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Main / Discussions / Discussion: Remove limits on Physical Skills Search Forum
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  Poll: Should we change the physical caps of our players - for players created in the future?, Poll closed, votes: 279
Yes, make the range wider, from 30 to 50 (today 35 to 50)
Yes, keep the range, but lower the average cap from 42.5 to 40
Yes, only allow a maximum of points overall these physical skills speed, strength and agility
No, keep it as it is today
I don't care about
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posted: 2012-10-27 22:31:45 (ID: 63952) Report Abuse
I was thinking on why do we not allow the Physical skills of each player (Strength, Speed & Agility) to be unlimited instead of having a limit to where each can be trained set at 50?
Caps on Physical skills would still be enforced whenever they showed up.

So why not allow more diversity in the building process of the players by removing this limitation and allow each Owner to build the player as he/she sees fit, taking each Physical Skill to where each one thinks it's best and the caps allows it to go?

Currently we see almost every youth academy handing players to the main roster already with at least two Physical skills capped, it's becoming common in RZA for this to happen. Having a "no limit" on Physical skills would stop this from happening, and also make Owners to have to choose, either they train a player in Strength or they train a player in Speed, Agility beeing the "swing" skill. It would stop with the hybrids that we now see in terms of Physical Skills. Aldo it would be to each one description, maybe some Owners would like to have hybrid players in their team with simmilar Strength and Speed, but that would mean that they wouldn't be able to take a main Physical Skill as high as others could, or as fast as other Owners who prefered to go with a main skill option first. What does this mean? More options.

Here's an example of a let's say a RB build could start to differ from the Hybrid state that they are at right now.(Physical Skills)

160 points for each build.

Owner (A) Goes for a Power Back Build
Strength - 80
Speed - 40
Agility - 40

Owner (B) Goes for a Speedster Back Build
Strength - 40
Speed - 80
Agility - 40

Owner (C) Goes for a Hybrid Back Build
Strength - 55
Speed - 50
Agility - 55

This is for discussion purposes only, and I am sure this is probably a nightmare to code. But I still thought, why not bring it up to see how everyone feels. I can say I would prefer to have unlimited Physical Skills for the reasons I mentioned. How about you?

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posted: 2012-10-27 22:37:25 (ID: 63953) Report Abuse
Like the train of thought - im giggling though at the thought of an Andre the Giant type OL - strength 160, speed 0, agility 0 - you just know someone would do it!

I suspect though eventually something will have to give with the caps, as teams will eventually start maxing out all players so they have no further room for development - although that will obv take time - but things like this that give natural longevity to the game im very much in agreement with.
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posted: 2012-10-27 22:56:18 (ID: 63954) Report Abuse
MTS1972 wrote:
Like the train of thought - im giggling though at the thought of an Andre the Giant type OL - strength 160, speed 0, agility 0 - you just know someone would do it!

I suspect though eventually something will have to give with the caps, as teams will eventually start maxing out all players so they have no further room for development - although that will obv take time - but things like this that give natural longevity to the game im very much in agreement with.

Well it would never be a flat zero because players already have some natural Physical ability on their own, But why not have a player built like that? Yet, can you imagine how long it would take to build a player with 160 in Strength? Meaning that Owner would have to sacrifice alot to have such a strong OL, he could be strong like that but could he block? And how about his Footwork, Agility etc..? Something would need to be sacrificed in order to take strength that high, which is exactly the premiss on removing the limits in Physical Skills, adds more options to owners, and removes the hybrid factor that we currently have.
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posted: 2012-10-28 01:50:02 (ID: 63956) Report Abuse
IF something like this should exist I would suggest there be cost to those physicals beyond a certain point. Because...

If I were starting out I'd train physicals exclusively for my first 3 seasons with players under 22 years old. Then...when those players are at a ridiculous level I'd train the positional skills. At some point the sheer strength would offset the loss of blocking. I mean...think about it...If the guy across from you is triple your strength does the skill really matter as much? It would probably also be difficult for Peter to program. Although I know little about programming, it just seems an infinite number (I know, not completely an infinite number) would be difficult to account for. Having the parameters that are there now would make the programming easier...if my notion of programming is correct.

