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posted: 2014-07-29 04:51:15 (ID: 100038808) Report Abuse
any thoughts?
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posted: 2014-07-29 05:24:48 (ID: 100038814) Report Abuse
stealyourface wrote:
any thoughts?

Just that I want it to end.
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posted: 2014-07-29 15:45:53 (ID: 100038845) Report Abuse
that seems to be the prevailing opinion
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posted: 2014-07-29 16:17:46 (ID: 100038846) Report Abuse
If all hardliners on both sides dropped dead in one second, this could end. But in that case, you would have at least 30% less population there.
I don't think, our generation will see an end to that conflict, if there ever will be one.
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posted: 2014-07-29 16:22:20 (ID: 100038847) Report Abuse
i dont see a long-lasting peace anywhere in the near future either
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posted: 2014-07-29 20:00:15 (ID: 100038874) Report Abuse
I'm probably going to catch some flak for this, but from what I'm seeing, Hamas won't agree to a ceasefire on Israel's terms, thus prolongning the conflict. It seems that the leaders of Palestine would rather continue to fight, and allow their people to feel the heavy hand of war, than do something about it.
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posted: 2014-07-29 20:12:18 (ID: 100038882) Report Abuse
Brickington wrote:
I'm probably going to catch some flak for this, but from what I'm seeing, Hamas won't agree to a ceasefire on Israel's terms, thus prolongning the conflict. It seems that the leaders of Palestine would rather continue to fight, and allow their people to feel the heavy hand of war, than do something about it.

I'm probably going to catch some flak for this, but from what I'm seeing, Israel won't agree to a ceasefire on Hamas' terms, thus prolongning the conflict. It seems that the leaders of Israel would rather continue to fight, and allow their people to feel the heavy hand of war, than do something about it.

See, this is the problem....each conflict is not because ONE is doing something to another...there are always at least two sides.

@All: However, please feel free to proceed, but be warned - on political topics riots in the forum start fast....this is why we "dislike" discussing such topics...

Last edited on 2014-07-29 20:12:31 by pete

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posted: 2014-07-29 20:22:29 (ID: 100038886) Report Abuse
My Missus could sort it out.
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posted: 2014-07-29 21:14:19 (ID: 100038891) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
Brickington wrote:
I'm probably going to catch some flak for this, but from what I'm seeing, Hamas won't agree to a ceasefire on Israel's terms, thus prolongning the conflict. It seems that the leaders of Palestine would rather continue to fight, and allow their people to feel the heavy hand of war, than do something about it.

I'm probably going to catch some flak for this, but from what I'm seeing, Israel won't agree to a ceasefire on Hamas' terms, thus prolongning the conflict. It seems that the leaders of Israel would rather continue to fight, and allow their people to feel the heavy hand of war, than do something about it.

See, this is the problem....each conflict is not because ONE is doing something to another...there are always at least two sides.

@All: However, please feel free to proceed, but be warned - on political topics riots in the forum start fast....this is why we "dislike" discussing such topics...

True, the slippery slope becomes who is the real aggressor. Seems to me that the perception of the aggressor varies depending on who you ask, because a lot of things go into that. I've made my stance clear, I'm pro-Israel. But frankly, it's their conflict, the US really shouldn't provide military aid to either side, and I wouldn't be opposed to providing humanitarian aid for both sides.
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posted: 2014-07-29 22:40:41 (ID: 100038902) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
Brickington wrote:
I'm probably going to catch some flak for this, but from what I'm seeing, Hamas won't agree to a ceasefire on Israel's terms, thus prolongning the conflict. It seems that the leaders of Palestine would rather continue to fight, and allow their people to feel the heavy hand of war, than do something about it.

I'm probably going to catch some flak for this, but from what I'm seeing, Israel won't agree to a ceasefire on Hamas' terms, thus prolongning the conflict. It seems that the leaders of Israel would rather continue to fight, and allow their people to feel the heavy hand of war, than do something about it.

See, this is the problem....each conflict is not because ONE is doing something to another...there are always at least two sides.

@All: However, please feel free to proceed, but be warned - on political topics riots in the forum start fast....this is why we "dislike" discussing such topics...

sorry for bringing it up
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Main / The Lounge - Smokers welcome / israel gaza situation