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posted: 2017-07-12 05:00:07 (ID: 100109608) Report Abuse
jagreen wrote:
Buziano wrote:
Next season I will be able to go in with 50 Mill right away. This season this was impossible and I went under for two weeks selling athletes in order to not go under for more time.

I believe I will ignore the Media Center next year it put me in a difficult financial situation early in the season.

Sorry pal but your finance management put you in a difficult situation, not the media center.
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posted: 2017-07-12 11:55:55 (ID: 100109623)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Fincyril wrote:
jagreen wrote:
Buziano wrote:
Next season I will be able to go in with 50 Mill right away. This season this was impossible and I went under for two weeks selling athletes in order to not go under for more time.

I believe I will ignore the Media Center next year it put me in a difficult financial situation early in the season.

Sorry pal but your finance management put you in a difficult situation, not the media center.

I have to agree with you to an extent. However, I would have had no problems staying in the black if I had not contributed to the media center. Because I contribute I was in the red for 3 updates early in the season. Yes that's my fault. I would rather just run things on my own and not have to worry about calculating the media center. I don't run things the way you do I don't believe in building up a large War chest I like to break even every year like I'm running a cap. This game is modeled more after European football. I would prefer it if it was modeled after the NFL with a salary cap.

At any rate I have a right to give to the media center or not give to the media center. I'm going to choose to not give in the future.

Last edited on 2017-07-12 11:57:33 by jagreen

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posted: 2017-07-12 12:20:46 (ID: 100109625) Report Abuse
jagreen wrote:

At any rate I have a right to give to the media center or not give to the media center. I'm going to choose to not give in the future.

No one is questioning your right to contribute or not to the mediacenter. However, you need to worry about the other teams having more income when they participate and you do not.

if you yearly income would be the a salary cap, the cap for a team participating is 400k$ / week higher than that of team not participating.

If I would in future use the money dedicated for the mediacenter, I will consider it a loan with an interest of 12 Mio $ per season
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posted: 2017-07-12 12:22:59 (ID: 100109626) Report Abuse
jagreen wrote:
Fincyril wrote:
jagreen wrote:
Buziano wrote:
Next season I will be able to go in with 50 Mill right away. This season this was impossible and I went under for two weeks selling athletes in order to not go under for more time.

I believe I will ignore the Media Center next year it put me in a difficult financial situation early in the season.

Sorry pal but your finance management put you in a difficult situation, not the media center.

I have to agree with you to an extent. However, I would have had no problems staying in the black if I had not contributed to the media center. Because I contribute I was in the red for 3 updates early in the season. Yes that's my fault. I would rather just run things on my own and not have to worry about calculating the media center. I don't run things the way you do I don't believe in building up a large War chest I like to break even every year like I'm running a cap. This game is modeled more after European football. I would prefer it if it was modeled after the NFL with a salary cap.

At any rate I have a right to give to the media center or not give to the media center. I'm going to choose to not give in the future.

You have all rights to do this. I think it is a poor decision but still it is your decision. We others which want to contribute to the Media Center have to look how we reach 75% but i think we will manage it.
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posted: 2017-07-12 16:36:29 (ID: 100109639) Report Abuse
jagreen I know where you're coming from. Maintaining a championship caliber team gets expensive. I think it was the timing that threw you off because you had recently bought some new players and wham! here comes Media Center. I hated the MC at first for the same reason you stated- I want to do things on my own. But Shanny made it plain- if you (or anyone) doesn't participate, they will have less income long-term. Good luck whatever you decide.
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posted: 2017-07-12 17:43:36 (ID: 100109643)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
JohnnyAce wrote:
jagreen I know where you're coming from. Maintaining a championship caliber team gets expensive. I think it was the timing that threw you off because you had recently bought some new players and wham! here comes Media Center. I hated the MC at first for the same reason you stated- I want to do things on my own. But Shanny made it plain- if you (or anyone) doesn't participate, they will have less income long-term. Good luck whatever you decide.

Yes I understand with all of you. I guess I'm just making a poor decision. I don't like to loan money. Especially if you don't have capital to do so.

Last edited on 2017-07-12 17:43:54 by jagreen

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posted: 2017-07-12 22:21:30 (ID: 100109655) Report Abuse
jagreen wrote:
JohnnyAce wrote:
jagreen I know where you're coming from. Maintaining a championship caliber team gets expensive. I think it was the timing that threw you off because you had recently bought some new players and wham! here comes Media Center. I hated the MC at first for the same reason you stated- I want to do things on my own. But Shanny made it plain- if you (or anyone) doesn't participate, they will have less income long-term. Good luck whatever you decide.

Yes I understand with all of you. I guess I'm just making a poor decision. I don't like to loan money. Especially if you don't have capital to do so.

I don't see a problem here. He'll be in Elite next season.
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posted: 2017-07-13 07:17:21 (ID: 100109667) Report Abuse
jagreen wrote:
JohnnyAce wrote:
jagreen I know where you're coming from. Maintaining a championship caliber team gets expensive. I think it was the timing that threw you off because you had recently bought some new players and wham! here comes Media Center. I hated the MC at first for the same reason you stated- I want to do things on my own. But Shanny made it plain- if you (or anyone) doesn't participate, they will have less income long-term. Good luck whatever you decide.

Yes I understand with all of you. I guess I'm just making a poor decision. I don't like to loan money. Especially if you don't have capital to do so.

I believe I can relate to what you are saying more than anyone else as I had to do a fire sale to come out of the red for the third week. My problem with the media center was, it was announced too late.

For the future I decided to reform my team finances. If you look at my team you will understand what I mean. You can also review this forum Stats and Costs.

For the next season I am ready to contribute. The only thing that could happen is that I see young players to good to pass by and I invest in them instead of the media center. It always is a danger with me. But as I have a complete line-up sub 25 years this is not my priority right now.
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posted: 2017-07-13 16:47:14 (ID: 100109683) Report Abuse
Superpippo wrote:

I don't see a problem here. He'll be in Elite next season.

If he is then it will be an even worse decision not to take part - as the profits from the Media Centre are high in Elite, due to almost everybody joining in.

Plus squads are stronger...
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