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punch drunk
Dumpster FIRE


Joined: 2014-12-05/S15
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posted: 2024-07-25 06:50:48 (ID: 100185489) Report Abuse
Nice write up butch!

Don't give that Dark Matter team too much credit. It's just an expensive dumpster fire.

Dark Matter
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Sheffield Wednesday


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posted: 2024-07-25 10:11:54 (ID: 100185496)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Predictions for S57

NC East

In the Division that used to be dominated by the Dnipro Dendroids (6 time straight winner) the NC East hasnt produced a BOWL contender since the Ghost of Bautzen in S48 (Now of course The Arantana Hajimari). That doesnt look likely to change in S57 as relative newcomers Geneva Lions (S53) and Svalbard Saints (S53) have the division all to themselves, with 2 x BOT to make up the group.

The Chicago Cubs, who were dormant for so long, have opted to leave The Sea Devils family for a crack at the Claymore Title. With that we will definitely have a new NC East Champion.

The Svalbard Saints will start as favorites, but The Lions may fancy a Underdog upset. A rivalry that has seen these sides play 6 times in 3 seasons, produces an even head to head of 3-3, including a Lions 49-6 humbling of The Saints just last season.

Svalbard (10-6) topped The Lions (8-8) last season and i suspect they will nick it this season also.

Last 5 Winners

S56 - Chicago Cubs 14-2
S55 - Svalbard Saints 13-3
S54 - Dnipro Dendroids 14-2 (BOT)
S53 - Dnipro Dendroids 12-4 (BOT)
S52 - Dnipro Dendroids 10-6 (BOT)

NC North

The ever changing face of the NC North runs firmly BLUE & WHITE in recent seasons with the Scottish Glasgow Tigers dominating. The Scots would have firmly been expecting a visit to The Land of Elite but were shocked by the Michigan Weasels 22-17 in the Conference Championship.

The Tigers are joined by our German contingent , The Hamburg Baltic Dogs and St Pauli Packers. Scotland didn't fair too well over the summer, with a visit to Munich for Euro 2024 delivering an uninspiring 5-1 loss to The Germans.

I don't suspect RZA will offer any such repeats for The Tigers in S57. In 5 League match ups Glasgow have scored over 40 points on each occasion v The Baltic Dogs, holding a 5-0 record. For the Packers that record is 6-0, with neither side yet to land a glove on The Tigers face.

In the fight for second place the Hamburg Baltic Dogs are clear favorites. The lead the head to head 6-2, winning their last 5. This includes 51-21 and 61-3 victories last season.

S56 - Glasgow Tigers 15-1
S55 - Glasgow Tigers 15-1
S54 - Mystics 16-0 - Bowl Winners
S53 - Constanta Sailors 10-6 - Promoted to Elite
S52 - Constanta Sailors 13-3

NC South

The big news from the NC South is that Vamosahi has left the Sea Devils to joining the Chicago Cubs in the Claymores. This leaves the already Champions and guaranteed Playoff place Kamloop Mad Dogs as the lone survivors. The loss of the Cubs and Vamosahi has opened up the NC side of the draw a little

S56 - Vamosahi 15-1
S55 - Stone Mountain Hawks 15-1 - Bowl Winners
S54 - Stone Mountain Hawks 16-0
S53 - Stone Mountain Hawks 16-0
S52 - Vamosahi 14-2

NC West

The Corsairs / Traders rivalry is on hold for at least 1 season with the formidable Mystics returning to contest NC West. The Mystics have spent 7 of the last 10 seasons hob nobbing it with the big boys in Elite. They are 4 times Sea Devils Champions and sport the largest Wage Bill in the League. The number 1 ranked team, they start as red hot favorites to return to the Devils Bowl.

Good Luck Brucehum!

S56 - Michigan Weasel Traders 13-3 - Promoted to Elite
S55 - Michigan Weasel Traders 12-4
S54 - Vancouver Corsairs 12-4
S53 - Vancouver Corsairs 13-3
S52 - Sunrise City Prairie Dogs 16-0

The battle for the NC Conference

The key players this season look to be :

- Glasgow Tigers
- Kamloop Mad Dogs
- Mystics
- Geneva Lions
- Hamburg Baltic Dogs
- St Pauli Packers
- Svalbard Saints
- Vancover Corsairs

Again it is 6 from these 8

1. Mystics
2. Glasgow Tigers
3. Kamloop Mad Dogs
4. Svalbard Saints
5. Vancouver Corsairs
6. Hamburg Baltic Dogs

I envisage the Geneva Lions and St Pauli Packers being the ones to miss out this season

The Conference Final i suspect will be The Tigers v The Mystics.

