 91 yards pass (Singleback Big vs. 5-3-3) more 9:25 touchdown more 9:25 Ball spotted on the 15, Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for the PAT, PAT is good 9:25 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for 67, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more 9:25 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Art Kovach (WR/R) as target, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer screen right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Art Kovach (WR/R) tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 9 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 8:55 2 and 1 to go on own 29, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), hands off to Zhong Li (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the left end, the well blocked Defense Line can not do anything against, Zhong Li (HB/C) tackled by Iulian Roman (OLB/R), forward progress: 8 yards, New first down (Singleback Big vs. 5-3-3) more 8:26 1 and 10 to go on own 37, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Theron Mackey (WR/R) as target, this outer right pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 8:18 2 and 10 to go on own 37, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Jaromír Prouza (WR/L) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this inner left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Rafael Moga (CB/R) missed the tackle, Radu Dragan (SS/C) made the tackle, forward progress: 9 yards (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 7:46 3 and 1 to go on own 46, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Zhong Li (HB/C) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the center, Zhong Li (HB/C) breaks the tackle of Aurica Armas (MLB), there is no SS who could tackle him, finally he gets tackled by Claudiu Pavel (FS/C), forward progress: 8 yards, New first down (Singleback Big vs. 5-3-3) more 7:14 1 and 10 to go on opp 46, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer screen left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Romain Piquet (TE/L) tackled by Iulian Roman (OLB/R), forward progress: 3 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 6:44 2 and 7 to go on opp 43, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, incomplete, overthrown, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 6:36 3 and 7 to go on opp 43, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, the receiver of this inner right pass catches the ball, Romain Piquet (TE/R) tackled by Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L), forward progress: 5 yards (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 6:02 4 and 2 to go on opp 38, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this inner right pass catches the ball, Thibault Räihä (TE/R) sees no OLBs, and gets tackled by Radu Dragan (SS/L), forward progress: 2 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 5:25 1 and 10 to go on opp 36, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Lemuel Mcknight (WR/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 5:16 2 and 10 to go on opp 36, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Theron Mackey (WR/L) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this inner left pass is incomplete, overthrown, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 5:08 3 and 10 to go on opp 36, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Art Kovach (WR/L) as target, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Rafael Moga (CB/R) tackled him, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 4:36 1 and 10 to go on opp 26, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this inner left pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 4:28 2 and 10 to go on opp 26, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Jaromír Prouza (WR/L) as target, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, the receiver of this outer screen left pass catches the ball, Jaromír Prouza (WR/L) tackled by Rafael Moga (CB/R), forward progress: 4 yards (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 3:58 3 and 6 to go on opp 22, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Lemuel Mcknight (WR/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, he passes outer right for 7 yards to him, intercepted by Radu Mazilu (CB/L) on the opp 15 (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 3:56 Radu Mazilu (CB/L) returns the ball, tackled by Lemuel Mcknight (WR/R), this was a 43 yards interception return (3-4-4 vs. Big I formation) more 3:43 1 and 10 to go on opp 42, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the right tackle, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through, Radu Stanca (FB/R) tackled by Partev Lalazarian (MLB), forward progress: 6 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 3:14 2 and 4 to go on opp 36, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/R), he starts running over the right end, Maximilian Schmid (SS/C) goes for the blitz, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) brings down Ciprian Cozac (HB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: tackle for loss of 2 yards (Flexbone vs. 3-3-5) more 2:46 3 and 6 to go on opp 38, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Radu Petrache (TE/L) as target, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through the line, Radu Stanca (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this inner left pass catches the ball, Radu Petrache (TE/L) sees no OLBs, and gets tackled by Maximilian Schmid (SS/C), forward progress: 2 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-1-7) more 2:09 Catalin Dinea (P) punts the ball from opp 36 for 31, out of bounds 2:09 1 and 10 to go on own 5, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Theron Mackey (WR/R) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, the tackle was missed by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), Aurica Armas (MLB) made the tackle, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 1:37 1 and 10 to go on own 17, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Jaromír Prouza (WR/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 8 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 1:06 2 and 2 to go on own 25, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Romain Piquet (TE/L) tackled by Iulian Roman (OLB/R), forward progress: 2 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 0:45 1 and 10 to go on own 27, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Rafael Moga (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 14 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 0:27 1 and 10 to go on own 41, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Isidro Grenier (QB) gets sacked by Cosmin Herea (MLB), 10 yards for loss (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 0:24 Constanta Ravens: Petre Berechet (NT) injured (Twisted knee) during the play (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 0:24 2 and 20 to go on own 31, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Art Kovach (WR/R) as target, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 24 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 0:06 1 and 10 to go on opp 45, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this outer left pass, incomplete, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 0:00 Constanta Ravens: Cosmin Herea (MLB) injured (Sprained ankle) during the play (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 15:00 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for 60, Dimitri Deshayes (KR/L) returns, tackled by Andrei Stanca (G/R), this was a 16 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 21 more 14:54 1 and 10 to go on own 21, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Mihai Tanase (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, he passes inner right for 11 yards to him, intercepted by Aurica Armas (MLB) on the own 32 (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 14:51 Aurica Armas (MLB) returns the ball, missed tackle by Theron Mackey (WR/R), tackled by Thibault Räihä (TE/R), this was a 13 yards interception return (3-4-4 vs. Big I formation) more 14:46 1 and 10 to go on opp 19, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/L), he starts running over the left tackle, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through, Radu Petrache (TE/R) blocks, Yevgeniy Zukhurov (DT/L) brings down Ciprian Cozac (HB/L), nice tackle, forward progress: tackle for loss of 2 yards (Pro set vs. 5-3-3) more 14:19 2 and 12 to go on opp 21, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the left guard, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through, Joye Pyamootoo (NT) brings down Radu Stanca (FB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: no gain (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-1-7) more 13:51 3 and 12 to go on opp 21, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Radu Stanca (FB/C) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the center, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through, Vlad Balla (TE/R) blocks, Radu Stanca (FB/C) tackled by Hank Akin (MLB), forward progress: 5 yards (Goalline O vs. Goalline D) more 13:22 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 33 yard field goal missed 13:19 1 and 10 to go on own 23, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, this inner left pass is incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 13:11 2 and 10 to go on own 23, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, the tackle was missed by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), Aurica Armas (MLB) tackled him, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 12:39 1 and 10 to go on own 35, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 12:08 1 and 10 to go on own 47, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, he passes outer left for 11 yards to him, intercepted by Rafael Moga (CB/R) on the opp 42 (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 12:05 Rafael Moga (CB/R) returns the ball, tackled by Romain Piquet (TE/L), this was a 28 yards interception return (3-4-4 vs. Big I formation) more 11:56 1 and 10 to go on opp 30, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Ianis Pascu (WR/R) as target, the receiver can not catch this inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 