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Main / The Lounge - Smokers welcome / 60 seconds With.............JonnyP!! Search Forum
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posted: 2013-04-26 08:08:27 (ID: 93517) Report Abuse
RZA Name : JonnyP

RZA Team : Leeds Celtics

League : Sea Devils 1.1

Best Known for in RZA : Being RZA's very own Mastermind!

OK JonnyP - here are your 60 Second Questions!

What is your quirkiest habit and how long have you had it?

I pick my toenails, it annoys the wife, so I pick my toenails more when she's around.

What does your normal daily breakfast consist of?

Very boring I'm afraid, muesli with semi skimmed milk and a mug of strong, sweet tea

Of all the places you have visited in your life, which stands out as your least favourite or memorable?

Obviously living in Birmingham, that sets the benchmark REALLY high . but it has to be Bradford, truly a city with no redeeming features. When Samuel Johnson wrote the 1st dictionary, his definition of 'cesspool' was 'the better parts of Bradford'

Which do you think you would stand the best chance of surviving? An attack from a great white shark or a grizzly bear?

The Great White Shark - I can't swim so the bugger would have to come out of the water to get me... ha haaa, that'll learn it.

What song always puts a smile on your face or makes you feel motivated?

One Way by the Levellers. It was a student anthem when I was at University in Leeds and reminds me of the 2 weeks after my 2nd year exams, great weather, spannered the whole time, living in an area which was 90% student houses, clouds of dodgy sweet smelling smoke billowing from most front rooms... marvellous.

Would you rather be stuck in a lift with an old lady with 3 wet dogs or 3 fat blokes with putrid breath?

I'd feel more at home with the latter, plus the old lady would stink of piss, so that would be worse than whiffy breath.

When was the last time you were really ill or had to go to hospital?

I broke my foot doing Judo in January. If I was any good at the damn sport it wouldn't have happened, but I'm a clumsy twat, so nearly 8 weeks were spent in a plaster cast.

What attribute do you most find attractive from a member of the opposite sex?

Femininity. Women, you merely have to look demure and bat your eyelids and we men are putty in your hands... so why do you want to dress like blokes? Why do hordes of you get pissed up and act yobbish on a friday night? Be women. We love you long time for it.

Would you rather know when you will die, but now how, or how you will die, but not when?

When. So I know how long I'm got to cram in all the things I still want to do.

Which comedy programme always makes you laugh?

Father Ted. It pokes fun at the lunacy that is organised religion. And that's always a good thing. The Xmas special when they got lost in the lingerie section of a department store is pant-wettingly funny.

If you could relive one day of your life, which you would choose?

I'll be sad and say my wedding day. On a beach. In Mauritius. Shame we took English weather with us but hey, it was cheaper to go out of season

You are given a blank menu and asked to fill in your desired starter, main and dessert. What do you pick and what drink do you choose to accompany it?

Bradford does have a redeeming feature... curry.
Bangladeshi fish, chicken pathia with a Naan bread, my wife's leftovers for dessert, and a couple of bottles of Hobgoblin. That's proper BEER to you Yanks/Europeans (*delete as applicable). Not that fizzy piss water. That's called lager. And it's for girls. But not real ones. They drink wine (refer back to question 8).

Cheers Jonny!!!

Last edited on 2013-04-26 08:10:17 by MTS1972

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Main / The Lounge - Smokers welcome / 60 seconds With.............JonnyP!!