2014-08-18 05:42
Hello to all RZAers.
Some might have wondered why the heck I did not start writing again, since College Football Season will start soon.
Well ... I did struggle to come up with a final decision, but at the end it was quite simple.
This season I have not enough time to write the blog.
I'm a bit sad regarding this, since this means also I have not enough time to get into the material in details and I love College Football.
I would have written the blog regardless of the reactions, if I would have had the time.
But anyhow, you are invited to discuss with me on the forum about the college football season (first one with playoffs!).
I would like to thank you all again who did read my blog entries over the seasons.
Maybe next season I can find the time again to return.
Thanks and enjoy the upcoming season.
‘Til next time
Tags: Block of Granite