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posted: 2014-03-21 10:45:49 (ID: 100027513) Report Abuse
who did you guys draft?

I am not sad about nmy draft. 1st round a DL maybe 1 or 2 years too old but for pick #31 it wasn't that bad.

2nd round another defensive player and I need fresh blood in my defense. He will play in the secondary.

Surprisingly in the 3rd round there was no Punter or Kicker for me at #31. It was a RB. of course he would only be a Backup I think, but he could fill a need for a while.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2014-03-21 13:31:28 (ID: 100027532) Report Abuse
I got a nice WR in the 1st round, a good LB in the second and a eventually decend RB in the 3rd.
I needed a CB, so maybe I have to buy one on the transfer market ....
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Black Dragons


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posted: 2014-03-21 17:17:07 (ID: 100027557) Report Abuse
I got a nice Safety in the first
average TE/WR in the second
a worthless 23 yr old kicker in the 3rd round.
overall it was OK draft for me.
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posted: 2014-03-21 19:23:14 (ID: 100027564) Report Abuse
1st rd- - nice LB
2nd rd- - decent DL moved to CB/SF
3rd rd- - a slow SF - - crap you find at the bottom of the pile of crap!!!

After todays cash is 6.4 mill in red.
I dont know guys??? I got 4 players on TM with skills
and next time is the 3rd notice. I do have a League game as well.
I need a quickie 10-15 mill to get by.
looking over my roster....put up 2 more players. one with dual 45+ skills Wr/TE

dpierce wrote:
kyle-rowdy-busch wrote:I will take any friednlys ALL season.

Check your challenges.

Glad to read that you're sticking around.

I accepted the Challenge- - tho its a paid freindly- since those get no $$$.
Sorry ViblerWassbube...i would done yours as well if it was open. Next time..OK.

Last edited on 2014-03-21 20:59:50 by kyle-rowdy-busch

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Paxtang Black Panthers

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posted: 2014-03-22 01:22:31 (ID: 100027606) Report Abuse
I'll try to get a Friday challenge sent your way this season.

We can't have our competitors going out of business, can we?
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2014-03-22 07:13:09 (ID: 100027609) Report Abuse
kyle-rowdy-busch wrote:
1st rd- - nice LB
2nd rd- - decent DL moved to CB/SF
3rd rd- - a slow SF - - crap you find at the bottom of the pile of crap!!!

After todays cash is 6.4 mill in red.
I dont know guys??? I got 4 players on TM with skills
and next time is the 3rd notice. I do have a League game as well.
I need a quickie 10-15 mill to get by.
looking over my roster....put up 2 more players. one with dual 45+ skills Wr/TE

Sorry, but selling old bones will not help you to get that kind of money.
Did you reduce your staff? (not the coaches)

Maybe you will be fine through the league game tonight.
You will get a lot of money for that (around 8 mio + fan shop sellings).
THEN you will be on the plus side.
IF this counts BEFORE the update, fine.
IF the u p d a t e happens and THEN it is counted, you will get level 3.

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posted: 2014-03-22 11:51:01 (ID: 100027629) Report Abuse
I wondering a little bit, how you and even others could get in so much financial trouble? My season forcast for season 12 is still positive. +11 mil for this season (and the forcast is allways without possible Playoff games, CofC, fanshop, friendlies)

And I agree with jack6. You need to sell younger potential players in such situations. Yeah that could hurt your team but for the financial situation it is a need. Cause nobody will really pay much for players which could retire next season or players with extremly high skills (high wages) and not really good physicals.

And you know what your weekly financial balance is. So why you bought a player for your last 20mil only few days before the season rollover? I mean this isn't your first season kyle. You should know that you need money for the offseason. Especially cause you were in this situation in the past.

If I remember correctly it counts after the financial u p d a t e so you will get the 3rd warning.

Sry but I coudn't understand it.

from the manual:

A player might be cut off your roster. The penalty hits the most expensive player who is not on the transfer list and not a member of the Youth Academy.

So look which player is your most expensive one. So if yopu use the hr department maybe you can offer a player who is crap (maybe promote from YA) more money if the most expensive player one you absolutly need.
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posted: 2014-03-22 19:54:24 (ID: 100027667) Report Abuse
yeah, i am +2.1 mill now before update.
In remarks to the previous 20mill player..It was a toss up, didnt think i even get him. I want to have a strong D-line and he was there, in order to free-up and sell other D-line men. And i agree the older guys are not getting the bids i wanted. Some were really good i had for many seasons. And with the thread on extending age retirement, it could work for some folks.

Yeah i always been on the verge of tipping the scales, i think the most i saved up was like 50 mill, call me one that burns thru money.
It freaks me out to sell a high-talent player i have, which has been beneficial to the team. But if this continues, i think it have to be a LB for sure. I recently had to re-negotiate contracts, and ALL of them jumped drastically..i just didnt have it figured out at all. My fault, i take the blame for being stupid there

Still i will try my hardest to do whatever it takes. Free friendlys are open - - hit me up when anyone wants.

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posted: 2014-03-22 20:24:35 (ID: 100027673) Report Abuse
It wouldn't offend you. maybe you have to restructure your team completely cause you have many old players now in your team. The problem is the season rollover. when you are out of the competitions you should normally know that you would need enough money until the new season really start. I mean you could also have an away game today.

For sure your players helped your team alot. The discussion about the retirement of the players wouldnt help you cause it isnt implemented yet. It is only a suggestion. Other users dont like it. And pete hasnt made a decision so far. I dont think this will in the game in the near future or be implemented at all. But they are near to their careers ending.

As long as your forcast is still positive everything is ok but you have to control yourselve especially on the transfermarket.

and dont train the main skill too high cause there come the high wages from. Especially for Backups.

Last edited on 2014-03-22 20:25:25 by Nogard

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posted: 2014-03-22 20:33:37 (ID: 100027674) Report Abuse
Yeah, i agree with this. My team is getting old, and i need restructure, and i guess i been handling it all wrong..My forecast is really bad, i am paying too much in wages (i forgot all about dropping the staff)

I just put a young 25 yr old DL (or possible CB/SF) on the TM
Mr. no shoes, no problem
Teamwork 47.0
Speed 43.7
Tackling 41.0
Footwork 36.7
**maybe i can get some relief there.

Last edited on 2014-03-22 20:35:58 by kyle-rowdy-busch

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