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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2020-07-01 06:30:08 (ID: 100150371) Report Abuse
Maynard wrote:Eagles and PGC.

Pink Guinness Consumers won
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posted: 2020-07-02 01:18:04 (ID: 100150386) Report Abuse
Maynard wrote:
Some good games and some surprises today.

- Exocets over Scots Lions was pretty nuts.

-Fort Lauderdale over Renegades surprised me. The Reclusive Renegades are doing really well thanks no doubt to some savvy playbook planning. Their player wages are less than 300k. Almost like they're merely out to prove how well one can do with a miniscule financial obligation.

- Lots of back and forth between the Eagles and PGC. Was fun to watch the scores.

Actually I'm taking a "home grown" approach to team building. I'm building my squad purely from the draft and the youth academy. It's a slow approach, but a fun challenge. So considering the bulk of my squad is from my inherited roster with only a few YA and draft additions, it's a very young team.

Fort Lauderdale did surprise me, I thought I had enough in the tank to win that one. So be warned.....Fort Lauderdale punches above their weight and will be a team to watch.
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posted: 2020-07-02 01:56:16 (ID: 100150387) Report Abuse
Fuzzy wrote:
Maynard wrote:
Some good games and some surprises today.

- Exocets over Scots Lions was pretty nuts.

-Fort Lauderdale over Renegades surprised me. The Reclusive Renegades are doing really well thanks no doubt to some savvy playbook planning. Their player wages are less than 300k. Almost like they're merely out to prove how well one can do with a miniscule financial obligation.

- Lots of back and forth between the Eagles and PGC. Was fun to watch the scores.

Actually I'm taking a "home grown" approach to team building. I'm building my squad purely from the draft and the youth academy. It's a slow approach, but a fun challenge. So considering the bulk of my squad is from my inherited roster with only a few YA and draft additions, it's a very young team.

Fort Lauderdale did surprise me, I thought I had enough in the tank to win that one. So be warned.....Fort Lauderdale punches above their weight and will be a team to watch.

Out of curiosity, is this your first go in the RZA? You're punching well above your weight as well. Some good game planning going on, methinks.
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posted: 2020-07-02 18:04:12 (ID: 100150393) Report Abuse
Milky Way Media Presents - GAME OF THE WEEK


In the only matchup this week featuring two teams with winning records, two combatants face off in what can be viewed, from a financial standpoint, as a veritable showdown between an unknown shepherd boy named David, and a menacing giant known as Goliath.

When Reclusive Renegades #7 ranked passing defense comes to Anti 7 Stadium, before a 99k capacity crowd, they will be taking on the Cake’s #5 ranked passing offense. But this isn’t the first time these two have faced off. Having joined the RZA only since February of this year, B/Day and the Cakes have already taken on Fuzzy and the Renegades in a Supercup match in their difficult to find stadium, The Hideaway. But they had their candles blown out 47-17 when Barbados quarterback, Tito Passoni, threw 4 interceptions, finishing the day with a sugar free QB rating of 29.73.

This matchup took place on June 22nd. Has Barbados learned enough from that encounter to shift momentum in the other direction?

5.8 million dollars says they must.

That’s their weekly player wages; third highest in the league. The Cakes have been expanding in the oven over the last three years, spending an insulin raising $43 million in just 3 seasons. The recipe seemed simple enough: collect the players necessary to take a 5-11 team in Season 38 to a playoff contender in Season 39. However, there are some outlaws in the kitchen, and their potential victory in this week’s matchup defies convention. Total players the Renegades have bought on the transfer market since their inception? ZERO. Will these rebels, with their modest weekly wages, reject the notion that a playoff birth can be bought?

272 thousand dollars says they can.

That’s what Fuzzy spends to field a team each week. And yet with such a wide gulf between wages, the sliver thin difference between records is as narrow as can be: one win, one loss. A gap that could be shut this week if history is any indicator.

Fuzzy and the Renegades began their rebellion back in Season 36 in Galaxy 2. They made it all the way to the Bowl that season where they flattened the Mongolian Prairie Weasels 47-17 in a forgettable encounter, and brought home the league championship trophy.