Last edited on 2024-07-25 10:22:31 by butchpt6

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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2024-07-25 10:14:41 (ID: 100185498) Report Abuse
punch drunk wrote:
Nice write up butch!

Don't give that Dark Matter team too much credit. It's just an expensive dumpster fire.

Dark Matter

Sorry to say, but i don't have that opinion about you.
You have a solid team and you are for a sure a contender for the AC crown.
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Vancouver Corsairs

Canada   Brucehum owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-07-25 14:45:05 (ID: 100185503) Report Abuse
Great write ups as usual, Butch.

Yes, Mystics will be the usual team coming down from Elite for us... :-)
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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2024-07-26 06:38:57 (ID: 100185515) Report Abuse
Here we go.
Sorry to say but Vamosahi & the The Chicago Cubs decided to leave the region this season and they will be missed, but we have a new colleague that we welcome with open arm Dark Matter.
There are 14 boot teams now, but there will be 15 very soon, so with that being said here are the predictions for Season 57.
Thank you and enjoy.

AC East
Devon Warriors 11-5
Constanta Sailors 11-5
Brno Legionaries (BOOT) 3-13
Quebec Moose (BOOT) 2-14

AC North
Aratana Hajimari 15-1
Social Distance Runners 14-2
Minnesota Unicorns 8-8
Clarkston Wolves 4-12

AC South
Mavericks 15-1
Colossus (BOOT) 5-11
Saints (BOOT) 5-11
Tampa Bay Buccaneers (BOOT) 4-12

AC West
Dark Matter 13-3
Sheffield Wednesday 11-5
Konjarnik HighTowers 6-10
Idiotic Idiots (BOOT) 1-15

NC East
Svalbard Saints 12-4
Geneva Lions 11-5
Tallinna Ehitajad 4-12
Euro2024 (BOOT) 2-14

NC North
Glasgow Tigers 15-1
Hamburg Baltic Dogs 12-4
St Pauli Packers 7-9
Rams (BOOT) 2-14

NC South
Kamloops Mad Dogs 12-4
Salt Lake City Wildlife (BOOT) 5-11
The Last Duck Dance (BOOT) 5-11
Rast (BOOT) 5-11

NC West
Mystics 16-0
Vancouver Corsairs 13-3
Indy Crossroads (BOOT) 4-12
Uruk-hai Warriors (BOOT) 3-13

AC Wildcard
6. Constanta Sailors vs 3. Dark Matter
5. Social Distance Runners vs 4. Devon Warriors
NC Wildcard
6. Hamburg Baltic Dogs vs 3. Kamloops Mad Dogs
5. Vancouver Corsairs vs 4. Svalbard Saints

AC Divisional
3. Dark Matter vs 2. Aratana Hajimari
5. Social Distance Runners vs 1. Mavericks
NC Divisional
3. Kamloops Mad Dogs vs 2. Glasgow Tigers
4. Svalbard Saints vs 1. Mystics

AC Conference
5. Social Distance Runners vs 2. Aratana Hajimari
NC Conference
2. Glasgow Tigers vs 1. Mystics

2. Aratana Hajimari vs 1. Mystics

Good luck to all and have a great season (without me )
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St Pauli Packers


Joined: 2020-04-05/S38
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posted: 2024-07-28 18:47:09 (ID: 100185572) Report Abuse
No surprises, Radu?
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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

Joined: 2022-09-19/S48
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posted: 2024-07-29 05:04:23 (ID: 100185578) Report Abuse
hmpf22 wrote:
No surprises, Radu?

Busy weekend

Here are the TOP 3 surprises of week 1
1. Sheffield Wednesday vs Dumpster FIRE : 31:23
2. -
3. -
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punch drunk
Dumpster FIRE


Joined: 2014-12-05/S15
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posted: 2024-07-29 05:26:52 (ID: 100185579) Report Abuse
Radu91 wrote:
punch drunk wrote:
Nice write up butch!

Don't give that Dark Matter team too much credit. It's just an expensive dumpster fire.

Dark Matter

Sorry to say, but i don't have that opinion about you.
You have a solid team and you are for a sure a contender for the AC crown.
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St Pauli Packers


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posted: 2024-07-29 18:45:05 (ID: 100185588)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Which jacket is nicer?



Last edited on 2024-07-29 18:46:26 by hmpf22

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Sheffield Wednesday


Joined: 2022-02-19/S46
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posted: 2024-07-29 18:52:25 (ID: 100185589) Report Abuse
hmpf22 wrote:
Which jacket is nicer?



Oh Jos Luhukay

Possible one of the worsr Managers to darken the Sheffield Wednesday doorstep.
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