11:48 2 and 10 to go on opp 30, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), he starts running over the left tackle, there is no Defense Line after the block, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Partev Lalazarian (MLB), forward progress: 4 yards (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 11:19 3 and 6 to go on opp 26, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/R), he starts running over the right end, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) brings down Radu Stanca (FB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: 1 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-1-7) more 11:14 Constanta Ravens: Petre Berechet (NT) is back in the game after his injury (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-1-7) more 10:51 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 42 yard field goal is good 10:47 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for 59, Arif Abdul (KR/R) returns, tackled by Andrei Viasu (G/L), this was a 12 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 18 more 10:42 1 and 10 to go on own 18, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 10:34 2 and 10 to go on own 18, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, overthrown inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 10:25 Constanta Ravens: Cosmin Herea (MLB) is back in the game after his injury (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 10:25 3 and 10 to go on own 18, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Isidro Grenier (QB) gets sacked by Iulian Roman (OLB/R), 7 yards for loss (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 10:00 Ondrej Niedźwiedź (P) punts the ball from own 11 for 42, Radu Stoica (KR/C) is returning the ball, no, the ball was downed, no return 10:00 1 and 10 to go on own 47, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Catalin Mitrea (WR/R) as target, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Hans-Walter Schneider (CB/L), forward progress: 14 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 9:28 1 and 10 to go on opp 39, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the left tackle, Bálint Saskõi (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Zissis Gekas (DT/L), forward progress: 1 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 5-3-3) more 9:01 2 and 9 to go on opp 38, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the right tackle, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Partev Lalazarian (MLB), forward progress: 4 yards (I-formation vs. 4-3-4) more 8:32 3 and 5 to go on opp 34, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the center, Radu Stanca (FB/R) tackled by Hank Akin (MLB), forward progress: 5 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-1-7) more 8:26 Tennessee Frontiersmen : Hank Akin (MLB) injured (Sprained ankle) during the play (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-1-7) more 8:26 1 and 10 to go on opp 29, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Eric Matei (WR/L) as target, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Dámaso Pardo (CB/R) missed the tackle, Bálint Saskõi (OLB/R) tackled him, forward progress: 9 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 7:54 2 and 1 to go on opp 20, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/C), this seems to be a run over the center, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through, Ionut Niculae (TE/R) blocks, Joye Pyamootoo (NT) tackles Radu Stanca (FB/C), forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Goalline O vs. Goalline D) more 7:27 3 and 2 to go on opp 21, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), he starts running over the left guard, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through, Otto Dugger (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, Ionut Niculae (TE/R) blocks, Joye Pyamootoo (NT) tackles Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), forward progress: no gain (Singleback Big vs. 5-3-3) more 6:59 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 38 yard field goal is good 6:55 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for 62, Arif Abdul (KR/R) returns, tackled by Andrei Viasu (G/L), this was a 16 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 19 more 6:49 1 and 10 to go on own 19, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Rafael Moga (CB/R), forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 6:17 1 and 10 to go on own 29, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer left pass catches the ball, Rafael Moga (CB/R) missed the tackle, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 8 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 5:46 2 and 2 to go on own 37, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this outer left pass is incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 5:37 3 and 2 to go on own 37, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Zhong Li (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the left guard, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through, Paul Maxim (DT/L) brings down Zhong Li (HB/C), nice tackle, forward progress: tackle for loss of 2 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 5-3-3) more 5:10 Ondrej Niedźwiedź (P) punts the ball from own 35 for 39, Radu Stoica (KR/C) is returning the ball, tackled by Flórián Aranyos (G/R), this was a 8 yards return 5:07 1 and 10 to go on own 34, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to David Pricop (HB/R), this seems to be a run over the right tackle, Bálint Saskõi (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Yevgeniy Zukhurov (DT/R) tackles David Pricop (HB/R), forward progress: no gain (Wishbone vs. 5-3-3) more 4:39 2 and 10 to go on own 34, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Catalin Mitrea (WR/R) as target, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through the line, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Rouven Schröder (CB/L), forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Singleback Spread vs. 3-1-7) more 4:08 1 and 10 to go on own 46, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected David Herea (WR/L) as target, the receiver of this outer screen left pass catches the ball, David Herea (WR/L) tackled by Dámaso Pardo (CB/R), forward progress: 6 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 3:38 2 and 4 to go on opp 48, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), he starts running over the right guard, Eun-Ju Tae (FS/R) goes for the blitz, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Larry Sinclair (DE/R), forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 3:11 3 and 5 to go on opp 49, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Radu Petrache (TE/L) as target, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through the line, this inner left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Radu Petrache (TE/L) tackled by Bálint Saskõi (OLB/R), forward progress: 4 yards (Singleback Big vs. 3-3-5) more 3:00 Tennessee Frontiersmen : Hank Akin (MLB) is back in the game after his injury (Singleback Big vs. 3-3-5) more 2:37 4 and 1 to go on opp 45, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/C), this seems to be a run over the left end, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) brings down Radu Stanca (FB/C), nice tackle, forward progress: 1 yards, New first down (Goalline O vs. Goalline D) more 2:10 1 and 10 to go on opp 44, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), he starts running over the right guard, Joye Pyamootoo (NT) tackles Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), forward progress: tackle for loss of 2 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 5-3-3) more 1:42 2 and 12 to go on opp 46, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to David Pricop (HB/R), he starts running over the right guard, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through, Hank Akin (MLB) goes for the blitz, Joye Pyamootoo (NT) brings down David Pricop (HB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: 1 yards (Pro set vs. 3-1-7) more 1:15 3 and 11 to go on opp 45, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Eric Matei (WR/L) as target, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through the line, Radu Stanca (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this inner left pass catches the ball, Athanasios Becker (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-1-7) more 0:43 1 and 10 to go on opp 33, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected David Herea (WR/L) as target, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through the line, Radu Stanca (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Athanasios Becker (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 0:35 Constanta Ravens: Sergiu Barbu (OC) injured (Twisted knee) during the play (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 0:35 1 and 10 to go on opp 21, Claudiu Sabau (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Eric Matei (WR/L) as target, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through the line, Radu Stanca (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Dámaso Pardo (CB/R) tackled him, forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 0:03 1 and goal to go on opp 10, Claudiu Sabau (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/L), this seems to be a run over the left tackle, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through, Ciprian Cozac (HB/L) tackled by Hank Akin (MLB), forward progress: 5 yards (Pro set vs. 5-3-3) more 15:00 2 and goal to go on opp 5, Claudiu Sabau (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Radu Petrache (TE/L) as target, overthrown inner left pass, incomplete, no progress (Singleback Big vs. 3-3-5) more 14:52 3 and goal to go on opp 5, Claudiu Sabau (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the right end, Chance Kemper (FS/L) goes for the blitz, Ionut Niculae (TE/R) blocks, the blockers crushed the Defense Line, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Otto Dugger (OLB/L), forward progress: 5 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-3-5) more 14:44 touchdown more 14:44 Ball spotted on the 15, Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for the PAT, PAT is good 14:44 