Now their impressive pass defense takes on a top 5 passing offense, but an offense that’s suffered growing pains none the less. Currently transfer listed quarterback, Kirill Primo, and his replacement, Tito Passoni, have thrown a combined 25 interceptions on the season. Only one other team is anywhere near producing so many hand punts: that soft, meaty pasta we’ve all come to know as Caplit e salama with 20.

And yet, the Cakes offensive production cannot be dismissed. And what else cannot be denied? Their sack count. Out of the top 50 defenders with the most sacks, the Cakes have ravaged the Galaxy with a collective 37 sacks so far on the season. For comparison’s sake, here is how team’s collective sack count measure up so far this season:

(6-2) Tool: 49 sacks
(5-2) Barbados Cakes: 37 sacks
(7-0) Pretty Guinness Consumers: 29 sacks
(7-0) Torino Black Bulls: 26 sacks
(4-3) Reclusive Renegades: 3 sacks

And the Reclusives will need to remain elusive to avoid being tackled for a loss by the slippery, sure tackler that is Babafemi Bergman. He’s pushed players back on their heels an impressive 27 times this season. Only Prairie Weasel Davron Geynrikh has more at 36.

And what of the Renegade players? Who shall we highlight in this week’s write up?

Well, that’s just the thing: no one. This team is winning with a group of homegrown nobodies. They’re bucking the trend; breaking the rules. And you’ve never heard a single name so much as muttered in a highlight reel. You see, it’s not just the name of a team - it’s their identity. They are reclusive, they ARE renegades, and this week, they are that humble, brave shepherd boy, wielding the deadly sling that is their playbook, taking aim at the looming giant that is the Barbados Cakes.

Regrettably, beergut has retired from his team, and the Wallace Wildcats have gone bot. Eyes turn to Cheap Seat Chuggers, where BigHurt35Cards has not logged in since the 11th of June. Reports on the web also point out that machicuba of the Green Titans has not logged in since the 17th of June. If BigHurt and machi are both leaving their teams, Galaxy’s bot count rises to 7 for the season.

Here’s to Frydlant Defendors and Thirsty Monks of Galaxy 2! See you next month.

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posted: 2020-07-02 22:12:26 (ID: 100150399)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
No, this is not my first RZA rodeo. I do in fact have another active team in the Elite league. Although my playbook is working much better here in Galaxy even with the generic vanilla D I'm playing here.

Last edited on 2020-07-02 22:14:05 by Fuzzy

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posted: 2020-07-04 19:50:54 (ID: 100150440) Report Abuse
4th quarter and Reclusive Renegades just took the lead over Barbados with 10 minutes left! Exciting. Exocets and Prairie Weasels is another close one.
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posted: 2020-07-04 19:54:38 (ID: 100150441) Report Abuse
My CBs wont be allowed to get on the team bus on the way back
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posted: 2020-07-04 20:06:05 (ID: 100150442) Report Abuse
Auers wrote:
My CBs wont be allowed to get on the team bus on the way back

Ah man
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posted: 2020-07-04 20:13:57 (ID: 100150443) Report Abuse
Against my better judgement, I just splurged on this 19 year old: Too Much Money. Most I've ever spent on a player. Will be my best O-liner for sure and will make the whole line stronger... but still...
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posted: 2020-07-06 13:45:56 (ID: 100150469) Report Abuse
Milky Way Media Presents - GAME OF THE WEEK



- - -Lions #4 Rush Offense

- - -Eagles #6 Rush Offense, #2 Pass Defense and #7 Rush Defense

This is a rematch of last year’s divisonal playoff match where the Eagles handed the Lions a flight home for the season to the tune of 35-24. Having already featured Aye Aye earlier this season, let’s get to know the Philadelphia Eagles a little better. This is a team performing at a high level, and doing it without having any particular standout players to highlight. This means the one to highlight is GM PhillyEagles. He’s been running the show from Lincoln Financial Field since season 28 and in his office sits the Superbowl Champion Trophy from Galaxy 3, won in season 29. The Eagles have also topped the AC East in Galaxy 1 twice in the last 3 seasons.

Undefeated at home, the Eagles welcome a Lions team that are on a two game losing streak after winning their first 6 games of the season. Eagles stiff rush defense will see about stopping Lion’s Gianni Garbin, the #2 running back in the league with 847 yards rushing and 6 touchdowns.

