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posted: 2014-08-15 10:48:08 (ID: 100040754) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:
16:3 is not the kind of result I expected. I'm a bit surprised about only 3 points by Vilble, but sometimes there are those days ....

You were not the only surprised one...
Devils made good plays.
However some of the engine decisions were a kind of strange.
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posted: 2014-08-15 17:32:32 (ID: 100040771) Report Abuse
Anyone open to a friendly- free or paid, so i can get in some extra play time (only if i make it pass next rd of CofC) so i can train and see what works out against a real good team.
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Black Dragons


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posted: 2014-08-16 00:26:07 (ID: 100040822) Report Abuse
Nice win Kyle. Final 4. Well done. Good luck against FAM. Tough game but you can do it
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posted: 2014-08-16 13:25:48 (ID: 100040889) Report Abuse
Thanks bro- i am working on a game with ViblerWass/DeMaddin to work on some things, simulating what FAM is like in normal mode. I will take all advice by heart to beat him....then if so, battling Syrian Bears or LuceaCardinals is another task to tame.
Like i told DeMaddin- - -my fly-by-night playbooks will not justify these teams i think..I lately picked up some good TM players at a steal to help my weaknesses. I knew my secondary is a bit weak, so i had to, plus my RB was not at all great, thats why i pass more this season.
My objective: decide whether i should air/pass more or be more 50/50 now. Thats what i need to figure out. What formations seem to work best and etc.
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posted: 2014-08-16 20:17:03 (ID: 100040944) Report Abuse
i cant belive what i see here for our finals:

2014-08-16 17:00 Divisional Playoff
Adelaide Crows 34:14 St. George's Dynamo Patriots
Down Under Devils 14:42 Black Dragons
Gliwice Lions 16:30 Skyzo Shenkos
Muppet Liberation Army 17:27 Manchester Machine

2014-08-19 17:00 Conference Championship
Adelaide Crows vs. Manchester Machine
Black Dragons vs. Skyzo Shenkos
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2014-08-16 20:39:51 (ID: 100040948) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:
OK, let's have another pick round:

Adelaide Crows vs. St. George's Dynamo Patriots
It's hard to pick against the Patriots.
Only con for them is, they lost yesterday, so their moral is a bit down.
Oh and by the way, the only loss for the Patriots this regular season was against the Crows.
Still, this should be a win for them.
I see only a slim chance for a Crows win here.

I had to look twice when I had a look at the games at halftime.
The Crows were leading 20:0.
34:14 is quite big.
After 6 seasons in a row, the Patriots will not win the Conference.
I'm a bit stunned, but that's the game.

jack6 wrote:
Down Under Devils vs. Black Dragons
The Dragons lost against the blood Kings this season, that's it.
Devils lost 4 times including a blow out and a nail biter against the Dragons.
This is far from being one sided, but I have to pick the Dragons.

That one was very onesided, once the second half started.
The Dragons will advance 3rd time in a row.
jack6 wrote:
Gliwice Lions vs. Skyzo Shenkos
Next division rematch. The Lions did so far lost 2 times against the Shenkos, which is the only unbeaten team in the league.
An upset is possible, but unlikely.
The Shenkos had only one close game this season, so the Lions have to bring another stunning performance to advance.
I pick the Shenkos.

16:30 was the final score.
The Shenkos did win this game only 1 min left in the game, when they scored the TD for the 7 point lead and did intercept the next drive of the Lions. Finis.

jack6 wrote:
Muppet Liberation Army vs. Manchester Machine
This is a very strange matchup and anyones guess.
Army had a very impressive win in the wild card match, but we will have to wait for this one to get the bigger picture.
Was it luck or strength?
My guts are picking the Machine, but it might get close.

The games was basically over mid of the 4th quarter, but still a very open game.
17:27 is not that far apart.

jack6 wrote:
Please keep in mind, that the winners will play the new ultra-top-super-duper-mega-league next season.
I doubt anyone will can the games because of that "scary" opportunity, but you never know. ....

So the new ultra-top-super-duper-mega-league participants will be:
Adelaide Crows
Black Dragons
Skyzo Shenkos
Manchester Machine
You might know this or not, depends on your readings in the other forums.
1.) You will all play in one division.
2.) the 3rd and 4th of you after the NEXT season will go down into Monarchs 1.1 again and will switch places with the 2 Bowl participants.
3.) The Monarchs league is rated the 8th strongest (so the weakest) of all reagions. You will have a hard time up there.
Still, good luck there. I'm just jealous.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2014-08-18 20:09:26 (ID: 100041132) Report Abuse
And just to make for friends here:

Adelaide Crows vs. Manchester Machine
I go with the Crows here.
The won the match against the Patriots, I do respect that.
We will see, if that will come true.
Upset potential is there.

Black Dragons vs. Skyzo Shenkos
I truely believe that the winner of that game will win the league.
Now ask me, who I pick ....
well ..... My guts are picking the Dragons.
Why? It's a guts pick, god damn it!
Serious: The Dragons have a bit more experience with that kind of games and I think they are a bit stronger.
BUT the Shenkos are close behind. In fact so close that I'm not truely convinced, who will win. Hence the gut pick.

Good luck to all of you!
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posted: 2014-08-19 18:42:20 (ID: 100041229) Report Abuse
The only positive I can take away from this season is that I beat the Black Dragons to hand them their only loss...

Now the rest of the season... head scratch-er?
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posted: 2014-08-19 20:40:48 (ID: 100041248) Report Abuse
Black Dragons is a very strong team, i enjoy every game we have had played, even our last friendly the other day. Anytime you beat these guys its a pat on the back.
Chapionship wise, hands down it should be the Dragons..but the way the Machine out ran people, pretty sure the Dragon will accodomate for it.
Good Luck.

On my mission to play FAM in the final 4 (watch it 8/22)
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Black Dragons


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posted: 2014-08-19 21:16:11 (ID: 100041269) Report Abuse
Funny how things work out. I played a friendly with Kyle to help him against FAM. I normally dont bother with off Friday frendlys. I had prepared my playbook against Darwood so I decided to use it. Looking at the game afterwards I noticed 2 huge flaws in my plan. Had I not played that game on a whim, the Conference final may have been totally different. WHeew. Lucky me.
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