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for 71, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more 14:44 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Rafael Moga (CB/R) missed the tackle, tackled by Iulian Roman (OLB/R), forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 14:12 1 and 10 to go on own 30, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Lemuel Mcknight (WR/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Radu Mazilu (CB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 9 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 13:41 2 and 1 to go on own 39, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), hands off to Zhong Li (HB/C), he starts running over the left tackle, Zhong Li (HB/C) avoids the tackle of Paul Maxim (DT/L), Zhong Li (HB/C) tackled by Aurica Armas (MLB), forward progress: 5 yards, New first down (Singleback Big vs. 5-3-3) more 13:12 1 and 10 to go on own 44, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Theron Mackey (WR/R) as target, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 8 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 12:40 2 and 2 to go on opp 48, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Isidro Grenier (QB) gets sacked by Cosmin Herea (MLB), 9 yards for loss (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 12:15 3 and 11 to go on own 43, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Art Kovach (WR/R) as target, he passes outer right for 12 yards to him, intercepted by Radu Mazilu (CB/L) on the opp 45 (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 12:12 Radu Mazilu (CB/L) returns the ball, Art Kovach (WR/R) is not able to make the tackle, Thibault Räihä (TE/R) missed the tackle, Isidro Grenier (QB) is tackling him, this was a 25 yards interception return (3-3-5 vs. Shotgun 2 WR) more 12:04 1 and 10 to go on opp 30, Claudiu Sabau (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Radu Petrache (TE/L) as target, this inner left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Dámaso Pardo (CB/R) missed his chance for a tackle, Maximilian Schmid (SS/C) tackled him, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 11:33 1 and 10 to go on opp 18, Claudiu Sabau (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to David Pricop (HB/R), he starts running over the right end, David Pricop (HB/R) tackled by Elek Kocsis (DE/L), forward progress: 1 yards (Wishbone vs. 5-3-3) more 11:28 Constanta Ravens: Sergiu Barbu (OC) is back in the game after his injury (Wishbone vs. 5-3-3) more 11:05 2 and 9 to go on opp 17, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/R), he starts running over the left end, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) tackles Radu Stanca (FB/R), forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-1-7) more 10:38 3 and 10 to go on opp 18, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Catalin Mitrea (WR/R) as target, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, Rouven Schröder (CB/L) made the tackle, forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 3-1-7) more 10:06 1 and goal to go on opp 7, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ciprian Cozac (HB/L) gets the ball, he starts running over the left end, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) tackles Ciprian Cozac (HB/L), forward progress: 1 yards (Wishbone vs. 5-3-3) more 9:39 2 and goal to go on opp 6, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Ionut Niculae (TE/R) as target, Chance Kemper (FS/L) seems to go for the blitz, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Ionut Niculae (TE/R) tackled by Otto Dugger (OLB/L), forward progress: 6 yards (Singleback Big vs. 3-3-5) more 9:28 touchdown more 9:28 Ball spotted on the 15, Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for the PAT, PAT is good 9:28 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for 65, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more 9:28 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, this outer screen left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Romain Piquet (TE/L) tackled by Iulian Roman (OLB/R), forward progress: 1 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 8:59 2 and 9 to go on own 21, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Romain Piquet (TE/R) sees no OLBs, and gets tackled by Radu Dragan (SS/C), forward progress: 3 yards (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 8:21 3 and 6 to go on own 24, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Thibault Räihä (TE/R) tackled by Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L), forward progress: 1 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 7:48 Ondrej Niedźwiedź (P) punts the ball from own 25 for 42, Radu Stoica (KR/C) is returning the ball, tackled by Wakur Murat (G/L), this was a 5 yards return 7:46 1 and 10 to go on own 38, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Catalin Mitrea (WR/R) as target, the pass goes outer screen right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Catalin Mitrea (WR/R) tackled by Rouven Schröder (CB/L), forward progress: 7 yards (Singleback Big vs. 5-3-3) more 7:16 2 and 3 to go on own 45, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who runs by himself, he starts running over the right end, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through, Bálint Saskõi (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Radu Petrache (TE/L) blocks, Ionut Niculae (TE/R) blocks, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) brings down Ovidiu Antohi (QB), nice tackle, forward progress: tackle for loss of 2 yards (Goalline O vs. Goalline D) more 6:49 3 and 5 to go on own 43, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/C), he starts running over the right guard, there is no Defense Line after the block, Radu Stanca (FB/C) tackled by Hank Akin (MLB), forward progress: 7 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 3-3-5) more 6:20 1 and 10 to go on 50, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected David Herea (WR/L) as target, this outer left pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Singleback Big vs. 3-3-5) more 6:11 2 and 10 to go on 50, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to David Pricop (HB/R), he starts running over the left guard, Hank Akin (MLB) goes for the blitz, David Pricop (HB/R) sees no MLBs, and gets tackled by Maximilian Schmid (SS/C), forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Pro set vs. 3-3-5) more 5:41 1 and 10 to go on opp 40, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the left guard, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) avoids the tackle of Joye Pyamootoo (NT), Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Partev Lalazarian (MLB), forward progress: 9 yards (I-formation vs. 3-1-7) more 5:12 2 and 1 to go on opp 31, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), he starts running over the right end, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through, Hank Akin (MLB) goes for the blitz, Radu Petrache (TE/L) blocks, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) tackles Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Singleback Big vs. 5-3-3) more 4:44 3 and 2 to go on opp 32, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to David Pricop (HB/L), he starts running over the left tackle, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through, Partev Lalazarian (MLB) goes for the blitz, Radu Stanca (FB/C) blocks, David Pricop (HB/L) tackled by Zissis Gekas (DT/L), forward progress: tackle for loss of 2 yards (Flexbone vs. 5-3-3) more 4:17 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 51 yard field goal is good 4:12 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for 63, Dimitri Deshayes (KR/L) returns, tackled by Andrei Stanca (G/R), this was a 17 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 19 more 4:05 1 and 10 to go on own 19, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Theron Mackey (WR/R) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 9 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 3:56 Constanta Ravens: Petre Berechet (NT) injured (Sprained ankle) during the play (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 3:56 2 and 1 to go on own 28, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), who hands off to Zhong Li (HB/C), he starts running over the right guard, the well blocked Defense Line can not do anything against, Zhong Li (HB/C) tackled by Aurica Armas (MLB), forward progress: 4 yards, New first down (Singleback Big vs. 5-3-3) more 3:27 1 and 10 to go on own 32, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Rafael Moga (CB/R) missed the tackle, tackled by Iulian Roman (OLB/R), forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 2:56 1 and 10 to go on own 43, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, this outer screen left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Romain Piquet (TE/L) tackled by Iulian Roman (OLB/R), forward progress: 4 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 2:26 2 and 6 to go on own 47, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), who hands off to Zhong Li (HB/C), he starts running over the right guard, Cosmin Herea (MLB) goes for the blitz, Romain Piquet (TE/R) blocks, and gets tackled by Radu Dragan (SS/L), forward progress: 9 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 1:56 1 and 10 to go on opp 44, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Art Kovach (WR/R) as target, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, this outer screen right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Art Kovach (WR/R) tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 8 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 1:26 2 and 2 to go on opp 36, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Thibault Räihä (TE/R) sees no OLBs, and gets tackled by Radu Dragan (SS/L), forward progress: 5 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 1:02 1 and 10 to go on opp 31, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Lemuel Mcknight (WR/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, overthrown outer right pass, incomplete, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 0:53 2 and 10 to go on opp 31, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Jaromír Prouza (WR/L) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, overthrown