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posted: 2012-10-12 20:56:28 (ID: 61354) Report Abuse
I remember when I first played fantasy football. It was basically a novelty.. a little spice to add to my football watching. It was my first year in college and one of my friends decided to start a fantasy football league just for the hell of it and managed to round up 11 other ex-classmates to join in. I'm sure of it but we all did it because it was a cool way for us to keep in contact with one another.. talk trash inbetween.. and reminisce about old school days. You may laugh at that but in 2000 all we had was Aol instant messenger nobody knew each others screen names.

After the football season we decided to do the basketball one and made fantasy basketball teams. We only did basketball the one year because of the maintenance involved was too strict for guys in their freshmen years. I remember specifically picking Michael Jordan with my second pick thinking I had taken part in a Coup. In 2000 Michael Jordan was in a Wizards uniform. Says all you need to know about how we thought Fantasy worked.

After that we did Fantasy football for one more year and then took off from it ALL the way until 2006. 2006 was the year the first one of us got married. The bachelor party and ensuing activities were the first time we all got together like that since HS graduation. Needless to say we were all still football fans but some of us still played Fantasy football and thought why dont we start the league back up. Good Idea. And we did. It was the year one of my friends drafted Adrien Peterson with the last pick in the last round and he swore he was taking THAT Adrien Peterson. THAT adrien Peterson didnt come into the league til next season.

Since then i've been in one league playing with the same guys and its a good time. No money is on line (although every year we say we are going to start a pot).. just old fashioned friendship.

I said all that to say.. I hate fantasy football and I think its really stupid.

I dont just hate it because I think it has nothing to do with real football (I could go into that ad nausam) but because at least here its taken over the football narrative in how we consume the game today. If you turn in any legit sports program focused on football you cant escape the fantasy element of analyst. TEs who block are worth shit. All OL do is hold.. whipping out 20yd gains. Watching games with live bodies you will hear someone somewhere (possibly yourself) saying the following.. "Damn! Why did Peyton have to hand the ball off! He should have passed for the touchdown!" and the audience will know EXACTLY what those two sentences meant. (His opponent openly smiling of course).

I just dont like it... I've got friends who are in six different leagues and they sit with their laptops open as if they are in the midst of defining newest addition to the periodic table. My friend's gf who if football didnt exist tomorrow life wouldnt be affected even has two teams of her own. I'm concerned about Chris Johnson's health out there on the field.. and I dont mean the -TOG-.. I mean walking to his car.

Its why I sought this game and am adamant about making it real to life. I'm apart of that other machine... I need equal leverage.

I am open to joining a RZA league in the future. The contradiction is already noted

Last edited on 2012-10-12 21:15:03 by Swordpriest1

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