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Rio Galaxy


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posted: 2019-08-27 13:04:30 (ID: 100142479) Report Abuse
Mücke wrote:
Reducing L1 regions moves the problem down to L2/L3. That will make the reduced amount of L1 players happy, for sure. But it wont take long until L2/L3 players start another "reduce amount of regions" thread for the same reason. And so on ...

We will never solve the "bot problem" because they will always be needed to fill the bottom league level. Actually I do not see them as a real problem. The matter (imho) is that after playing for a season against bots in L2 we are promoted to L1 where we can see many top teams that are probably going to smash your team in every match. The progression is too fast. One season you are playing bots and in the next one you may be facing former Elite teams.

The addition of a new league level may turn things a bit more "smooth" on this transition. After playing many bots on L3 we are suposed to face the "survivors" (new players with 2 or 3 seasons played on RZA) on L2 before going up to L1. Maybe (just maybe) we will not see teams being smashed to a 0-16 or 1-15 so frequently as the leagues will be more homogeneous.

Maybe in the future the L3 and L2 managers may ask for a new league but it will probably mean that there will be more managers playing RZA than now. And that will be good.

But again: it is just an idea to be discussed and I really do not think it is the right time to change things again. And as Pete said, nothing will be done for a while due to particular reasons.

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posted: 2019-08-28 09:43:23 (ID: 100142509) Report Abuse
Absolutely agree. The goal is the same, the way we adress it, just differs slightly

- fewer bots in L1/L2,
- better developed and prepared rookies (new rza players) entering L1
- more games vs. human teams on regular basis,
is what the 1-8-X-1 concept makes so intriguing ... at least to me . And you may find some matching points as well.

Restructuring the league from top to bottom is a short term "solution" and will strike back fast. Actually, a few cpl of seasons after such an restructuring approach, it will just swing and miss on the goals it was intended to adress.

But if you start restructuring from bottom, you may achieve all of these goals without changing anything at the top half of the league system, also on the long run.

With a "rookie league" (so to say a single container league for all new managers) at the lowest level of the structure, and a L2 league that is dynamically filled based on the number of available human teams in that league, you make sure that:

- new teams have at least 2-3 full seasons under their belt before even have the chance to enter L1
- low-level (X-1) teams always have as most games vs human teams as mathematically possible, season in, season out.

The X-1 concept is also compatible with any upper-league systems
(whenever it might be needed to reduce 1-8), e.g. 1-4-4-X-1, 1-2-4-X-1, ...

To accomplish that, a few other aspects of the game need to be "restructured", namely:

- no region choice for new managers (replace it with an option to switch region at L1)
- in which L1 region a X-league team promotes is determined by the game algorythm
- no relegation games between L1 and X-league (4 direct relegation spots per L1 region remain)
- establish the human-flush (in opposite sense to the bot-flush) from X to L1 if more than the 32 relegation spots (8 L1 regions á 4 direct relegation spots) are need to be filled, due to(o) many bots in L1.

The point is: Restructuring the league from the bottom, holds way more benefical potential to achieve the goals, also in long term.

btw, the fact that Pete isn't available atm, doesnt mean we need to stop talking. He's still around, watching, reading, making notes, guinnessing, whatever, i'd guess. The more we put in, the more it might help making a decision once it is due.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2019-08-28 10:04:28 (ID: 100142510) Report Abuse
I'm pretty sure I did suggest such Sandbox-Rookie-League some time ago.

Please keep in mind that there are many sign-in-and-turn-bot managers during the season, so I'm not sure 1 rookie-league would be enough.

And I did suggest (if I remember correctly) to have those rookie league created dynamic based on need, also during the season and to give they rookie manager at rollover a chance to s e l e c t the next level league.

But if I'm not wrong the main demotivators are the many bots in the regions (which would be a bit solved by the sandbox structure) and the steep leap from L1 to Elite combined with the very challenging promotion and relegation rules.
Not many managers do play elevator regularly for a long period of time like I did. They quit after a few tries, sometimes even after the 1st try.

So best would be really to put something between Elite and region or to reduce the region, but as far as I understood Peter, this is a major change and is out of scope (at least until winter).

Honestly I think the game needs more than a restructure, it needs a visual upgrade and on top some structural changes. Whether Peter can do that is willing to do that is beyond my knowledge. But it would be a lot of work. Likely too much for a hobby.
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Rio Galaxy


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posted: 2019-08-28 12:02:41 (ID: 100142514) Report Abuse
I have thought about restructuring from the bottom but did not come out with any solution or idea for that. I liked your suggestions very much! It is a clean and smooth transition that will not affect the consolidated teams from Elite and L1 (and maybe some older L2 teams). I have nothing to add.
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posted: 2019-08-28 14:05:37 (ID: 100142519) Report Abuse
How about sort of combining the ideas that have been proposed so far in this thread? We could have an Elite-Intermediate-L1-X-Rookie League structure. This would solve the problems at the top of the league structure as far as too big of a jump from L1 to Elite by having a league in between for those teams that would get shredded in Elite but do the same to L1 teams in their league. We would also be solving the problem of teams not being prepared to enter L1 by having both a dynamic number of X-leagues and Rookie Leagues (although we'd have to talk about the requirements needed to promote out of both of those leagues, not sure I fully agree with all of those that have been proposed thus far). This would solve the short-term problem while also looking long-term.
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Main / Suggestions / Reduce the Amount of Regions