2014-08-25 22:29
The manual got a new section:
Kickoff-time of a match
Each game is scheduled for a certain kickoff time. This time was chosen by the kickoff time of the region where the host of the game comes from. For Scrimmages you can chose from certain timeslots.
For Friendly games, Friendly Cup games, Supercup Divisional games, Supercup Playoff games except the Bowl, and for Champ of Champion games except the bowl you might want to change the kickoff time. To do that just go to the game page. There you will find a box to chose a new kickoff time from. Just send your request. If the other manager is a human one, he/she has to acknowledge the new time. He/she may refuse the request as well. If you play a bot team, the request passes immediately.
In the Settings you will find a trigger to allow or refuse such requests. If you have chosen to refuse such requests, no request will be sent to you, nor will you be able to create such requests. If you allow such requests, you will get a notification in your pinboard once a manager was asking for a change of the kickoff time.
Tags: News