Milky Way Media caught up with PhillyEagles at their practice facility today and asked him a few questions.

How much time do you spend game planning per game? Care to give us insight into your process?

Depends somehow on the circumstances. There is a real life as well and if that takes up more of my time than usual, then the game will be at the end. Nevertheless, over the seasons and years I have developed some gameplans, which I then adapt to the upcoming team. Sometimes I wish I had new options, but that's another matter.

Why no free agent signings yet this season?

Again, the same applies here. It depends on the circumstances. A few seasons ago I went out of the season with a small minus or plus at the end of the season and only kept my financial situation stable. I had a big squad with many players. I spent much more in salaries than I do now. So my financial situation has improved. It was never tight, but I wanted to change it. Now I look very closely at which players I really need and which players will help me in the long run. Without going into too much detail what I'm looking for, the market is usually empty or other players just offer more. Here I set myself clear limits and if it goes over the border, I simply get out. There is no player who makes me a winner. My squad is good enough to always play at the top.

Any progress sorting through your draft board yet?

I always prepare for the draft some days or hours early. Like in school. You knew there is a task upcoming and you delay it often times. I would pay for some better way to sort through the draft. I know it is very important, but

Advice for teams coming up from Galaxy 2?

Prepare for some blood, sweat and tears. You will loose and your instinct tells you to buy as many expensive player as you can. But don´t do this. Survive this season and build your team the right way. That means develop players.

What do you think of your chances up against Scots Lions this week?

I see an overpriced expensive team that should be better but isn´t. Sounds arrogant but I am long enough part of this league to know my chances. Sorry Scots but not this time.

Favorite Tool song?

I am not sure I have one. If I listen to this kind of music, I would go with LinkinPark but have hard time to listen to them after Chester died. Three years ago already...

Hopefully this insight provided by PhillyEagles will be utilized by GM’s coming up from Galaxy 2, and other leagues as well. When teams are going bot, and their finance bar is red and says “in trouble,” 9 out of 10 times, it’s lack of planning. Philadelphia Eagles are proof you don’t need to give away the farm to win. Will Scots Lions dispute that argument with a win this week? We will find out soon enough!


- - -Tool #7 Pass Offense and #5 Rush Offense

- - -Estrellas #7 Pass Defense and #5 Rush Defense

The battle for first place in the AC North is between the Estrellas who we have featured already this season, and Tool. Last season, GM Maynard and Tool won the AC North handily, no doubt helped by having two bots and one cyborg Ghost to contend with. Maynard started his RZA career in season 35 and went undefeated for the season, but immediately lost in his first playoff game as the level of competition proved to be too much. Now in Galaxy 1, Tool hopes to prove that it can shake it’s reputation of being nothing more than a Bot Beater.

Currently Tool boasts the 2nd best point differential in the league at 291, but is still 40 points behind the intimidating 8-0 Torino Black Bulls. Tool are 4-0 at home, hoping to make it 5 after this week’s challenge.

#3 ranked quarterback Gonzalo Barajas has 2323 yards and 35 touchdowns on the season.

#1 ranked running back Deshawn Wingate is dazzling fans with 1307 yards and nine touchdowns so far this season. It’s his tackle breaking ability that defines his success. He leads the league with 44. And if you like pancakes, Tool hosts 3 of the top 5 offensive lineman handing out flapjacks this season. Michael Charles Marquette, Mateo Cortes and Bert Dunning are no doubt a big reason why Deshawn Wingate is the Galaxy’s best running back in season 39.

Tool linebackers have combined for a shocking 49 sacks on the season. Including 10 a piece for Killian Ryan and season 39 second round draft pick, Forrest Walls. The 20 year old sure tackler with 50 speed is only going to get better with time.

All of this is well and good for Tool. Stats and wins tell quite a story. However, in Tool’s case, it’s far from the whole story. Here is some perspective on how our double header teams have been tested so far this season. This is the combined season record of their opponents:

Scots Lions: 35-31
Philadelphia Eagles: 31-34
Oulton Estrellas: 30-36
Tool: 15-50

Worse yet, 6-2 Tool has only played two teams with a winning record so far this season. The results of those two games?

You can guess.
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