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posted: 2013-02-06 17:58:12 (ID: 81065) Report Abuse
Let me say that we are only human....edit...........

.Let me get back on topic now.I am not here to say who was wrong about posting what on the Redzone forum.I know something was posted that did bothing me at first!! I than counter attack the post or person!! There is younger people that does read the forum,and maybe there is christains that also read the forum? I know not everyone is a christain. I am a christain and i will respect others even if they do not respect me!! We have all heard the saying a picture is worth a 1000 words. The statement that Pete had made can carry for ever. Respect each other!!! I promise to keep my religious chat and post's to a minimum of 1%.If that other(s) can keep the the GD word out of post's.In the same way if we went on about our conflict we would run each other from the game.And so we must respect each other for the love of the game!!!! Thank you Pete for that statement !!

Last edited on 2013-02-07 12:56:50 by nobody

posted: 2013-02-06 18:23:42 (ID: 81068) Report Abuse
Pete also posted this...

Pete wrote:God dammit, who the fuck started swearing??

This is the Lounge, Aka Free For All, this is probably the forum that if you get easely butthurt you might want to stay away from. RZA forums are probably the most mild manner forums in a game I've seen, rarely I see anyone cursing, and rarely is there any bad blood between users (Hosh and Wadders are an exception). Rerguarding the use of the word you are asking people to leave out. Dude, this is an interwebz forum, and most of us are grown ass people, it's just a word. Nobody (not you) is/was using it to spite you (Nobody) or anyone else man. Aldo now that you got all butthurt because someone mentioned that word, some might actualy use it to troll you.

Anyways, the point is, if you get easely butthurt you shouldn't post in this forum.
posted: 2013-02-06 19:05:17 (ID: 81076) Report Abuse
thank you for your post! But if i wanted to read trash and that i dont i would have gone to a more crapy forum//right?? The Redzone is a great game and with a great forum !! I only ask if others could hold the GD word,not use it !! It was not a demand it was a request .More or less being polite and respecting others at the same time!! Its like that you ask for something and being polite about it.If they choose to keep posting the GD word than i will leave the forum its that simple!!!!But to be apart of a great game we have to be apart of a great forum also!!!
I have lots of friends some i like more than others??Why Because they show me respect,and in return i show them respect!! Im not here to start trouble.I am here to make friends and to play a great game !!
I know you and others can offer a lot to this game,as well as i can!!We just have to put our differences aside. Lets do that now !!Thank you for reading my post....
posted: 2013-02-06 19:13:01 (ID: 81080) Report Abuse
Nostradamus predicts .........

posted: 2013-02-06 19:17:24 (ID: 81082) Report Abuse
Your reading comprehension must of failed while you read my post. But that's ok, moving on...
posted: 2013-02-06 19:18:00 (ID: 81083) Report Abuse
sh8888 wrote:
Nostradamus predicts .........


posted: 2013-02-06 19:34:07 (ID: 81087) Report Abuse
The great Stephen Fry summed this one up perfectly:

"It's now very common to hear people say 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights; it's actually nothing's simply a whine. 'I find that offensive,' it has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I'm offended by that,' well so ******* what?"

I'll asterisk out words that would get my kids in trouble if they used them at school.

The word that annoys you Nobody is not one of them.
posted: 2013-02-06 19:34:23 (ID: 81088) Report Abuse
If everyone stopped posting things that could cause offence to somebody, then forums would very quickly be obsolete.

Nobody - you cannot flick between blasphemy (in your eyes) and cursing as there may be minors viewing threads to suit those words you dont like. You have your history and reasons for your views - well guess what, we all have our own story - they are not really of interest or concern to anyone else and you simply cannot enforce your own views on others and expect them to adhere to it - request, demand or otherwise.

For the record, i think there is a HUGE amount of respect within RZA - there is also a lot of teasing and banter but for the most part it is taken with the spirit meant - and the cultures and nationalities represented and involved in that could not be more diverse - sadly though, the truth is that it is people like you that causes friction - im sure not deliberately - but you do nonetheless.

If you want respect you must earn it not ask for it - and a little understanding and acknowledgment of others points of views and ways goes along way to earning that respect - even if it means turning a blind eye, or biting your tongue, to seeing something you dont like - especially if it doesnt concern you in the first place.

What happens from here on in is pretty much up to you fella - my advice is let this all lie now and be forgotten and enjoy the game - and the forum - for all that it is.


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posted: 2013-02-06 19:39:57 (ID: 81093) Report Abuse
MTS1972 wrote:
my advice is let this all lie now and be forgotten and enjoy the game - and the forum - for all that it is.

posted: 2013-02-06 19:55:38 (ID: 81100) Report Abuse
MTS1972 wrote:
For the record, i think there is a HUGE amount of respect within RZA - there is also a lot of teasing and banter

No? where? I hope you aren't involved in any of this MTS

Nobody kudos for being a gulf war veteran and I can't imagine what that must have been like but I played laserquest once so I have an idea

As a little green man (well from his avatar he's a little green man) once told me when I was spitting nails at some idiot who annoyed me here. Ignore it.

The more you point out something that gets on your nerves the more you will see it appear. Enjoy it and make the most of it because one day it will be gone and you never know you may just miss it even the parts you don't like.
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