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Main / Rookie Area / retirement - is it set in stone? Search Forum
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Orono Ancient Snappers

Usa   jpnwrt owns a supporter account   jpnwrt acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2025-01-08 10:11:05 (ID: 100188455)  Edits found: 3 Report Abuse
My player has announced this season his plan to retire. Final decision - didn't give me the chance to postpone it.

Now, I know "final" means final farewell for him from my team. But if he goes to another team, is there _a chance_ he will change his mind?

/ reading everything below is not essential - only the question above is what I would like to know /

Just to be sure - I don't ask it because I want to find a trick, a workaround to grab him back, this way or another.
I ask, because I am considering putting him on the transfer market.
But no - I don't ask because I am hoping that the possibility of not retiring will increase the chance for a lot of money. In fact - I'd be really happy if it was possible to make the exception, once, and allow him to go for some team for significantly less, than Pete has set it up (and he was really right to do it!).
I ask, because I am hoping the chance of not retiring will increase the chance, the team interested in buying him, will be the team with big goals in the near future, and the chance of not retiring I suppose might attract more interest from such teams.

Why all this then, you might ask. Why not just keep him this last season and make the best of it? And what's the point of putting the player on the LT, if, as I claim, I don't want a big return?

I know how this will sound, but I would be happy to see that he gets a chance to show his potential. The potential I, as his manager, wasted, because I spent too many seasons fixing players with lesser potential.
I am not a weirdo. OK, I am. All normal ppl are, a bit, otherwise they'd lose their mind seeing only weirdos around them What I mean is I know it's not a real person but a set of numbers on Pete's comp. But it's, like losing your favourite pen. Personally, I'd rather not find a 10 bucks bill on the street, than lose my favourite pen that cost 99 cents.
Simply put, a very little part of me got used to think that the set of numbers I happen to decide how they work, is about to lose an important element, that I used to think about as a team's captain. And I regret, that this particular element, which, who knows, might be currently the best "QB" in the game, is not going to help achieving any real goals, as it would under a better manager than I am.

Last edited on 2025-01-08 10:20:56 by jpnwrt

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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2025-01-08 10:38:32 (ID: 100188458) Report Abuse
As far as I know, when the player decides to retire, there are just two options.
Either he offers to change his decision by some extra money.
Or he stays with his decision.

Both options are visible for the ower, as you know.

Switching the owner does not change anything.
The option for the extra money stays, if not already used.
And if that option is not there, he will retire at the end of the season (or after he gets cut).

So selling the player doesn't make sense from my point of view.
But maybe someone wants that player for that last season.
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Orono Ancient Snappers

Usa   jpnwrt owns a supporter account   jpnwrt acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2025-01-08 14:27:42 (ID: 100188475) Report Abuse
Thanks, Jack6!
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Main / Rookie Area / retirement - is it set in stone?