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Lucky Clem
The Pinellas Pikes

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posted: 2019-12-16 14:35:04 (ID: 100145392) Report Abuse
ChoadW wrote:

I'm not really sharing the notion of drawing a correlation between league strenght and media center pledges. Makes no sense really, considering it's a free choice and nothing more. If I decide I can spare the money, I'll pledge, but surely not gonna strain the budget again.

BUT there IS a direct correlation between league strength & media center size. If you have more money you can build a better team. Elite never misses out on this bonus, nor do most of the other leagues, but we constantly do?

You get more money back then you put in.
More money will help support stronger teams.
Did I mention that:
You get more money back then you put in.
posted: 2019-12-16 15:02:51 (ID: 100145393)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
my other team is in elite and I will get back 67,500 right now for my 50 million invested.

That 17,500 gives me the income of 2 league home games. It allows me to be able to add 800k to my weekly expenditures for players and coaches. Right now and last year I spent 8 million a week for them and because of the play offs I made a little money. This year I intend to cut back my weekly expenses to 7 million, as I doubt I will be able to sustain elite status, as my star QB retired.

Now when you say you where short money, that means you miss managed your accounts Period. You put in 25 million and got back around 35 million for putting it in.

Yes it is voluntary, and it is why I fought hard against it being implemented, because everyone in this league is beholding to others to put up their funds as it effects every team in the league. The winners here will represent Dragons in elite with a sub standard team, as their finances wouldn't allow them the players or coaches that 800k a week would afford them.

Last edited on 2019-12-16 15:11:29 by wttlt

Rio Galaxy


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posted: 2019-12-16 20:11:54 (ID: 100145408) Report Abuse
wttlt wrote:
Yes it is voluntary, and it is why I fought hard against it being implemented, because everyone in this league is beholding to others to put up their funds as it effects every team in the league. The winners here will represent Dragons in elite with a sub standard team, as their finances wouldn't allow them the players or coaches that 800k a week would afford them.

And that explains why a Dragons team never won the Elite League...
Budapest Janitors


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posted: 2019-12-16 20:17:32 (ID: 100145409) Report Abuse
wttlt wrote:
my other team is in elite

This brings up a few issues. On one hand multiple teams are pretty much forbidden in this game. Second, ANYONE can say something like this and even if it's true, that still doesn't prove anything outside the fact that you could reach Elite by following one route. Finally, you still have no right to call out anyone for not following what you say just because you say it and everyone should accept it. Believe me, your behavior have the opposite effect, if anything. You are not educating people here, you are berating them. Since when did that ever work?

wttlt wrote:
Now when you say you where short money, that means you miss managed your accounts Period.

No doubt, I did that in my first season, clearly. I just decided that I won't halt short-term progress for long-term stability. I didn't know how the game worked initially and I paid for it, still paying for it. Is it any of your business though? Absolutely not.

wttlt wrote:
The winners here will represent Dragons in elite with a sub standard team

And why this, playing on a smurf team and having an Elite team bothers you at all? You should easily be one of those promoted teams, considering you have all that experience and knowledge what we, the others supposedly missing, am I right? If we are that dense that we are our own enemies that gives you better chances to succeed and promote earlier. Prove everyone wrong, please.
Jonny Utah
Chelt Nam Bobbers

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posted: 2019-12-16 20:56:22 (ID: 100145412) Report Abuse
I don't think anyone should feel pressured into pleading to the media centre, it is of course their choice, I do like to try and point out how much each team can benefit from it though, and how it really can help their teams if they plan for the $50m each year. In the Elite, if no one else pledges from now, I will make $20m profit this season, if everyone in Dragons 1 pledged it would quite simply make D1 the richest region and have a higher chance of being the strongest.
Lucky Clem
The Pinellas Pikes

Usa   Lucky Clem owns a supporter account

Joined: 2017-11-15/S27
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posted: 2019-12-16 21:23:35 (ID: 100145416) Report Abuse
Yes a manager has his choice:

Option-A: He can choose to invest in the media center which will generate more income for him to build a team with.

Option-B: He can choose not to invest, and see how good of team he can build with less money then most other managers have.

Why Option-B would be desired by anyone is a bit confusing though.

But it is a choice
Budapest Janitors


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posted: 2019-12-16 21:27:35 (ID: 100145418) Report Abuse
I'm not saying that what he's saying is fundamentally wrong. What I say is how he's saying is wrong. "Do what I say, if you're not you're wrong. You can't? WRONG!" Like....that's not how things work here. Even is he's right and state I'm wrong and was wrong, but offers no advice or solution or recommendation or anything just wants me to sort stuff out, so I pay in and he gets more money (ultimately he isn't and he shouldn't give a damn about anyone but himself) I just won't care. I already regret honestly answering the initial stuff, because it lead to nothing but animosity and time wasting.

Also, having his 2nd season in RZA in his team's 15th season doesn't really send "I'm a pro, follow my steps" vibes for me. If the true OG veterans would come out and give actual advices about anything then I'd be much more receptive for sure. This is not a callout or anything, just a statement.
posted: 2019-12-16 23:44:13 (ID: 100145422) Report Abuse
I enjoyed this game so much I started a second team. I read the posts posted in season 36 about how dragons are the best and the most competitive league ect.

I am pointed out we are in last place for support which makes every manager weaker in finances. I ask how can anyone claim we are the best.

Rio Galaxy


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posted: 2019-12-17 00:03:19 (ID: 100145423) Report Abuse
wttlt wrote:
I enjoyed this game so much I started a second team. I read the posts posted in season 36 about how dragons are the best and the most competitive league ect.

I am pointed out we are in last place for support which makes every manager weaker in finances. I ask how can anyone claim we are the best.

Being competitive does not mean we are the best. I do not remember to ever read a post here saying that Dragons is the best league.
posted: 2019-12-17 01:59:11 (ID: 100145424) Report Abuse
You can't be competive either without maximizing your funds
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