dpierce owns a supporter account  Home of Paxtang Black Panthers (ID: 3499)

Owned by dpierce (Last logged in on 2025-02-10 18:16:04 )

Joined the game: 2011-12-25 / S02

Manager rank is Top Manager

Sponsored by Duey, Cheatem and Howe - Attorneys above the law

League: Monarchs 1 NC South

ELO score: 968 - Rank global: 65 - Rank in league: 5

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Team chemistry:
99 %
92 %
Physical condition:
96 %
Financial situation:
Managers tactical talent:
Leaguesuperb Champ of Champsunknown Supercupsuperb Supercup Playoffsunknown
75.3 %
72.9 %
  Avg Age Seniors: 27
Pass Defense:
76.0 %
  Rush Defense:
76.2 %
  Weekly wages Players $ 5,295,689
Special Team:
85.5 %
76.5 %
  Weekly wages Coaches $ 941,282
Stadium: Veterans Stadium (capacity: 144300)
Home Away
Trophy room
Hide Trophies won by dpierce (40)
Season 55Winner Monarchs 1 NC South
Season 43Winner Monarchs 1 NC South
Season 41Winner Monarchs 1 NC South
Season 40Winner Monarchs 1 NC South
Season 39Winner Monarchs 1 NC South
Season 38Winner Monarchs 1 NC South
Season 37Winner Monarchs 1 NC South
Season 36Member RZA Elite League
Season 35Member RZA Elite League
Season 34League Champion Monarchs 1
Season 34Conference Champion Monarchs 1 AC
Season 34Winner Monarchs 1 AC South
Season 33Winner Monarchs 1 AC South
Season 32Winner Monarchs 1 AC South
Season 31Member RZA Elite League
Season 30League Champion Monarchs 1
Season 30Conference Champion Monarchs 1 AC
Season 30Winner Monarchs 1 AC South
Season 29Winner Monarchs 1 AC South
Season 28Winner Monarchs 1 AC South
Season 27Member RZA Elite League
Season 26League Champion Monarchs 1
Season 26Conference Champion Monarchs 1 AC
Season 26Winner Monarchs 1 AC West
Season 25Winner Monarchs 1 AC West
Season 24Winner Monarchs 1 AC West
Season 23Winner Monarchs 1 AC West
Season 22Winner Monarchs 1 AC West
Season 21Winner Monarchs 1 AC West
Season 20Winner Monarchs 1 AC West
Season 19Winner Monarchs 1 AC West
Season 18Member RZA Elite League
Season 17Conference Champion Monarchs 1 AC
Season 17Winner Monarchs 1 AC West
Season 16Member RZA Elite League
Season 15Conference Champion Monarchs 1 AC
Season 15Winner Monarchs 1 AC West
Season 5Winner Monarchs 1 AC West
Season 3Winner Monarchs 1 AC West
Season 2Winner Monarchs 3 AC West
Record (current season)
Game type Won Lost
Champ of Champions00
Friendly Cup00
Trophy summary
Elite member in seasons: 16, 18, 27, 31, 35, 36
Superbowl Champion in seasons: 26, 30, 34
Conference Champion in seasons: 15, 17, 26, 30, 34
Division Champion in seasons: 2, 3, 5, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 55
Top 5 releases show all

2015-10-28 20:37:39 - Eaves speaks about Panthers changes, dpierceReport Abuse

Newly retired Rich Eaves spoke to a number of reporters who gathered to interview him as he left the stadium with his belongings.

When asked about the contrast between the team debut and now, he replied, "The changes I've seen here are amazing. We were all virtually walk-on players for a very small college at the beginning, and we played in a stadium that was smaller than some high school football fields. To go from that to becoming a championship-level team that plays in stadium with over 140,000 seats...that's incredible."

When asked about dpierce, Eaves chuckled and began a tale that hasn't been heard before. "He's been the same since day 1. When I heard he'd bought the team, I thought he was just another guy who had a little cash, a LOT of ego, and delusions of grandeur. Then...I met him. No entourage, no business manager, no expensive suit. In fact, he wore a polo shirt, khakis and boots. BOOTS! Not shined up, overpriced boots like you'd see in a specialty store, but military-issued chukka boots! He told me he got those when he was in the Navy, and he keeps wearing them to remind himself of where he started. That, and he just plain likes them.

"During practice, he walked up to me and said 'Rich, we're going to the top! You, me, the coaches, our as yet unknown but soon to be fans, everybody!' He even did the sweeping hand move when he said it! I couldn't help but laugh.

"He watched the entire practice, then he went to the gate closest to the locker room and high fived everybody as we walked off the field ! I mean everybody! Players, coaches, trainers, managers - even the water boys got a high five as they walked by! I shook my head and thought 'This guy's crazy!', but it turned out that he was mostly right. We didn't get to the top, but we got really close. I'm sure he'll get that championship, though. He's too enthusiastic to not get over that hump!"

Eaves, the last original Black Panther, played with the team for 16 seasons.

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2015-10-26 04:23:20 - Dewey, 5 other Black Panthers retireReport Abuse

Prolific wide receiver Roland Dewey retired today after 11 seasons with the Black Panthers. He was joined by cornerbacks Deandre Bader and Jan Borucki, along with safeties Rich Eaves and Ingimar Bjartsson. There were plenty of laughs and some tears at today's press conference.

