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posted: 2013-04-08 22:07:34 (ID: 90277) Report Abuse
Ok, ummm…trying to figure out how to say this delicately. And forum MOD, you are welcome to move this to another spot if this isn’t the appropriate place for what I’m about to say.

Dude, you got beat. We win some, we lose some, but I’m shocked at how you handled the loss, 17-13. Personally I think why you did is because I’m an over-all 38% and you are an over-all 50% and got beat. You then became a classless sore loser.

It was a great game, and I was thrilled that you immediately challenged me for a rematch because I was thinking, “Cool, this was a tough game on both sides, perhaps this next one will be a nail-biter too.” But no, it wasn’t.

You spent focused time on the game we played. And you picked only one play to run against me the entire game. You couldn’t beat me like a man in ‘straight-up’ football, so you decided to get vengeful and exploit one single play so that you could easily and likely win the game. This is why you have no class in my mind, as well as a very sore loser.

The other reason why I am reacting like this is because I’m still learning how to play. I’m still learning the playbook and how to use it, and you doing this taught me absolutely nothing. I wasted credits and got nothing out of this game because you’re a pathetic sore loser who can’t play straight up football after you get beat. I could have played someone else, but gave up that spot for you.

Please never send another request to play me, because of these reasons and wasting my time. I don’t play babies, sore losers or people that spend that kind of time just to exploit one play because they are too pathetic to play straight up football. A 38% beat a 50%, get over it. I don’t need to mention who this player is, they know who they are and that is all that matters. I don’t mind if people want to experiment a little, but have some class and let me know ahead of time. You wasted my time, and you’ve made my black-list.

I can live with the fact that I beat you in straight-up football, and you had use exploitation to beat me. You’re a sore loser and whiny little baby.

- - -Xeno72
Atma City Xenos
posted: 2013-04-08 22:13:27 (ID: 90279) Report Abuse
posted: 2013-04-08 22:15:32 (ID: 90280) Report Abuse
He got mad and sore cuz I beat him. So he used exploitation instead of being a man and playing regular football. He's a baby and a sore loser.
posted: 2013-04-08 22:18:50 (ID: 90281) Report Abuse
Xeno72 wrote:
He got mad and sore cuz I beat him. So he used exploitation instead of being a man and playing regular football. He's a baby and a sore loser.

What kind of exploitation?

I suspect he was playing on relaxed in the other game, I rarely beat low ranked teams when I play on relaxed.
posted: 2013-04-08 22:21:04 (ID: 90282) Report Abuse
He looked through our game that he got beat in, picked the play that worked the best, and made his playbook with just that one play the entire next game we played. Waste of my time, and he's just sore cuz he got beat.
posted: 2013-04-08 22:26:20 (ID: 90283) Report Abuse
Xeno72 wrote:
He looked through our game that he got beat in, picked the play that worked the best, and made his playbook with just that one play the entire next game we played. Waste of my time, and he's just sore cuz he got beat.

I'm guessing it was Shotgun 4 WR. Not a lot you can do about it, other than use it to strengthen your playbook in case it happens again.

If that happened in League or non-bot Supercup games, I might be mad. But Friendlies are designed for screwing around in.

Last edited on 2013-04-08 22:27:32 by Firenze

posted: 2013-04-08 22:30:14 (ID: 90284) Report Abuse
I-Formation, run up the middle [almost] every time. I wasted time playing him. I got nothing out of that game. I was excited that perhaps some minor changes may help my team get better. But because of doing this, I didn't get to see anything new. It also cost me 5 credits. I think it would show class if someone would mention they're going to do that. I could have played somebody else in that time slot, but wasted it on him.

Last edited on 2013-04-08 22:32:57 by Xeno72

posted: 2013-04-08 22:46:14 (ID: 90288) Report Abuse
I guess I didn't realize that that was what friendly games were for. I use them as full blown tests for the changes I've done to my team, and give my best on each one. Didn't know that. I guess I have a long way to go to really understand a lot of how things go in games. All good, a lesson learned.

Last edited on 2013-04-08 22:54:26 by Xeno72

posted: 2013-04-08 23:09:08 (ID: 90290) Report Abuse
Xeno72 wrote:
I guess I didn't realize that that was what friendly games were for. I use them as full blown tests for the changes I've done to my team, and give my best on each one. Didn't know that. I guess I have a long way to go to really understand a lot of how things go in games. All good, a lesson learned.

i don't understand exactly what would be wrong with what he did if he did it in a regular league game, either. if he can beat you running SG4WR every play with short passes, what's wrong with that? isn't that what this game is about, finding the best way to win and exploiting that? so if he can win that way, next time he SHOULDN'T play to win, and rather just run up the gut every play and hope that he suddenly busts one and beats you? i don't understand in the least why people get OFFENDED at how someone played, to beat you, in a free game. apparently, the only way to play the game is the way in which you win the game, but when his (as you stated) clearly superior team beats you, you go on here and rant about it and cry foul?

this really...


i mean this post reminds me of people who whine about basketball teams that run nothing but zone, or when a team hack-a-shaq's it late in a game, or fouls when they are up by 3 with just a couple of seconds left to prevent the team from getting a 3 pt attempt... might as well just quit watching sports/playing this game if someone doing something correct strategically drives you this mad.
posted: 2013-04-08 23:30:49 (ID: 90298) Report Abuse
How realistic is it in any sport to run nearly the same play the whole game, and it work flawlessly? Never? [edit] It's ok, as stated I have a lot to learn, it's all good

Last edited on 2013-04-08 23:49:29 by Xeno72

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