Community - American Football Management Simulator
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Main / American Football in real life / The Picture-contest...Revival Search Forum
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-01/S00
Posts: 20620
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posted: 2014-02-03 16:50:49 (ID: 100022989) Report Abuse
Hi, some of our veteran managers know this one very well, and a few weeks ago a manager contacted us to repeat not?

Send me 1 picture you shot by yourself, or which shows you. It has to be related to this fantastic sport called American Football. No matter if it is NFL, or even chinese regional league level 17 - as long it is related to American Football.

You send the picture to - and the mail should contain the picture, and your nickname you are using in RZA. Please send your picture during the next 4 week, we will accept pictures arriving til March 3rd, 2014, 20:00 (8 pm) servertime.

After this I will put the pictures online, and the community can vote which one is the best. The winner will receive 100 Credits, the runner-up 50 Credits, and the 3rd place will receive 25 Credits. I will run another lottery for a 3 months supporter account, all picture sending managers join this lottery automatically.

Now it is on you, show me your Football-Pics! Needless to say: pictures we have seen in 2012 already are not allowed to participate again - sorry guys, you will have to find new ones
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-01/S00
Posts: 20620
Top Manager

posted: 2014-03-05 17:20:57 (ID: 100025887) Report Abuse
So here we go!

Good luck to those brave enough sending a all other...

Shame on you

Now vote!
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-01/S00
Posts: 20620
Top Manager

posted: 2014-03-29 21:26:43 (ID: 100028551) Report Abuse

Congrats to all winners, thanks a lot to all managers sending pictures, and thanks a lot to our community for the votes!

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posted: 2015-03-08 16:32:19 (ID: 100051101) Report Abuse
I seemed to have missed the concept here.
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