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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-09-09 13:09:26 (ID: 100169134) Report Abuse
Yes, that what I meant with getting too hot.

I just read that many french nuclear power plants are also damaged and are at least mid term a risk operating. And there is no plan B by the goverment.

A new one is in building status, operation launch is shifted annually, now supposed to be ready mid 2023 with in cost so far.

I recommand the Thorium film, it shed as light on why the nuclear shit is as it is and what the future could be and what that would mean. It doesn't have to be Chernobyl, Fukishima or 3-Mile-Island, since the building template doesn't have to be the way it is on those. There are saver options.

Funny side fact. In Germany some political parties are calling for the exit on the exit on nuclear power to get rid of russian gas deliveries and ask to prolong the current plants and build new one (likely on the established template), but the uranium market is controlled in big part by russia also!

By the way Thorium is distributed more equally and more often over the world.
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Quokkas on steroids

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-09-09 13:58:11 (ID: 100169137) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:

Funny side fact. In Germany some political parties are calling for the exit on the exit on nuclear power to get rid of russian gas deliveries and ask to prolong the current plants and build new one (likely on the established template), but the uranium market is controlled in big part by russia also!

Fun fun fact: even the German Bundesumweltamt (Authority to control environment) was telling, if we would go for that exit from exiting nuclear power, it was not nearly enough to make a difference. One of thos politicians was calling for "but we could solve shorts", not knowing that most shortages are becoming a problem with very short time, but nuclear energy is not made to be switched on/off kind of immediately. Too much politics and opinion making, too less knowledge ...
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KMN Mandalorians

Germany   HH_KMN owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-09-09 15:23:24 (ID: 100169143) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
jack6 wrote:

Funny side fact. In Germany some political parties are calling for the exit on the exit on nuclear power to get rid of russian gas deliveries and ask to prolong the current plants and build new one (likely on the established template), but the uranium market is controlled in big part by russia also!

Fun fun fact: even the German Bundesumweltamt (Authority to control environment) was telling, if we would go for that exit from exiting nuclear power, it was not nearly enough to make a difference. One of thos politicians was calling for "but we could solve shorts", not knowing that most shortages are becoming a problem with very short time, but nuclear energy is not made to be switched on/off kind of immediately. Too much politics and opinion making, too less knowledge ...

electrical energy has be suplied the exact same second when it is consumed

but that was political motivated statement (remember who runs the Bundesumweltamt)
of course Nuclear plants would never run peak load but they would need to run in base load as they cannot change load quickly. So there would be less requirement for extra energy which certainly is easier to manage than a larger requirement

On good days they would even move Wind or Solar out of the grid, which nobody would want. However on bad days you would need to transfer far less energy from elsewhere.

And the energy transmission lines in Germany were already at the limit before this crisis. Too many projects for lines got delayed (also for environmental reasons). So transmission capacities are limited.

Also you need to supply reactive power i.e. for electrical motors etc. Via transmission you can only get active power, so you need to run an active power plant or at least rotating grid satbilization in every area

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Quokkas on steroids

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2022-09-09 17:52:59 (ID: 100169149) Report Abuse
It is just "amazing", how German politicians from liberal and conservative parties call for ditching the nuclear exit by making statements, which do not work out at all. As always, I would love of there was more science involved, and less opinion - at least BEFORE the media receive those statements
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Main / The Lounge - Smokers welcome / Energy in Europe...