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Main / RZA Elite League / RZA Elite League Season #15 Search Forum
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posted: 2014-11-19 19:11:05 (ID: 100046388) Report Abuse
I am number 63 in Becko and was 8-8 in Elite League last season.
Just dumb luck I guess.
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posted: 2014-11-19 22:13:58 (ID: 100046399) Report Abuse
detroit wrote:
I count 34 players on your team 29 and older, so you "may" have a few retirements coming up

Indeed, but its part of my approach to the game. Changed fundamentally how i build my roster about 1.5 season a go. It seem to be working, but it has a big drawback in the retirements hehe.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2014-11-20 06:14:42 (ID: 100046405) Report Abuse
at least you have in the future a big pile of players to chose from for the Hall of Fame for each season.
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posted: 2014-11-23 21:20:40 (ID: 100046633) Report Abuse
this seasons schedule looks really's going to be really interesting, or depressing depending on how it goes
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posted: 2014-11-24 03:06:24 (ID: 100046645) Report Abuse
yes, of course a tough schedule for all

on the other hand, I predict that exactly half the games will be won, and half lost
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San Diego Blitz

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posted: 2014-11-24 05:31:45 (ID: 100046648) Report Abuse
spartans11 wrote:
I am number 63 in Becko and was 8-8 in Elite League last season.
Just dumb luck I guess.

Dumb Luck > No Luck :-)

SD Blitz
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posted: 2014-11-24 10:30:47 (ID: 100046654) Report Abuse
spartans11 wrote:
I am number 63 in Becko and was 8-8 in Elite League last season.
Just dumb luck I guess.

To avoid relegation is an achievement in and of itself
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posted: 2014-11-24 11:19:55 (ID: 100046657) Report Abuse
New season, new luck! The schedule looks manageable. This could be a last chance for a while to win a trophy. Both starting CBs, 2nd WR and best DL will play their last season.
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posted: 2014-11-24 12:19:32 (ID: 100046659) Report Abuse
My starting QB and RB both retired, my stay in the Elite league will be a short one...
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posted: 2014-11-24 12:30:05 (ID: 100046660) Report Abuse
JonnyP wrote:
My starting QB and RB both retired, my stay in the Elite league will be a short one...

I lost my starting QB, FB, OT & CB to retirements. Hopefully my long term planning hasn't been too bad and I shouldn't have too much of a drop off although changing leagues won't be any indicator as there's nothing to say that those who retired would perform any better.
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