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posted: 2014-09-06 07:10:15 (ID: 100042614) Report Abuse
I thought I'd put together the Win% that Bova compiled in the other thread and the brand new Becko ratings to make a preseason Power Rank of all 32 Teams. Here are the results:

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posted: 2014-09-06 07:38:26 (ID: 100042615) Report Abuse
I'll take that: ranked 20th and 4th among Sea Devils.. Pressure's off!
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posted: 2014-09-06 07:58:07 (ID: 100042616) Report Abuse
I've also simulated the season according to Becko and according to this Power Rank here, and there is a pretty good consensus on what teams are playoff favorites heading into the season.

In the AC both metrics put the Mascots, Landru, Bears, Hawks and Magpies in the Playoffs, with Lions, Falcons and Dynamos being fringe contenders.

In the NC consensus playoff favorites are Cardinals, Blitzkrieg, Dragons, FAJNY and Marsz, with PawnStars and Vulcans also having a shot.


Last edited on 2014-09-06 08:42:37 by wiesengrund

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posted: 2014-09-06 07:58:13 (ID: 100042617) Report Abuse
28 of 32 best team in RZA... Why not, I'll take it

I like Power Ranking, when season finish and you what it again there is always big surprise!!
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posted: 2014-09-06 08:17:41 (ID: 100042618) Report Abuse
If someone is curious about the unique League structure in terms of relegation, the projections do foretell some extreme cases as being likely.

On the one hand, both metrics agree that my Falcons will relegate down with 10 wins (with Becko giving them even a playoff chance). Becko sees the same fate also for the Pawn Stars.

On the other side of the spectrum, Shenkos get 4 wins by Becko and 5 by Power Rank, with both win totals being enough to avoid relegation.

We'll have to wait of course how the season plays out, it will be intersting to see if such cases really come to happen. Just thought it's intersting, that the divisional strcuture and the schedule already point to some unique scenarios that no other league has.

Last edited on 2014-09-06 08:40:45 by wiesengrund

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posted: 2014-09-06 09:07:25 (ID: 100042620) Report Abuse
And here are the Week 1 Matchups. Each Team Name is followed by their Becko and by the average Rank used for the Power Rank.


Both metrics agree who the favorites are, ecept in the Fraggles vs. Lucentum matchup, and the Thunder classic Bears vs. Landru (both metrics pick the home team in case of a tie, that's why the Bears get the nod in the PR metric).

Biggest favorite: Black Dragons vs. Crows.

Too-close-to-call-matchup: Bears vs. Landru. It just might be the game of the week.
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posted: 2014-09-06 09:37:23 (ID: 100042622) Report Abuse
wiesengrund wrote:
If someone is curious about the unique League structure in terms of relegation, the projections do foretell some extreme cases as being likely.

On the one hand, both metrics agree that my Falcons will relegate down with 10 wins (with Becko giving them even a playoff chance). Becko sees the same fate also for the Pawn Stars.

On the other side of the spectrum, Shenkos get 4 wins by Becko and 5 by Power Rank, with both win totals being enough to avoid relegation.

We'll have to wait of course how the season plays out, it will be intersting to see if such cases really come to happen. Just thought it's intersting, that the divisional strcuture and the schedule already point to some unique scenarios that no other league has.

Yeah, your rivals results matter a lot more.

In division 1.1 if you are struggling you know 3/4 wins will get you a play-off and 6 will probably keep you safe. Other results aren't that important as long as you get your wins. Not the case here.

No idea how we'll do. Ranked amongst the strugglers and have never been able to get a result against Mascots. On the flip side we've had decent results against some of the other high ranked teams here.

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posted: 2014-09-06 09:51:08 (ID: 100042623) Report Abuse
dont know how other feel, but I am quite excited to see how those rivalries will develop, how the league will do.
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posted: 2014-09-06 12:33:44 (ID: 100042630) Report Abuse
it was worth getting here just to see how much effort people put into rankings :-) to bad i forgot all about it and havent sorted my depth chart after pre season... should be an easy loss now :-
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posted: 2014-09-06 12:56:18 (ID: 100042633) Report Abuse
bagss wrote:
it was worth getting here just to see how much effort people put into rankings :-) to bad i forgot all about it and havent sorted my depth chart after pre season... should be an easy loss now :-

sure !!!!
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