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Main / Rookie Area / Mid-Season Playbook Analysis Search Forum
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posted: 2023-01-26 00:16:24 (ID: 100171708) Report Abuse
I've been Using my Current Playbook for about half a season now and I'm looking into potential adjustments, obviously the first think I need to keep an eye out for is Unbalanced Tactics, which is supposedly easy to Find out if there is unbalanced Tactics using the Coaches Karma. That being said there doesn't appear to be a single consensus, one game my Karma is great, and the next is terrible. What is the best method to Isolate the Unbalanced Tactic, especially one that comes and goes.?
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-01-26 07:52:26 (ID: 100171717) Report Abuse
As far as I know, Karma is right now only indicated, but has no effect on the gameplay, except the loopside tactics thingy, which does give penalty on playing too much the same.

The different results are likely depended on the plays selected and played, based on game situations. The same playbook might lead to different results, since in one game you can use the whole book and in another you throw pass pass pass, since you are in desperate need to catchup.
It depends on the rules you did implement.

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posted: 2023-01-26 23:55:07 (ID: 100171726) Report Abuse
So in short the only way to really Find that Unbalanced Tactic is to go through Every Game and see what tactics wind up unbalanced?
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-01-27 06:09:07 (ID: 100171728) Report Abuse
You can do that, but I would assume going through the playbook with some use cases in mind, like what happens if I have to catch up, what if I lead etc and sort it out, if needed.
Change of formations can help, wildcards, or more lines.
It depends on how you want to build a playbook.

For example it is totally fine to only have a few offense plays, the rest is game settings.
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Main / Rookie Area / Mid-Season Playbook Analysis