inner left pass, incomplete, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 0:45 Tennessee Frontiersmen : Cyril Numbers (OC) injured (Sprained ankle) during the play (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 0:45 3 and 10 to go on opp 31, Pasquale Clapp (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Theron Mackey (WR/L) as target, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Rafael Moga (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more 0:26 1 and 10 to go on opp 19, Darwin Temple (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 0:18 2 and 10 to go on opp 19, Darwin Temple (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Claudiu Pavel (FS/R) tackled him, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 15:00 Cointoss won by Constanta Ravens, elects to receive Q1 15:00 Alexis Oltean (K) kicks the ball for 57, Radu Stoica (KR/R) returns, tackled by Larry Sinclair (STT), this was a 17 yards return, Flórián Aranyos (G/L) missed the tackle, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 25 more Q1 14:53 1 and 10 to go on own 25, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), David Pricop (HB/R) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the center, Joye Pyamootoo (NT) brings down David Pricop (HB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: no gain (Pro set vs. 5-3-3) more Q1 14:26 2 and 10 to go on own 25, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the center, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Elek Kocsis (DE/R), forward progress: 1 yards (Singleback Big vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 13:58 3 and 9 to go on own 26, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Catalin Mitrea (WR/L) as target, Elek Kocsis (DE/R) breaks through the line, Eun-Ju Tae (FS/L) seems to go for the blitz, Ovidiu Antohi (QB) gets sacked by Elek Kocsis (DE/R), 8 yards for loss (Pro set vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 13:33 Catalin Dinea (P) punts the ball from own 18 for 36, Arif Abdul (KR/C) is returning the ball, tackled by Andrei Stanca (G/L), this was a 8 yards return Q1 13:30 1 and 10 to go on opp 46, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Rafael Moga (CB/L) missed the tackle, Iulian Roman (OLB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 12:58 1 and 10 to go on opp 36, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this inner right pass catches the ball, tackled by Rafael Moga (CB/L), forward progress: 9 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 12:27 2 and 1 to go on opp 27, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), hands off to Zhong Li (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the left tackle, Zhong Li (HB/C) tackled by Aurica Armas (MLB), forward progress: 8 yards, New first down (Singleback Big vs. 5-3-3) more Q1 11:58 1 and 10 to go on opp 19, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Lemuel Mcknight (WR/L) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, he passes inner left for 11 yards to him, intercepted by Aurica Armas (MLB) on the opp 8 (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 11:55 Aurica Armas (MLB) returns the ball, Lemuel Mcknight (WR/L) missed the tackle, Isidro Grenier (QB) made the tackle, this was a 44 yards interception return (3-4-4 vs. I-formation) more Q1 11:41 1 and 10 to go on opp 48, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), he starts running over the right end, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) was not successfully tackled by Elek Kocsis (DE/R), and gets tackled by Maximilian Schmid (SS/C), forward progress: 7 yards (I-formation vs. 3-1-7) more Q1 11:10 2 and 3 to go on opp 41, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ciprian Cozac (HB/L) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the left tackle, Elek Kocsis (DE/R) breaks through, Ciprian Cozac (HB/L) tackled by Zissis Gekas (DT/L), forward progress: 1 yards (Pro set vs. 5-3-3) more Q1 10:43 3 and 2 to go on opp 40, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Radu Stanca (FB/R) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the center, Elek Kocsis (DE/R) breaks through, Radu Petrache (TE/L) blocks, Radu Stanca (FB/R) tackled by Hank Akin (MLB), forward progress: 6 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-1-7) more Q1 10:14 1 and 10 to go on opp 34, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Catalin Mitrea (WR/L) as target, Otto Dugger (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this inner left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Chance Kemper (FS/C), forward progress: 14 yards, New first down (Pro set vs. 5-3-3) more Q1 9:42 1 and 10 to go on opp 20, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Radu Petrache (TE/R) as target, Larry Sinclair (DE/L) breaks through the line, Chance Kemper (FS/C) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (Pro set vs. 5-3-3) more Q1 9:34 2 and 10 to go on opp 20, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Catalin Mitrea (WR/L) as target, Eun-Ju Tae (FS/L) seems to go for the blitz, Elek Kocsis (DE/R) breaks through, Ovidiu Antohi (QB) gets sacked by Elek Kocsis (DE/R), 9 yards for loss (Singleback Big vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 9:08 3 and 19 to go on opp 29, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected David Herea (WR/R) as target, Larry Sinclair (DE/L) breaks through the line, Radu Stanca (FB/R) blocks, this outer right pass is incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-1-7) more Q1 9:00 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 46 yard field goal is good Q1 8:55 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for 63, Dimitri Deshayes (KR/L) returns, tackled by Andrei Stanca (G/R), this was a 17 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 19 more Q1 8:48 1 and 10 to go on own 19, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/L) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this inner left pass is incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 8:39 2 and 10 to go on own 19, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, who catches the ball, the tackle was missed by Rafael Moga (CB/L), Iulian Roman (OLB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 8:08 1 and 10 to go on own 29, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/L) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Isidro Grenier (QB) gets sacked by Cosmin Herea (MLB), 8 yards for loss (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 7:42 2 and 18 to go on own 21, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/L) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/R) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/R), forward progress: 19 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 7:11 1 and 10 to go on own 40, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/R) breaks through, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, this outer screen left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Romain Piquet (TE/L) tackled by Iulian Mitrean (OLB/R), forward progress: 6 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 6:41 2 and 4 to go on own 46, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), who hands off to Zhong Li (HB/C), he starts running over the right end, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, the well blocked Defense Line can not do anything against, Zhong Li (HB/C) breaks the tackle of Iulian Roman (OLB/L), and gets tackled by Radu Dragan (SS/L), forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 6:11 1 and 10 to go on opp 42, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Lemuel Mcknight (WR/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, overthrown outer right pass, incomplete, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 6:02 2 and 10 to go on opp 42, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Art Kovach (WR/R) as target, the receiver can not catch this outer right pass, incomplete, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 5:54 3 and 10 to go on opp 42, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, this inner right pass is incomplete, overthrown, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 5:45 Ondrej Niedźwiedź (P) punts the ball from opp 42 for 35, Radu Stoica (KR/C) is returning the ball, no, he signals a Fair Catch, no return Q1 5:45 1 and 10 to go on own 7, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected David Herea (WR/R) as target, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, tackled by Athanasios Becker (CB/L), forward progress: 14 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 5:14 1 and 10 to go on own 21, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected David Herea (WR/R) as target, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through the line, Radu Stanca (FB/C) blocks, this inner right pass is incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Wishbone vs. 5-3-3) more Q1 5:05 2 and 10 to go on own 21, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the left guard, Maximilian Schmid (SS/C) goes for the blitz, Radu Petrache (TE/R) blocks, Joye Pyamootoo (NT) is unable to make a successful tackle on Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Partev Lalazarian (MLB), forward progress: 6 yards (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 4:36 3 and 4 to go on own 27, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the right guard, Maximilian Schmid (SS/C) goes for the blitz, Vlad Balla (TE/R) blocks, there is no SS who could tackle him, he is able to avoid the tackling of Chance Kemper (FS/L), forward progress: 73 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 3:58 touchdown more Q1 3:58 Ball spotted on the 15, Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for the PAT, PAT is good Q1 3:58 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for 66, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more Q1 3:58 Constanta Ravens: Andrei Viasu (G/L) injured (Twisted knee) during the play Q1 3:58 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 3:49 2 and 10 to go on own 20, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Rafael Moga (CB/L), forward progress: 8 yards (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 3:18 3 and 2 to go on own 28, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Zhong Li (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the right end, Zhong Li (HB/C) was not successfully tackled by Gabriel Savu (DE/R), there is no SS who could tackle him, Zhong Li (HB/C) tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 14 yards, New first down (Singleback Spread vs. 5-3-3) more Q1 2:46 1 and 10 to go on own 42, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 2:37 2 and 10 to go on own 42, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Art Kovach (WR/R) as target, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Radu Mazilu (CB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 2:06 1 and 10 to go on opp 48, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Isidro Grenier (QB) gets sacked by Cosmin Herea (MLB), 9 yards for loss (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 1:40 2 and 19 to go on own 43, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Martin Roche (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 20 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 1:09 1 and 10 to go on opp 37, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 1:00 2 and 10 to go on opp 37, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Jaromír Prouza (WR/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Isidro Grenier (QB) gets sacked by Iulian Roman (OLB/R), 8 yards for loss (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 0:35 3 and 18 to go on opp 45, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/R) blocks, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 0:26 Ondrej Niedźwiedź (P) punts the ball from opp 45 for 47, this is a touchback Q1 0:26 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Vlad Balla (TE/R) as target, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through the line, Radu Stanca (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this inner right pass catches the ball, the tackle was missed by Athanasios Becker (CB/L), Bálint Saskõi (OLB/L) made the tackle, forward progress: 14 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 15:00 1 and 10 to go on own 34, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the left tackle, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through, Vlad Balla (TE/R) blocks, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Zissis Gekas (DT/L), forward progress: no gain (Big I formation vs. 5-3-3) more Q2 14:33 2 and 10 to go on own 34, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the left end, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Bálint Saskõi (OLB/R), forward progress: 9 yards (Singleback Big vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 14:04 3 and 1 to go on own 43, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/C), he starts running over the right tackle, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through, Radu Petrache (TE/L) blocks, Yevgeniy Zukhurov (DT/R) brings down Radu Stanca (FB/C), nice tackle, forward progress: 1 yards, New first down (Goalline O vs. Goalline D) more Q2 13:36 1 and 10 to go on own 44, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to David Pricop (HB/R), this seems to be a run over the right end, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) brings down David Pricop (HB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Pro set vs. 5-3-3) more Q2 13:09 2 and 11 to go on own 43, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Ianis Pascu (WR/R) as target, the receiver of this inner right pass catches the ball, Dámaso Pardo (CB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 13 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-1-7) more Q2 12:37 1 and 10 to go on opp 44, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected David Herea (WR/L) as target, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Rouven Schröder (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 9 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 12:06 2 and 1 to go on opp 35, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who runs by himself, this seems to be a run over the right end, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) brings down Ovidiu Antohi (QB), nice tackle, forward progress: no gain (Goalline O vs. Goalline D) more Q2 11:38 3 and 1 to go on opp 35, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/C), he starts running over the left guard, Partev Lalazarian (MLB) goes for the blitz, Radu Petrache (TE/L) blocks, Radu Stanca (FB/C) tackled by Hank Akin (MLB), forward progress: 7 yards, New first down (Goalline O vs. Goalline D) more Q2 11:32 Constanta Ravens: Andrei Viasu (G/L) is back in the game after his injury (Goalline O vs. Goalline D) more Q2 11:09 1 and 10 to go on opp 28, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Catalin Mitrea (WR/R) as target, he passes outer right for 11 yards to him, intercepted by Hans-Walter Schneider (CB/L) on the opp 17 (I-formation vs. 3-1-7) more Q2 11:07 Hans-Walter Schneider (CB/L) returns the ball, tackled by Catalin Mitrea (WR/R), this was a 43 yards interception return (3-1-7 vs. I-formation) more Q2 10:55 1 and 10 to go on opp 40, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Isidro Grenier (QB) gets sacked by Cosmin Herea (MLB), 10 yards for loss (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 10:29 2 and 20 to go on 50, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 10:21 3 and 20 to go on 50, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Jaromír Prouza (WR/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through, Jamey Ramirez (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this outer screen right pass catches the ball, Jaromír Prouza (WR/R) tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 7 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 9:51 Ondrej Niedźwiedź (P) punts the ball from opp 43 for 34, out of bounds Q2 9:51 1 and 10 to go on own 9, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Ionut Niculae (TE/R) as target, Eun-Ju Tae (FS/C) seems to go for the blitz, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, this was a 91 yards pass (Singleback Big vs. 5-3-3) more Q2 9:25 touchdown more Q2 9:25 Ball spotted on the 15, Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for the PAT, PAT is good Q2 9:25 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for 67, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more Q2 9:25 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Art Kovach (WR/R) as target, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer screen right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Art Kovach (WR/R) tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 9 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 8:55 2 and 1 to go on own 29, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), hands off to Zhong Li (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the left end, the well blocked Defense Line can not do anything against, Zhong Li (HB/C) tackled by Iulian Roman (OLB/R), forward progress: 8 yards, New first down (Singleback Big vs. 5-3-3) more Q2 8:26 1 and 10 to go on own 37, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Theron Mackey (WR/R) as target, this outer right pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 8:18 2 and 10 to go on own 37, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Jaromír Prouza (WR/L) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this inner left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Rafael Moga (CB/R) missed the tackle, Radu Dragan (SS/C) made the tackle, forward progress: 9 yards (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 7:46 3 and 1 to go on own 46, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Zhong Li (HB/C) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the center, Zhong Li (HB/C) breaks the tackle of Aurica Armas (MLB), there is no SS who could tackle him, finally he gets tackled by Claudiu Pavel (FS/C), forward progress: 8 yards, New first down (Singleback Big vs. 5-3-3) more Q2 7:14 1 and 10 to go on opp 46, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer screen left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Romain Piquet (TE/L) tackled by Iulian Roman (OLB/R), forward progress: 3 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 6:44 2 and 7 to go on opp 43, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, incomplete, overthrown, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 6:36 3 and 7 to go on opp 43, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, the receiver of this inner right pass catches the ball, Romain Piquet (TE/R) tackled by Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L), forward progress: 5 yards (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 6:02 4 and 2 to go on opp 38, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this inner right pass catches the ball, Thibault Räihä (TE/R) sees no OLBs, and gets tackled by Radu Dragan (SS/L), forward progress: 2 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 5:25 1 and 10 to go on opp 36, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Lemuel Mcknight (WR/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 5:16 2 and 10 to go on opp 36, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Theron Mackey (WR/L) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this inner left pass is incomplete, overthrown, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 5:08 3 and 10 to go on opp 36, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Art Kovach (WR/L) as target, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Rafael Moga (CB/R) tackled him, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 4:36 1 and 10 to go on opp 26, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this inner left pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 4:28 2 and 10 to go on opp 26, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Jaromír Prouza (WR/L) as target, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, the receiver of this outer screen left pass catches the ball, Jaromír Prouza (WR/L) tackled by Rafael Moga (CB/R), forward progress: 4 yards (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 3:58 3 and 6 to go on opp 22, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Lemuel Mcknight (WR/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, he passes outer right for 7 yards to