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posted: 2023-12-10 09:34:50 (ID: 100179451) Report Abuse
Can I ask - I saw this in a game yesterday, team went for a FG _ scored 3 points, But if they had went for a TD, would have won the game late in the fourth, Q: would a better Head Coach changed the play? I have had this before, when my team took a FG rather than go for TD to lead match.. but that was time to go and not last plays
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Quokkas on steroids

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2023-12-10 09:47:33 (ID: 100179453) Report Abuse
Bad playbook, in my opinion. There have to be rules like "if behind for less than x points in Q4 and on 4th down: PLAY pass/run"
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posted: 2023-12-10 10:58:01 (ID: 100179456) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
Bad playbook, in my opinion. There have to be rules like "if behind for less than x points in Q4 and on 4th down: PLAY pass/run"
understand Pete, but if the same play { lets say 7 - 10 } with 46 seconds left. normal orders Kick FG, but if to win a game... by a TD, then you have no choice but a FG 3 points.. So if that was a Head Coach change of play - just a thought..
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Constanta Ravens

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posted: 2023-12-10 11:10:41 (ID: 100179459) Report Abuse
You have a point there, but every "2 minutes drill", "4th quarter special", "comeback plays" etc must be design by you in the playbook.
If the HC would decide that, what is the point of the playbook then?
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posted: 2023-12-10 11:19:52 (ID: 100179460) Report Abuse
Radu91 wrote:
You have a point there, but every "2 minutes drill", "4th quarter special", "comeback plays" etc must be design by you in the playbook.
If the HC would decide that, what is the point of the playbook then?
ok Radu but if the Head Coach can draw a play to win - is that not his job? Could lead to an owner changing Head Coach, if not happy.. By the way the new team played a team with no lost games this Season
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Dumbarajko Elephants

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posted: 2023-12-10 14:21:53 (ID: 100179466) Report Abuse
G4ngsta wrote:
Radu91 wrote:
You have a point there, but every "2 minutes drill", "4th quarter special", "comeback plays" etc must be design by you in the playbook.
If the HC would decide that, what is the point of the playbook then?
ok Radu but if the Head Coach can draw a play to win - is that not his job? Could lead to an owner changing Head Coach, if not happy.. By the way the new team played a team with no lost games this Season

In this case it is your job. Head coach just do what you tell him to do.

And you do that by writing a great PB taking care of all possible situations
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Leadhills Wonderers

Scotland   JohnHW owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-12-11 13:52:49 (ID: 100179474) Report Abuse
To support Pete (not that he needs it of course) Behind 1-3, 4-6 and 4-7 are all available in the playbook play settings.
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Quokkas on steroids

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2023-12-11 15:36:38 (ID: 100179476) Report Abuse
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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-12-11 21:33:14 (ID: 100179479)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
I understand the point of Gangsta, though, too. That's why I'm so bold and ask directly to the Creator: Is there something in this game for Head Coaches to decide situations like this that Gangsta discribed, just like there is something that creates the (confirmed) possibility that the QB might change a play in the game? Or does Playbook overrule everything (besides the Quarterback, like mentioned before)?

Because we pay our Head Coach a lot of money... and maybe we don't need to

Last edited on 2023-12-11 21:34:03 by Chrill

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posted: 2023-12-11 21:59:04 (ID: 100179480) Report Abuse
Chrill wrote:
I understand the point of Gangsta, though, too. That's why I'm so bold and ask directly to the Creator: Is there something in this game for Head Coaches to decide situations like this that Gangsta discribed, just like there is something that creates the (confirmed) possibility that the QB might change a play in the game? Or does Playbook overrule everything (besides the Quarterback, like mentioned before)?

Because we pay our Head Coach a lot of money... and maybe we don't need to
Thanks Chrill- I am sure I seen a forum answer about this, Quote was, the playbook will be overwritten by a Head Coach, or QB, on field - to answer your payment , that is the point, but needed answer.. We are Managers/Owners we hire HC and AC to train, but as a HC they should be make the play call .. if needed
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