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Lupus in fabula

Italy   fabry owns a supporter account

Joined: 2024-08-17/S57
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posted: 2024-09-20 06:54:48 (ID: 100186409)  Edits found: 2 Report Abuse
Hi everyone, i'd have a couple of questions. Bot teams are eligible for playoffs? Because I have the 8th conference record, but two teams above me are computer controlled. It would be nice to dip my toes in those dangerous waters...
2nd one: how bot teams work during off season draft? They pick random, they pick the first player in list... it would be a pity to see good players being wasted.

A last one: most special trait add a 5% bonus on some skills. This works if the interested skill is at maximum level or not? I mean, let's assume the special trait gives a 5% bonus on speed. This goes on top of speed even if it already is at 50, meaning it goes on top of that 50? Or that 50 is a hard cap and in this case the special trait is wasted?

Thank you

Last edited on 2024-09-20 06:55:57 by fabry

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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

Joined: 2022-09-19/S48
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posted: 2024-09-20 07:19:09 (ID: 100186410) Report Abuse
fabry wrote:
Hi everyone, i'd have a couple of questions. Bot teams are eligible for playoffs? Because I have the 8th conference record, but two teams above me are computer controlled. It would be nice to dip my toes in those dangerous waters...

All teams are eligible for playoffs based on their records and PD.
Those were probably teams controlled by managers (Gunn, sure was) and eventually they turned BOOT, but the record remains, it's not deleted.

fabry wrote:
2nd one: how bot teams work during off season draft? They pick random, they pick the first player in list... it would be a pity to see good players being wasted.

Yes. They pick random, but don't be surprised if they take a good prospect. It does happen.
If you are lucky, the player/players you want can fall to you, but you must put up at least the number you draft. If you pick 15, them put the best 15 players you find in that order in your draft board. For sure you will get someone from that buch. If some will remain from that 15 for round 2, that's great, find the next best guys, until you get back to 15 players on the draft board.
These is my advice to you, so you won't miss out on some good players, just because you put only 5 in the draft board and all of them were taken and you get "instant fire" player.

fabry wrote:
A last one: most special trait add a 5% bonus on some skills. This works if the interested skill is at maximum level or not? I mean, let's assume the special trait gives a 5% bonus on speed. This goes on top of speed even if it already is at 50, meaning it goes on top of that 50? Or that 50 is a hard cap and in this case the special trait is wasted?

The traits add on whatever cap the player has.
If his speed is 48, the Track Star adds 5% to that making it -> 50.4 at speed and so on. If it's 50, yey, his Speed will be 52.5 All trait work the same, they add to that players number no matter what the number is. Can be 25 at a skill like vision, it's added, if it is max say 50, it adds there too.

fabry wrote:
Thank you

Your welcome
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Lupus in fabula

Italy   fabry owns a supporter account

Joined: 2024-08-17/S57
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posted: 2024-09-20 07:35:58 (ID: 100186411) Report Abuse
Radu91 wrote:
fabry wrote:
Hi everyone, i'd have a couple of questions. Bot teams are eligible for playoffs? Because I have the 8th conference record, but two teams above me are computer controlled. It would be nice to dip my toes in those dangerous waters...

All teams are eligible for playoffs based on their records and PD.
Those were probably teams controlled by managers (Gunn, sure was) and eventually they turned BOOT, but the record remains, it's not deleted.

Oh well, i supposed that but I was hoping to have a chance. Next season

fabry wrote:
2nd one: how bot teams work during off season draft? They pick random, they pick the first player in list... it would be a pity to see good players being wasted.

Radu91 wrote:Yes. They pick random, but don't be surprised if they take a good prospect. It does happen.
If you are lucky, the player/players you want can fall to you, but you must put up at least the number you draft. If you pick 15, them put the best 15 players you find in that order in your draft board. For sure you will get someone from that buch. If some will remain from that 15 for round 2, that's great, find the next best guys, until you get back to 15 players on the draft board.
These is my advice to you, so you won't miss out on some good players, just because you put only 5 in the draft board and all of them were taken and you get "instant fire" player.

To be honest, i'm listing all players on an excel sheet, putting them in order, then i'm planning to list them from 1st to 96th so I should be coeredi

fabry wrote:
A last one: most special trait add a 5% bonus on some skills. This works if the interested skill is at maximum level or not? I mean, let's assume the special trait gives a 5% bonus on speed. This goes on top of speed even if it already is at 50, meaning it goes on top of that 50? Or that 50 is a hard cap and in this case the special trait is wasted?

Radu91 wrote:The traits add on whatever cap the player has.
If his speed is 48, the Track Star adds 5% to that making it -> 50.4 at speed and so on. If it's 50, yey, his Speed will be 52.5 All trait work the same, they add to that players number no matter what the number is. Can be 25 at a skill like vision, it's added, if it is max say 50, it adds there too.

Good to know, thanks again and sorry for any quote mistake, typing from my cell phone, not that easy!
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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

Joined: 2022-09-19/S48
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posted: 2024-09-20 07:44:04 (ID: 100186412) Report Abuse
fabry wrote:
To be honest, i'm listing all players on an excel sheet, putting them in order, then i'm planning to list them from 1st to 96th so I should be coeredi

In case you didn't know, in the draft board you can download the excel sheet with all 96 players. Find " CSV comma separated, decimal is dot" because you have supporter account.
I put them from top to bottom by position, QB, RB, FB, etc to see which QB is the best, which WR is the best etc. and by age because age matters a lot. Getting a 19 years old is better than taking a 22 years old. Because he has an extra 3 years of training and you can make some money with him on the TM to
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