him, intercepted by Radu Mazilu (CB/L) on the opp 15 (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 3:56 Radu Mazilu (CB/L) returns the ball, tackled by Lemuel Mcknight (WR/R), this was a 43 yards interception return (3-4-4 vs. Big I formation) more Q2 3:43 1 and 10 to go on opp 42, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the right tackle, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through, Radu Stanca (FB/R) tackled by Partev Lalazarian (MLB), forward progress: 6 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 3:14 2 and 4 to go on opp 36, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/R), he starts running over the right end, Maximilian Schmid (SS/C) goes for the blitz, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) brings down Ciprian Cozac (HB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: tackle for loss of 2 yards (Flexbone vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 2:46 3 and 6 to go on opp 38, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Radu Petrache (TE/L) as target, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through the line, Radu Stanca (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this inner left pass catches the ball, Radu Petrache (TE/L) sees no OLBs, and gets tackled by Maximilian Schmid (SS/C), forward progress: 2 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-1-7) more Q2 2:09 Catalin Dinea (P) punts the ball from opp 36 for 31, out of bounds Q2 2:09 1 and 10 to go on own 5, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Theron Mackey (WR/R) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, the tackle was missed by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), Aurica Armas (MLB) made the tackle, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 1:37 1 and 10 to go on own 17, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Jaromír Prouza (WR/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 8 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 1:06 2 and 2 to go on own 25, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Romain Piquet (TE/L) tackled by Iulian Roman (OLB/R), forward progress: 2 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 0:45 1 and 10 to go on own 27, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Rafael Moga (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 14 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 0:27 1 and 10 to go on own 41, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Isidro Grenier (QB) gets sacked by Cosmin Herea (MLB), 10 yards for loss (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 0:24 Constanta Ravens: Petre Berechet (NT) injured (Twisted knee) during the play (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 0:24 2 and 20 to go on own 31, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Art Kovach (WR/R) as target, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 24 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 0:06 1 and 10 to go on opp 45, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this outer left pass, incomplete, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 0:00 Constanta Ravens: Cosmin Herea (MLB) injured (Sprained ankle) during the play (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 15:00 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for 60, Dimitri Deshayes (KR/L) returns, tackled by Andrei Stanca (G/R), this was a 16 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 21 more Q3 14:54 1 and 10 to go on own 21, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Mihai Tanase (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, he passes inner right for 11 yards to him, intercepted by Aurica Armas (MLB) on the own 32 (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 14:51 Aurica Armas (MLB) returns the ball, missed tackle by Theron Mackey (WR/R), tackled by Thibault Räihä (TE/R), this was a 13 yards interception return (3-4-4 vs. Big I formation) more Q3 14:46 1 and 10 to go on opp 19, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/L), he starts running over the left tackle, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through, Radu Petrache (TE/R) blocks, Yevgeniy Zukhurov (DT/L) brings down Ciprian Cozac (HB/L), nice tackle, forward progress: tackle for loss of 2 yards (Pro set vs. 5-3-3) more Q3 14:19 2 and 12 to go on opp 21, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the left guard, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through, Joye Pyamootoo (NT) brings down Radu Stanca (FB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: no gain (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-1-7) more Q3 13:51 3 and 12 to go on opp 21, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Radu Stanca (FB/C) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the center, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through, Vlad Balla (TE/R) blocks, Radu Stanca (FB/C) tackled by Hank Akin (MLB), forward progress: 5 yards (Goalline O vs. Goalline D) more Q3 13:22 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 33 yard field goal missed Q3 13:19 1 and 10 to go on own 23, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, this inner left pass is incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 13:11 2 and 10 to go on own 23, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, the tackle was missed by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), Aurica Armas (MLB) tackled him, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 12:39 1 and 10 to go on own 35, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 12:08 1 and 10 to go on own 47, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, he passes outer left for 11 yards to him, intercepted by Rafael Moga (CB/R) on the opp 42 (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 12:05 Rafael Moga (CB/R) returns the ball, tackled by Romain Piquet (TE/L), this was a 28 yards interception return (3-4-4 vs. Big I formation) more Q3 11:56 1 and 10 to go on opp 30, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Ianis Pascu (WR/R) as target, the receiver can not catch this inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 11:48 2 and 10 to go on opp 30, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), he starts running over the left tackle, there is no Defense Line after the block, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Partev Lalazarian (MLB), forward progress: 4 yards (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 11:19 3 and 6 to go on opp 26, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/R), he starts running over the right end, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) brings down Radu Stanca (FB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: 1 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-1-7) more Q3 11:14 Constanta Ravens: Petre Berechet (NT) is back in the game after his injury (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-1-7) more Q3 10:51 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 42 yard field goal is good Q3 10:47 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for 59, Arif Abdul (KR/R) returns, tackled by Andrei Viasu (G/L), this was a 12 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 18 more Q3 10:42 1 and 10 to go on own 18, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 10:34 2 and 10 to go on own 18, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, overthrown inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 10:25 Constanta Ravens: Cosmin Herea (MLB) is back in the game after his injury (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 10:25 3 and 10 to go on own 18, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Isidro Grenier (QB) gets sacked by Iulian Roman (OLB/R), 7 yards for loss (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 10:00 Ondrej Niedźwiedź (P) punts the ball from own 11 for 42, Radu Stoica (KR/C) is returning the ball, no, the ball was downed, no return Q3 10:00 1 and 10 to go on own 47, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Catalin Mitrea (WR/R) as target, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Hans-Walter Schneider (CB/L), forward progress: 14 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 9:28 1 and 10 to go on opp 39, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the left tackle, Bálint Saskõi (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Zissis Gekas (DT/L), forward progress: 1 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 5-3-3) more Q3 9:01 2 and 9 to go on opp 38, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the right tackle, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Partev Lalazarian (MLB), forward progress: 4 yards (I-formation vs. 4-3-4) more Q3 8:32 3 and 5 to go on opp 34, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the center, Radu Stanca (FB/R) tackled by Hank Akin (MLB), forward progress: 5 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-1-7) more Q3 8:26 Tennessee Frontiersmen : Hank Akin (MLB) injured (Sprained ankle) during the play (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-1-7) more Q3 8:26 1 and 10 to go on opp 29, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Eric Matei (WR/L) as target, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Dámaso Pardo (CB/R) missed the tackle, Bálint Saskõi (OLB/R) tackled him, forward progress: 9 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 7:54 2 and 1 to go on opp 20, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/C), this seems to be a run over the center, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through, Ionut Niculae (TE/R) blocks, Joye Pyamootoo (NT) tackles Radu Stanca (FB/C), forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Goalline O vs. Goalline D) more Q3 7:27 3 and 2 to go on opp 21, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), he starts running over the left guard, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through, Otto Dugger (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, Ionut Niculae (TE/R) blocks, Joye Pyamootoo (NT) tackles Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), forward progress: no gain (Singleback Big vs. 5-3-3) more Q3 6:59 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 38 yard field goal is good Q3 6:55 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for 