I do like the idea in theory....I just don't think it will be feasible.
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posted: 2012-10-28 02:30:11 (ID: 63957) Report Abuse
sfniner08 wrote:
IF something like this should exist I would suggest there be cost to those physicals beyond a certain point. Because...

If I were starting out I'd train physicals exclusively for my first 3 seasons with players under 22 years old. Then...when those players are at a ridiculous level I'd train the positional skills. At some point the sheer strength would offset the loss of blocking. I mean...think about it...If the guy across from you is triple your strength does the skill really matter as much?

Yes it matters.

My opinion is diferent than your's, how can you say a player who just because has triple the size of the other already won a battle? You are not accounting for the other player's build, Strength alone won't cut it when you are facing a very agile and fast rusher, he won't be engaging in many locks with the OL simply because he will blow past him, why? Because he is much quicker and has agility and vision to see where the QB is, while the OL only has Strength on his side, no blocking and footwork not to mention agility to move. Or he can be just as strong as your OL, I mean the variety of builds would be almost endless...

I do understand your point, but totally disagree with it, no additional cost should be necessary, the costs will be natural, if you over train a player in certains skills, he might be very good at one thing, but horrible at the other, not a hybrid player.

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posted: 2012-10-28 02:35:54 (ID: 63958) Report Abuse
canonico wrote:
sfniner08 wrote:
IF something like this should exist I would suggest there be cost to those physicals beyond a certain point. Because...

If I were starting out I'd train physicals exclusively for my first 3 seasons with players under 22 years old. Then...when those players are at a ridiculous level I'd train the positional skills. At some point the sheer strength would offset the loss of blocking. I mean...think about it...If the guy across from you is triple your strength does the skill really matter as much?

Yes it matters.

My opinion is diferent than your's, how can you say a player who just because has triple the size of the other already won a battle? You are not accounting for the other player's build, Strength alone won't cut it when you are facing a very agile and fast rusher, he won't be engaging in many locks with the OL simply because he will blow past him, why? Because he is much quicker and has agility and vision to see where the QB is, while the OL only has Strength on his side, no blocking and footwork not to mention agility to move. Or he can be just as strong as your OL, I mean the variety of builds would be almost endless...

I do understand your point, but totally disagree with it, no additional cost should be necessary, the costs will be natural, if you over train a player in certains skills, he might be very good at one thing, but horrible at the other, not a hybrid player.

Not neccessarily in open field the smaller quicker more agile player will blow his sluggish opponent apart but an intelligent big lump of a player will use the lack of space to his advantage. So while having the speed will be an advantage the lack of space to use that advantage soon levels the playing field.
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posted: 2012-10-28 02:55:30 (ID: 63959) Report Abuse
In close quarters the speed and agility aren't going to be as effective as strength. I would train my guards and center way up in strength and just run up the middle. Lining up a few feet is speed and agility going to blow past a guy?

Triple strength is A LOT of strength!!!
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posted: 2012-10-28 03:42:01 (ID: 63962) Report Abuse
I'm not in favor of changing it...there are some people that, no matter how much they work out, they won't have the same ability as someone else.
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posted: 2012-10-28 03:44:47 (ID: 63963) Report Abuse
sfniner08 wrote:
In close quarters the speed and agility aren't going to be as effective as strength. I would train my guards and center way up in strength and just run up the middle. Lining up a few feet is speed and agility going to blow past a guy?

Triple strength is A LOT of strength!!!

Remember all the teams could build Physicals as high as they wanted, the way you are posting, it's like you would be the only guy building a player with 120 in Strength, naturaly if you have a big inside OL, the other team can also have a Big inside DL.
But instead of having a very strong OL that is also very fast like we have now, you in this case would have to make a choice, really strong or really fast, couldn't have both.
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posted: 2012-10-28 03:48:52 (ID: 63965) Report Abuse
cboy704 wrote:
I'm not in favor of changing it...there are some people that, no matter how much they work out, they won't have the same ability as someone else.

That's true, and that's why I am in favour of removing the 50 points limit in the Physical ability skills of the players, but the possibility of caps appearing would still be there, very much like we have now.

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Main / Discussions / Discussion: Remove limits on Physical Skills