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posted: 2013-02-06 21:01:53 (ID: 81118) Report Abuse
wiesengrund wrote:
sneaky_minotaur wrote:

So the question remains: How does that help those who like to sleep at night?

Answer: Because they went to bed knowing that they got to put in a bid for as much as they were willing to spend on that player. Sure, maybe they 'got sniped' at the least minute by someone online, but I least that person had to pay more than the sleeper was will to pay, or the mere fact that he bid at the least minute wouldn't matter.

With the current system: Sleeper puts in a bid that can only be a little higher than the current bid. So even if they wanted to bid more they can't. They feel all empty and hollow inside knowing that they have no chance at the player. The real killer being when they wake up in the morning and find the player sold for less then they would have paid for him, but they didn't even get a chance to put those bids in.


Really, it's that simple.

This. This right here.

This kind of thinking isn't thought out. I love the assumption it is just those who choose not to sleep who get these players. Take a step back and consider this game is truly global.......................thinking is ALWAYS someone up in the middle of the day and ALWAYS someone sleeping at night. It isn't an issue of geeky people with no life staying up and not sleeping vs the typical person. That is the strangest thing that comes up in these discussions. That relates directly to the second humorous thing in the post.

After reading through the "answer" it boils down to one guy being pissed because someone else got a good deal and dealing with the pissed off guys feelings. I mean, dude, you admit that you know you probably wouldn't have won anyway. Then go on to say it makes you feel hollow knowing you might have gotten him cheaper. For one, you don't know that. It could have been a bidding war and more expensive. The whole answer sounds like hey, I know I won't get that player, but at least make me feel better about it.

I just think of Tom Hanks in "A Leauge of Their Own" in this instance. lol
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posted: 2013-02-06 21:07:07 (ID: 81120) Report Abuse
Would a bid count system were the size of your Scouts + Public Relations work?

Example: {1.5*(PR+Scouts)}= number of bids allowed per week

This would give a max of 60 bids a week, and a minium of 3. This would also limit teams without establishment from going bankrupt.

Cons to this is it would still encourage snipping... which could be countered with only allowing teams that bid in the first 48 hours from bidding over 1 million on a player (or some set amount to still allow a player with no bids or low bids to still have financial viablity to the seller).
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posted: 2013-02-06 21:23:01 (ID: 81121) Report Abuse
Not everyone is here for tactical part, some just like to buy and sell players and focus more and financial part of the game and build their teams strenght from it. Limiting number of bids would kill all the fun for them...
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posted: 2013-02-06 21:45:07 (ID: 81132) Report Abuse
sfniner08 wrote:
wiesengrund wrote:
sneaky_minotaur wrote:

So the question remains: How does that help those who like to sleep at night?

Answer: Because they went to bed knowing that they got to put in a bid for as much as they were willing to spend on that player. Sure, maybe they 'got sniped' at the least minute by someone online, but I least that person had to pay more than the sleeper was will to pay, or the mere fact that he bid at the least minute wouldn't matter.

With the current system: Sleeper puts in a bid that can only be a little higher than the current bid. So even if they wanted to bid more they can't. They feel all empty and hollow inside knowing that they have no chance at the player. The real killer being when they wake up in the morning and find the player sold for less then they would have paid for him, but they didn't even get a chance to put those bids in.


Really, it's that simple.

This. This right here.

This kind of thinking isn't thought out. I love the assumption it is just those who choose not to sleep who get these players. Take a step back and consider this game is truly global.......................thinking is ALWAYS someone up in the middle of the day and ALWAYS someone sleeping at night. It isn't an issue of geeky people with no life staying up and not sleeping vs the typical person. That is the strangest thing that comes up in these discussions. That relates directly to the second humorous thing in the post.

After reading through the "answer" it boils down to one guy being pissed because someone else got a good deal and dealing with the pissed off guys feelings. I mean, dude, you admit that you know you probably wouldn't have won anyway. Then go on to say it makes you feel hollow knowing you might have gotten him cheaper. For one, you don't know that. It could have been a bidding war and more expensive. The whole answer sounds like hey, I know I won't get that player, but at least make me feel better about it.

I just think of Tom Hanks in "A Leauge of Their Own" in this instance. lol

Actually, I think it's more clearly thought out than most of the posts on this subject

As to your first point, I basically agree (that this is not about who is geeky and has no life vs. typical people)

However, being able to win an auction when you are not online is what people cry about most when they post about wanting a better/different TM system.

People look at it from their individual perspective. The issue that causes people to keep complaining about the current TM is that they cannot possibly win an auction for a decent player unless they are online. They talk about, sleeping, work, family, whatever - it all amounts to the same thing. Winning auctions when you can't be online.

Nitpicking the fact that some people are awake when others are asleep does not advance the discussion regarding how to make it so people can have a chance to win an auction while not online. (or at least having a reasonable chance)

As to your second point, I'm just trying to be honest. Yes, this is what people cry about most:

A good player sold for less then a manager would have paid for them if only that manager had been able to be online to participate in the bid war.

Address that problem and 90% of complaints about the TM go away.

I didn't say anything about the pissed off manager crying because he could have gotten the player cheaper. What I said was it pisses off managers when they see a player that they wanted, who they were willing to bid on, but couldn't because they couldn't be online at the deadline.

So simply by given those managers a process whereby they can place a bid on those players for the max they would be willing to pay, you have eliminated the one of the largest problems with the TM. One of the things that pisses managers off the most.

If managers feel like they at least got to put in a large enough bid so that they at least had a chance, and that the player wasn't sold at a large discount simply because they couldn't be online to bid - they will be less pissed, they will be happier with the TM system, and won't come to the forums constantly to complain about how it's impossible to win an auction offline.

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posted: 2013-02-06 21:58:00 (ID: 81134) Report Abuse
It is difficult to assume the low price would have been there if people were "awake" and bidding. If anything I believe the price would go up more than people think. It takes only 2 for a bidding war. lol
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posted: 2013-02-06 22:03:03 (ID: 81138) Report Abuse
sfniner08 wrote:
It is difficult to assume the low price would have been there if people were "awake" and bidding. If anything I believe the price would go up more than people think. It takes only 2 for a bidding war. lol

lol, yea true.

but, making assumptions like that is just human nature sometimes.

... and I suppose the 'sleepers' argument would be, "yeah it only takes 2 and I would have been the second person!"
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