62, Arif Abdul (KR/R) returns, tackled by Andrei Viasu (G/L), this was a 16 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 19 more Q3 6:49 1 and 10 to go on own 19, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Rafael Moga (CB/R), forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 6:17 1 and 10 to go on own 29, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer left pass catches the ball, Rafael Moga (CB/R) missed the tackle, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 8 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 5:46 2 and 2 to go on own 37, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this outer left pass is incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 5:37 3 and 2 to go on own 37, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Zhong Li (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the left guard, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through, Paul Maxim (DT/L) brings down Zhong Li (HB/C), nice tackle, forward progress: tackle for loss of 2 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 5-3-3) more Q3 5:10 Ondrej Niedźwiedź (P) punts the ball from own 35 for 39, Radu Stoica (KR/C) is returning the ball, tackled by Flórián Aranyos (G/R), this was a 8 yards return Q3 5:07 1 and 10 to go on own 34, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to David Pricop (HB/R), this seems to be a run over the right tackle, Bálint Saskõi (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Yevgeniy Zukhurov (DT/R) tackles David Pricop (HB/R), forward progress: no gain (Wishbone vs. 5-3-3) more Q3 4:39 2 and 10 to go on own 34, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Catalin Mitrea (WR/R) as target, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through the line, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Rouven Schröder (CB/L), forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Singleback Spread vs. 3-1-7) more Q3 4:08 1 and 10 to go on own 46, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected David Herea (WR/L) as target, the receiver of this outer screen left pass catches the ball, David Herea (WR/L) tackled by Dámaso Pardo (CB/R), forward progress: 6 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 3:38 2 and 4 to go on opp 48, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), he starts running over the right guard, Eun-Ju Tae (FS/R) goes for the blitz, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Larry Sinclair (DE/R), forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 3:11 3 and 5 to go on opp 49, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Radu Petrache (TE/L) as target, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through the line, this inner left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Radu Petrache (TE/L) tackled by Bálint Saskõi (OLB/R), forward progress: 4 yards (Singleback Big vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 3:00 Tennessee Frontiersmen : Hank Akin (MLB) is back in the game after his injury (Singleback Big vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 2:37 4 and 1 to go on opp 45, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/C), this seems to be a run over the left end, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) brings down Radu Stanca (FB/C), nice tackle, forward progress: 1 yards, New first down (Goalline O vs. Goalline D) more Q3 2:10 1 and 10 to go on opp 44, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), he starts running over the right guard, Joye Pyamootoo (NT) tackles Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), forward progress: tackle for loss of 2 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 5-3-3) more Q3 1:42 2 and 12 to go on opp 46, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to David Pricop (HB/R), he starts running over the right guard, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through, Hank Akin (MLB) goes for the blitz, Joye Pyamootoo (NT) brings down David Pricop (HB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: 1 yards (Pro set vs. 3-1-7) more Q3 1:15 3 and 11 to go on opp 45, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Eric Matei (WR/L) as target, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through the line, Radu Stanca (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this inner left pass catches the ball, Athanasios Becker (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-1-7) more Q3 0:43 1 and 10 to go on opp 33, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected David Herea (WR/L) as target, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through the line, Radu Stanca (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Athanasios Becker (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 0:35 Constanta Ravens: Sergiu Barbu (OC) injured (Twisted knee) during the play (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 0:35 1 and 10 to go on opp 21, Claudiu Sabau (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Eric Matei (WR/L) as target, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through the line, Radu Stanca (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Dámaso Pardo (CB/R) tackled him, forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 0:03 1 and goal to go on opp 10, Claudiu Sabau (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/L), this seems to be a run over the left tackle, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through, Ciprian Cozac (HB/L) tackled by Hank Akin (MLB), forward progress: 5 yards (Pro set vs. 5-3-3) more Q4 15:00 2 and goal to go on opp 5, Claudiu Sabau (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Radu Petrache (TE/L) as target, overthrown inner left pass, incomplete, no progress (Singleback Big vs. 3-3-5) more Q4 14:52 3 and goal to go on opp 5, Claudiu Sabau (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the right end, Chance Kemper (FS/L) goes for the blitz, Ionut Niculae (TE/R) blocks, the blockers crushed the Defense Line, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Otto Dugger (OLB/L), forward progress: 5 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q4 14:44 touchdown more Q4 14:44 Ball spotted on the 15, Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for the PAT, PAT is good Q4 14:44 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for 71, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more Q4 14:44 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Rafael Moga (CB/R) missed the tackle, tackled by Iulian Roman (OLB/R), forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 14:12 1 and 10 to go on own 30, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Lemuel Mcknight (WR/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Radu Mazilu (CB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 9 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 13:41 2 and 1 to go on own 39, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), hands off to Zhong Li (HB/C), he starts running over the left tackle, Zhong Li (HB/C) avoids the tackle of Paul Maxim (DT/L), Zhong Li (HB/C) tackled by Aurica Armas (MLB), forward progress: 5 yards, New first down (Singleback Big vs. 5-3-3) more Q4 13:12 1 and 10 to go on own 44, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Theron Mackey (WR/R) as target, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 8 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 12:40 2 and 2 to go on opp 48, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Isidro Grenier (QB) gets sacked by Cosmin Herea (MLB), 9 yards for loss (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 12:15 3 and 11 to go on own 43, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Art Kovach (WR/R) as target, he passes outer right for 12 yards to him, intercepted by Radu Mazilu (CB/L) on the opp 45 (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q4 12:12 Radu Mazilu (CB/L) returns the ball, Art Kovach (WR/R) is not able to make the tackle, Thibault Räihä (TE/R) missed the tackle, Isidro Grenier (QB) is tackling him, this was a 25 yards interception return (3-3-5 vs. Shotgun 2 WR) more Q4 12:04 1 and 10 to go on opp 30, Claudiu Sabau (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Radu Petrache (TE/L) as target, this inner left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Dámaso Pardo (CB/R) missed his chance for a tackle, Maximilian Schmid (SS/C) tackled him, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q4 11:33 1 and 10 to go on opp 18, Claudiu Sabau (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to David Pricop (HB/R), he starts running over the right end, David Pricop (HB/R) tackled by Elek Kocsis (DE/L), forward progress: 1 yards (Wishbone vs. 5-3-3) more Q4 11:28 Constanta Ravens: Sergiu Barbu (OC) is back in the game after his injury (Wishbone vs. 5-3-3) more Q4 11:05 2 and 9 to go on opp 17, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/R), he starts running over the left end, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) tackles Radu Stanca (FB/R), forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-1-7) more Q4 10:38 3 and 10 to go on opp 18, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Catalin Mitrea (WR/R) as target, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, Rouven Schröder (CB/L) made the tackle, forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 3-1-7) more Q4 10:06 1 and goal to go on opp 7, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ciprian Cozac (HB/L) gets the ball, he starts running over the left end, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) tackles Ciprian Cozac (HB/L), forward progress: 1 yards (Wishbone vs. 5-3-3) more Q4 9:39 2 and goal to go on opp 6, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Ionut Niculae (TE/R) as target, Chance Kemper (FS/L) seems to go for the blitz, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Ionut Niculae (TE/R) tackled by Otto Dugger (OLB/L), forward progress: 6 yards (Singleback Big vs. 3-3-5) more Q4 9:28 touchdown more Q4 9:28 Ball spotted on the 15, Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for the PAT, PAT is good Q4 9:28 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for 65, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more Q4 9:28 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, this outer screen