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Main / Suggestions / Weight and Height! Search Forum
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posted: 2011-11-18 16:07:34 (ID: 16970)
Let me ask some questions:

Do player get their H/W based on their npos when they are created? Means, RBs height is random, but the average is smaller than on WRs?

Do players change their weight? Too many steaks -> go to the gym? A nutritioncenter?

Is there any staff involved in taking care of the players H/W?

Does a 2m WR always (excluding small RNG) win the catch over his 1.7m CB?

Is a newbee screwed when he only gets 1,5m WRs? Or can he adapt his gameplay somehow to fit more to the size of his squad?


posted: 2011-11-18 16:16:16 (ID: 16971)
dark_wing wrote:
Manager one times can choose height and weight for him.

This is an no go, absolutely.

It shouldn't be that way. Much more the YP is ready to use (H/W), and you can s e l e c t if you want a tall and fat one or not!

"I would like to have a youngster, pls" - "here we go, let me introduce Paul Johnson to you" - "Great, my new RB..." - "What size and weight would you like to have for Paul?"

posted: 2011-11-18 16:25:01 (ID: 16972) Report Abuse
none adjustable H/W i will not deal with another game where i have to constantly adjust the weight of my players.

also how is this going to translate in game.. my 350+ DL Men at 6'0-6'2 crush the OL who are shorter and lighter?
posted: 2011-11-18 16:27:27 (ID: 16973) Report Abuse
Buffalo wrote:
dark_wing wrote:

High height

Penalized abilities: speed,

Remember the fastest man of the world is 1,95m. Heigh maybe effect Agility, but not speed.

May be.
posted: 2011-11-18 16:30:55 (ID: 16974) Report Abuse
Turtlemania wrote:
Basic it is something nice since know it also from GLB

Leads to more different player build overall

But in GLB i start with every player at "0" and build from start but here in Redzoneaction you get players and as we know trait from time to time is total contrar to playerposition

So this had to be make more round especiall because new manager have so lot things to do and check that oculd be total confuse and make them go away

So yes when somehow easy to manage because put in interesting and also know from real life dimensions is always good

Yes. It is true.
posted: 2011-11-18 16:57:31 (ID: 16977) Report Abuse
i would like to have H/W implemented but i dont want te be able to change weight or so, (like -TOG-with nutirioncenter) thats just boring and got nothing to do with managing a football team.

Thats more a thing that the players themself should do on their own.

Im not voting for nor against,

But if this will be in here it should be managed by the engine in some way. How i dont know. and its not neccesery that it will have something to do with the fysicals.

maybe if i got a guy as a RB at first, train his fysicals and he capped high and i then change him to OL, his W/H would then automatically be reorganiced to fit an OL instead, but this is unrealistic ofc.
but if these W/H just is there it would make the players more "living" if you know what i mean.
posted: 2011-11-18 17:04:06 (ID: 16978) Report Abuse
KingOfTh3Hil wrote:
i would like to have H/W implemented but i dont want te be able to change weight or so, (like -TOG-with nutirioncenter) thats just boring and got nothing to do with managing a football team.

Every Team in the NFL has a fitness coach, who clearly say to you if you have to gain or loss some pounds. May be you Fitness coach has every week the time to speak with one player and say him if he should lose or gain weight. The player than will chance his weight in the next 10 weeks more or less.

KingOfTh3Hil wrote:

Thats more a thing that the players themself should do on their own.

The weigh should fluctuate. Mab be related to the Teamwork. A player with high teamwork fluctuate less and with low teamwork he has a high fluctuation range.

KingOfTh3Hil wrote:

maybe if i got a guy as a RB at first, train his fysicals and he capped high and i then change him to OL, his W/H would then automatically be reorganiced to fit an OL instead, but this is unrealistic ofc.
but if these W/H just is there it would make the players more "living" if you know what i mean.

The high and weight could be related to the physical caps. A OL that cap at lower strenght could be smaller and lighter than a OL that cap high at strenght.
posted: 2011-11-18 17:05:52 (ID: 16979) Report Abuse
It seems that the only way to implemnt W/H is to give up with player randomness... You won'tt change a heavy OL in WR... So new players would have to be quite specialised in order to match their H/W.

I don't think it's agood idea to have the possibility to develop H/W... Height should be fixed... But Maybe Weight could be a certain value for each player at the beginning and a speed increase would reduce weight also quite a bit whereas strength and physical condition would increase it...
posted: 2011-11-18 17:09:40 (ID: 16980) Report Abuse
NYDOGS wrote:
I don't think it's agood idea to have the possibility to develop H/W... Height should be fixed... But Maybe Weight could be a certain value for each player at the beginning and a speed increase would reduce weight also quite a bit whereas strength and physical condition would increase it...

As you say,
H/W should be dependent on fitness skills not the other way around, otherwise its to much work for the manager,,
posted: 2011-11-18 17:19:54 (ID: 16982) Report Abuse
TombKing wrote:

It's illogical to choose weight and especially height for players. Just like it's illogical to swap traits on players.
A heavy player might be strong, yes, but he also just might be fat.
Why should a player be slower because of his tall height? If that's a natural fact, than all those 6'4"-6'6" WRs and TEs in the NFL scorching DBs are truely superhuman beings.
Drew Brees isn't the biggest QB in the NFL. Some setback when he got drafted, as some might remember, but I never saw that as a disadvantage as he's proven for some years now.
There are a couple LBs in the NFL, who played/play on an elite level, who didn't have prototypical LB stature. Zach Thomas and London Fletcher come to mind.

I could go on with this, but I think, I made my position against introducing such a feature clear by now.

By the way, half my OL has already capped in strength. The same goes with my two starting WR. And that a lot sooner than I would've liked.
So, actually, I should favor this, but I just can't for the aforementioned reason.

It is not main factors.
Now abilities are limited by talant.
My offer.
For example.
With normal height and weight player have all limits as 40.
You increase him weight up to 150 kg - him strength limit increase up to 60, but him speed limit decrease downto 20.
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