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posted: 2012-05-13 00:58:56 (ID: 39675) Report Abuse
BTW: the weight-height addiction is not enough without an inverse relation between the strenght and the speed. If one of those is high, the other skill must be low.
posted: 2012-05-13 06:29:49 (ID: 39690) Report Abuse
I see a problem in converting strenght to weight, because strenght is different. Strenght for a OL is different from strenght of a QB or K. A QB with 50 strenght has a strong arm, but he weight not 270+lb.

A position specific calulation for weight is not possible, because you can switch the positions.

Has somebody an idea how to solve this issue?
posted: 2012-05-13 07:27:39 (ID: 39692) Report Abuse
Don't know about height, but weight could be implemented in following way: weight affects strength and speed of a player. So if weight is more than normal (average) a player gives a permanent bonus in STR, and malus in SPE and on the contrary. It could be like a special trait, but for every player. The most important thing (and problem) is that it could affect the gameplay.
And for Buffalo: the same way as a special trait now the weight affect could be not related to QB, K, P.

Last edited on 2012-05-13 07:31:21 by alexshans84

posted: 2012-05-13 08:01:55 (ID: 39693) Report Abuse
panoramix wrote:
BTW: the weight-height addiction is not enough without an inverse relation between the strenght and the speed. If one of those is high, the other skill must be low.

why?? high weight (really high)/low speed maybe
posted: 2012-05-13 08:07:19 (ID: 39694) Report Abuse
Buffalo wrote:
I see a problem in converting strenght to weight, because strenght is different. Strenght for a OL is different from strenght of a QB or K. A QB with 50 strenght has a strong arm, but he weight not 270+lb.

But QB arm is not so strong as OL arms.
posted: 2012-05-13 10:45:04 (ID: 39710) Report Abuse
sfniner08 wrote:
Has anyone seen a 50/50 player?

I've got a 49.2/49.6 player ... to me that is 50/50

p.s ... as you can imagine, I like him a lot ...and he's only 20 years old's hoping he's a real superstar of the future

p.p.s ... No, I'm not selling him ....not even if dark-wing were to bid $113 million for him

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posted: 2012-05-13 10:46:38 (ID: 39711) Report Abuse
That should be really rare

The caps are calculated like a Gaussian over the possible range, where more hits are in the middle of that range. To get both caps to the higher end, it needs a good portion of luck
posted: 2012-05-13 11:29:33 (ID: 39722) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
That should be really rare

The caps are calculated like a Gaussian over the possible range, where more hits are in the middle of that range. To get both caps to the higher end, it needs a good portion of luck

I know, Pete, but imho the gaussian is relative at a single skill.
It would be better if the two skill have a relation, with a random total cap (sum of ST+STR) between 60 and 80. In this case we can indicate this sum with the total talent, that is losing importance.

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posted: 2012-05-13 11:32:05 (ID: 39723) Report Abuse
panoramix wrote:
pete wrote:
That should be really rare

The caps are calculated like a Gaussian over the possible range, where more hits are in the middle of that range. To get both caps to the higher end, it needs a good portion of luck

I know, Pete, but imho the gaussian is relative at a single skill.
It would be better if the two skill have a relation, with a random total cap (sum of ST+STR) between 60 and 80. In this case we can indicate this sum with the total talent, that is losing importance.

Yep, I understood this part, it was more a statement on 50/50 guy

Beside that: this is the only benefit of H/W I see by now, and it could be introduced without having W/H IMO
posted: 2012-05-13 13:31:10 (ID: 39744) Report Abuse
I'd still like to see a couple of physical freaks maybe 1 player out of 1,000 with Str+Spd >95? (A cap of ~80 seems boring/low. )

That would be about 2/per 32-team league.

Last edited on 2012-05-13 13:32:10 by Lee1950

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