left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Romain Piquet (TE/L) tackled by Iulian Roman (OLB/R), forward progress: 1 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 8:59 2 and 9 to go on own 21, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Andrei Radu (DE/L) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Romain Piquet (TE/R) sees no OLBs, and gets tackled by Radu Dragan (SS/C), forward progress: 3 yards (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q4 8:21 3 and 6 to go on own 24, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Thibault Räihä (TE/R) tackled by Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L), forward progress: 1 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 7:48 Ondrej Niedźwiedź (P) punts the ball from own 25 for 42, Radu Stoica (KR/C) is returning the ball, tackled by Wakur Murat (G/L), this was a 5 yards return Q4 7:46 1 and 10 to go on own 38, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected Catalin Mitrea (WR/R) as target, the pass goes outer screen right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Catalin Mitrea (WR/R) tackled by Rouven Schröder (CB/L), forward progress: 7 yards (Singleback Big vs. 5-3-3) more Q4 7:16 2 and 3 to go on own 45, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who runs by himself, he starts running over the right end, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through, Bálint Saskõi (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Radu Petrache (TE/L) blocks, Ionut Niculae (TE/R) blocks, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) brings down Ovidiu Antohi (QB), nice tackle, forward progress: tackle for loss of 2 yards (Goalline O vs. Goalline D) more Q4 6:49 3 and 5 to go on own 43, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), hands off to Radu Stanca (FB/C), he starts running over the right guard, there is no Defense Line after the block, Radu Stanca (FB/C) tackled by Hank Akin (MLB), forward progress: 7 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 3-3-5) more Q4 6:20 1 and 10 to go on 50, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ovidiu Antohi (QB) selected David Herea (WR/L) as target, this outer left pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Singleback Big vs. 3-3-5) more Q4 6:11 2 and 10 to go on 50, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to David Pricop (HB/R), he starts running over the left guard, Hank Akin (MLB) goes for the blitz, David Pricop (HB/R) sees no MLBs, and gets tackled by Maximilian Schmid (SS/C), forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Pro set vs. 3-3-5) more Q4 5:41 1 and 10 to go on opp 40, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the left guard, Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) avoids the tackle of Joye Pyamootoo (NT), Ciprian Cozac (HB/C) tackled by Partev Lalazarian (MLB), forward progress: 9 yards (I-formation vs. 3-1-7) more Q4 5:12 2 and 1 to go on opp 31, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), he starts running over the right end, Larry Sinclair (DE/R) breaks through, Hank Akin (MLB) goes for the blitz, Radu Petrache (TE/L) blocks, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) tackles Ciprian Cozac (HB/C), forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Singleback Big vs. 5-3-3) more Q4 4:44 3 and 2 to go on opp 32, Sergiu Barbu (OC) snaps the ball to Ovidiu Antohi (QB), who hands off to David Pricop (HB/L), he starts running over the left tackle, Elek Kocsis (DE/L) breaks through, Partev Lalazarian (MLB) goes for the blitz, Radu Stanca (FB/C) blocks, David Pricop (HB/L) tackled by Zissis Gekas (DT/L), forward progress: tackle for loss of 2 yards (Flexbone vs. 5-3-3) more Q4 4:17 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 51 yard field goal is good Q4 4:12 Sergiu Berechet (K) kicks the ball for 63, Dimitri Deshayes (KR/L) returns, tackled by Andrei Stanca (G/R), this was a 17 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 19 more Q4 4:05 1 and 10 to go on own 19, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Theron Mackey (WR/R) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 9 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 3:56 Constanta Ravens: Petre Berechet (NT) injured (Sprained ankle) during the play (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 3:56 2 and 1 to go on own 28, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), who hands off to Zhong Li (HB/C), he starts running over the right guard, the well blocked Defense Line can not do anything against, Zhong Li (HB/C) tackled by Aurica Armas (MLB), forward progress: 4 yards, New first down (Singleback Big vs. 5-3-3) more Q4 3:27 1 and 10 to go on own 32, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Martin Roche (FB/C) blocks, Cosmin Herea (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Rafael Moga (CB/R) missed the tackle, tackled by Iulian Roman (OLB/R), forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 2:56 1 and 10 to go on own 43, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, this outer screen left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Romain Piquet (TE/L) tackled by Iulian Roman (OLB/R), forward progress: 4 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 2:26 2 and 6 to go on own 47, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), who hands off to Zhong Li (HB/C), he starts running over the right guard, Cosmin Herea (MLB) goes for the blitz, Romain Piquet (TE/R) blocks, and gets tackled by Radu Dragan (SS/L), forward progress: 9 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 1:56 1 and 10 to go on opp 44, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Art Kovach (WR/R) as target, Aurica Armas (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, this outer screen right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Art Kovach (WR/R) tackled by Radu Mazilu (CB/L), forward progress: 8 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 1:26 2 and 2 to go on opp 36, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Thibault Räihä (TE/R) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Thibault Räihä (TE/R) sees no OLBs, and gets tackled by Radu Dragan (SS/L), forward progress: 5 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 1:02 1 and 10 to go on opp 31, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Lemuel Mcknight (WR/R) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Jamey Ramirez (FB/C) blocks, overthrown outer right pass, incomplete, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 0:53 2 and 10 to go on opp 31, Cyril Numbers (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Jaromír Prouza (WR/L) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, overthrown inner left pass, incomplete, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q4 0:45 Tennessee Frontiersmen : Cyril Numbers (OC) injured (Sprained ankle) during the play (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q4 0:45 3 and 10 to go on opp 31, Pasquale Clapp (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Theron Mackey (WR/L) as target, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Rafael Moga (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q4 0:26 1 and 10 to go on opp 19, Darwin Temple (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/R) as target, Iulian Mitrean (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 0:18 2 and 10 to go on opp 19, Darwin Temple (OC) snaps the ball to Isidro Grenier (QB), Isidro Grenier (QB) selected Romain Piquet (TE/L) as target, Gabriel Savu (DE/R) breaks through the line, Iulian Roman (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Claudiu Pavel (FS/R) tackled him, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more |
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Football Review: The Epic Showdown of Mediocrity
Written by: Sir Fumbles McTackleton
Ah, what a glorious day for American football—or at least, the sport masquerading as such. In this stellar exhibition of awkwardness, the Constanta Ravens utterly obliterated the Tennessee Frontiersmen with a score of 40-0. Yes, you read that correctly. It wasn't a close game, folks! No fake drama, just the harsh reality of complete domination.
It all began with a coin toss that saw the Ravens elect to receive the ball, which was probably the only decision they made that day that didn't end in utter embarrassment. They kicked off, returned, tacked on a touchdown, and the Frontiersmen? They simply fronted their way into an embarrassing performance.
Let’s discuss turnovers, shall we? The Frontiersmen practically handed the Ravens a shiny gift basket of interceptions and fumbles like they were hosting a holiday party. One moment you're excited about a first down over the opponent's 40-yard line, and the next, BAM! Interception! Because who needs a scoring opportunity when you can turn the ball over instead? That’s the spirit, right?
The Ravens, on the other hand, realized their opponents were playing more for the record books of failure than actual football. They saw little resistance, enjoying gaping holes in the Frontiersmen's defense as they strolled towards an unchallenged touchdown spree. A nice touch when you’re catering a blowout; everyone loves dessert after an appetizer of humiliation, don’t they?
With each passing quarter, the desperation of the Frontiersmen became more apparent. Missing tackles, failed conversions, oh, and did we mention the multiple injuries? Honestly, the injury list could rival the score in terms of chaos! Meanwhile, the Ravens’ offense was functioning like a well-oiled machine, fueled by the sheer awkwardness of the other side—a hilarious juxtaposition indeed.
As the final whistle blew, we were treated to the spectacle of a final score that exemplifies the definition of “getting shut out.” The Frontiersmen must’ve felt proud as they walked off the field with their heads high—high enough to block out any hint of shame that this game would ever resurface in conversation. Keep your heads up, Tennessee! Might wanna keep your playbooks hidden until next season, though.
So there you have it: a football game that turned out to be less a battle of skill and more an act of charity where one team generously offered their hopes of securing a win. The final score? Constanta Ravens 40, Tennessee Frontiersmen 0. Now, if only they could have turned that score into a passing grade...