Dewey leaves the game as the 2nd-leading Black Panther receiver of all time, behind only Burton Grimm. "I plan to do a lot of fishing - a whole lot of fishing!" Dewey said with a laugh. It was a privilege to play as long as I have, but it's time for me to go. The body doesn't recover the way it used to, and this is a physically punishing game. I'm gonna miss the camaraderie in the locker room, but I won't miss the pain after gameday. Not. One. Bit."

The tears came as Ingimar Bjartsson anounced his retirement. "I'm blessed to have been given a chance to play at this level." Tears began to flow as he described the influence his parents, who passed away due to a car accident in September 2013, played in his life. " I was told that I was too small and too slow to play this game. My parents stood by me and I...I [wouldn't] have made it this far without...their support. They didn't get to see me play long, but I wouldn't have become a pro without them. I love them more than I can say. Thanks, Mom and Dad."

Bader and Borucki announced their retirements together. Borucki stated, "People have come to expect to see us together on the field, so we decided to announce our retirements at the same time. When asked about how long ago they decided to announce their retirements together, Bader said "about ten minutes ago." The duo continued to draw laughs by asking each other a couple questions.
"What are you forward to most, Jan?
"I'm looking forward to sleeping late and spending my kid's inheritance. What are your plans, DB?"
"I'm gonna open a small pizza shop somewhere and try not to eat myself out of business!"

Finally, Rich Eaves, the last original Black Panther spoke. "16 seasons as a pro. It doesn't seem like its been that long - that's how it's supposed to be when you like what you do." When Bader was asked about Eaves, Bader said that Eaves "was like another coach on the sideline. Things he did for us didn't show up on the stat sheet. Meetings and film study at his house, being a leader in the locker room, spotting the opponents' tendencies during games, and being a good example for younger players, things like that. I read somewhere that he barely graduated high school. Well, he may not be a smart man, but he is a wise man. He helped me, that's for sure."

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2015-02-11 01:41:09 - Black Panthers Fall Short in Title GameReport Abuse

The Black Panthers season came to a disappointing end as they lost to Vibler Wasserbube, 13-8.

"The game came down to one play. They made it - we didn't. Maybe we were too aggressive on defense on that play. You have to give all credit to Wasserbube, regardless of opinion." Coach Vladimír Krejsa said after the game. The play in question came on second down with 12:07 left in the game. Wasserbube scored on a 41-yard pass from QB Jonathan Schröder to TE Wolfgang Martin from goal line formation.

"All you can do is...all you can do. Their defense is amazing. Today was their day." Black Panther QB Dwight Dickens stated at the post game press conference. After a question about whether he would have changed any play decisions if he were given a chance, he slowly shook his head and said, "Even in hindsight, I don't know what else I could've done out there. It's gonna be a long [off-season] this year. It hurts. Man, it hurts."

The Black Panthers' pain was compounded by the fact that six starters, FB Lane McClendon, WR Burton Grimm, who is one of the last original Black Panthers, WR Daraja Jang, OT Sanford Schumacher, OG Dante Tajani, and MLB Jeffrey Eldridge played their last game today. Team owner dpierce said that he spoke to each of them after the game and he was proud to have them as members of the team. "I couldn't have asked for better players. They did all they could for this team on the field and in the locker room. They also led by example in the community. We may not have made it to the top of the mountain today, but we're a lot better than we were because of those guys."

"We're going to miss them and their experience. Great players make great coaches." Vladimír Krejsa stated, "We have players ready to fill the gaps. It's just a matter of getting the younger guys a little more time and experience, then they'll be good to go."

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2014-11-24 03:30:06 - Panthers players win league awards!Report Abuse

In their last seasons as Black Panthers, Keith Light and Douglas Sage added to their individual trophy cases. They are joined by TE Cedrick Rowley and HB Timothy Solis.

Light completed his final season with a finish that was 3rd all-league in passing yardage. Sage ended his career with a flourish, winning the top spot in the league's blocking category. Rowley, who had a career-high in receiving yards and TDs, finished as the league's 2nd best TE for the second consecutive season. The youngest player of the award winners may also be the best of the group. Timothy Solis finished the year by winning the award of the best RB of the Monarchs 1.1 league as well as winning the award for 3rd best RB of the entire Monarchs region.

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2014-11-24 03:29:09 - Two sudden retirements shock Black PanthersReport Abuse

Earlier today, FB Calogero Grasso and TE Ulysses Cleary announced their retirements, effective immediately.

Glasso, who saw very little playing time the past two seasons, seemed to be embittered by the demotion at the time. "I'm a better blocker and a better player than any other fullback on the roster, even at 31 years old!" Today, he was a bit more wistful. "When the time comes that you can no longer contribute to helping your team win, then it's time to move on."

Cleary, one of the last original Black Panthers, was introspective when he explained his decision. "I'd usually start getting that feeling, you know, the excitement from looking forward to doing something that you love, before the season. When I didn't get that feeling during the off-season, I soon realized that my time as a player has come to an end."

"I wish both Calogero and Ulysses nothing but the best in their future endeavors." Team owner dpierce stated at the press conference.

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