2013-05-10 16:05
After having a review on our follower counts on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, it seems we could have some more, again.
So here we go with a small "campaign" running until Independence Day '13, July 4th:
1. Facebook
Go there, and "Like" RedZoneaction. 5 new followers = 1 Credit. It does not matter if you or friends of you push the like button. Count at the moment: 231
2. Google+:
Go there, and "plus" us. 5 new followers = 1 Credit. It does not matter if you or friends of you push the like button. Count at the moment: 78
On top you could add a short link in your profile, and if you do that don't miss to remark it with #RedZoneAction. Each post we can find: 1 Credit
3. Twitter:
Go there, and "plus" us. 5 new followers = 1 Credit. It does not matter if you or friends of you push the like button. Count at the moment: 66
On top you could create a short tweet, and if you do that don't miss to remark it with #RedZoneAction. Each tweet we can find: 1 Credit
At the 4th of July '13 we are counting the Credits based on the rules described above, and push the "Send Credits button". This will be our this years Independence Day gift to you.
The page onlinesportmanagers.com awarded another trophy to the "Best rated game in April 2013". And once more, we were able to defend our position on top of that ranking. A big thank you!
Here is just a small reminder about our rating competition: For each percentage you drive our score higher and higher, Credits will be paid. So what to do?
1.) Visit onlinesportmanagers.com
2.) Click "Best"
3.) Click "Play!" - which redirects you to RedZoneAction.org
4.) If you like the game, leave a nice comment over there ;)
While we are at it: Our rating over there is at 80.85% now. This means, you earned another 10 Credits. We will send another few Credits if you can push our rating above 81.5% until End of May '13.
How to get more Credits
There are, beside the purchase of Supporter Accounts and Credits, a few options to earn Credits. Remember our "Connect to Facebook"-post a few days ago. By posting Game-results or Press releases you can earn Credits, and draw the attention of your friends to RedZoneAction.org.
Another easy way is to spread the word in forums about Football, or whatever else. There is a so called Referral-Link available on the Credits-page. Each new user joining the game by using this referral is providing you some reward. Read more about it in our Post, made a few days ago
You could include the referral-link. Each visitor that clicks your link and joins the RedZoneAction.org-Community is "causing" some Credits on your account. More details - including your personal referral link - can be found here: http://redzoneaction.org/football/index.php?page=help&subpage=credits#referral.
Tags: News