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posted: 2015-02-27 19:45:04 (ID: 100050819) Report Abuse
Well, my game against the Marines was a little close for comfort, 17-14. Good game bonzo! I honestly didn't think I would pull it out after that second half. Well played.
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Captain Jack
posted: 2015-02-28 20:36:12 (ID: 100050856) Report Abuse
What a game as the Aliens matched up against their ex-divisional rivals from Monarchs 2.1 - The Marines.

Touchdowns were a scarcity. We were unable to score a TD and came away with 6 Field Goals. They made only one TD and one Field Goal. They also missed two Field Goal attempts.

The Marines recovered 2 Alien fumbles. The Aliens in their turn picked up two interceptions.

All in all we were pretty fortunate to come out of this as 18-10 winners as it went right down to the wire.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2015-03-01 06:59:45 (ID: 100050870) Report Abuse
I'm back from vacation and had a bit time to think about the current season.
Even with 3 games already played there is plenty of room to play pick'em here.

I decided to do this more transparent this season.

I did copy the whole season into an excel sheet and did pick the whole season.
The 3 already played games did already went into the sheet as played of cause.

No here is the result, only with losses and wins:

AC East Won Lost
Strike Team 15 1
Sedalia Slugs 8 8
Marines 4 12
Versailles Knights 1 15
Strike team will win probably a lot of games and it looks at the moment unlikely, that any team will challenge them for the division title.
The projected 8 wins for the slugs wouldn't be enough for a playoff spot.
At the moment do 4 wins look like a very likely relegation game and 1 win looks like a sure relegation.

AC North Won Lost
Berinsfield Hornets 16 0
Florida Gators 8 8
Spawn City Killers 4 12
Benik Cowboys 2 14
The Hornets do have some teams to test their projected perfect season, but not many. Hard to say, if the AC South will really be sweeped by them, but it looks likely.
Gators look like a team in the middle and the two other teams will fight relegation.

AC South Won Lost
Muppet Liberation Army 12 4
Panteras Assassinas 8 8
srib_bdx 8 8
Neptunes Bologna 5 11
When I did this teams, I had to guess at some points. Before the season I was sure the Assassinas would win again the division, but at the moment I'm not sure.
Still, I was surprised, when I did my picks and the Army went on top.
At the moment all other teams would be "middle" teams.

AC West Won Lost
Manchester Machine 14 2
Skyzo Shenkos 14 2
River City Ice 11 5
BOIU 1 15
You can sort the first two teams if you like, but my expectations are high in the Machine.
Shenkos need good wins against them to win the division.
At the moment it looks like three teams out of that division will make the playoffs.
BOIU will go down again, I guess.

NC East Won Lost
Winds of Erytheia 11 5
Gorillas 7 9
Sentinels 5 11
Alanitized Daggers 1 15
Winds of Erytheia did struggle a bit, but I have them winning a few games, especially inside the conference.
Looks like the Daggers will be lost at season final.

NC North Won Lost
Adelaide Crows 13 3
Hot Pigs 10 6
Torchwood Aliens 6 10
Newhouse Eagles 5 11
I think the Pigs might have a chance for the division crown, if they can beat the Crows twice.
Ten wins will in this conference maybe be not enough for a playoff spot.

NC South Won Lost
Leverkusen Leopards 15 1
Blood Kings 15 1
Down Under Devils 11 5
Paris Roosters 0 16
Of cause it can become different, but at the moment I'm quite confident that my team will win the division.
But Blood Kings could do this too. I have them only losing against me, and it will all depend on PDs.
Paris roosters wukk drop ten.

NC West Won Lost
Burnaby Bruisers 12 4
Harrisburg Fire 10 6
Peterborough Pirates 4 12
Seattle Fighters 0 16
Tough division for guessing, but I think It's OK.
Main driver here is a sweep against Fire.

What does that mean for the playoffs?
In the playoffs I do project:

name wins
Berinsfield Hornets 16
Strike Team 15
Manchester Machine 14
Muppet Liberation Army 12

Skyzo Shenkos 14
River City Ice 11

Leverkusen Leopards 15
Adelaide Crows 13
Burnaby Bruisers 12
Winds of Erytheia 11

Blood Kings 15
Down Under Devils 11
All other teams are midfielded or doomed for relegations games or real relegation.
The sortings are just based on "feeling" and this will change of cause with the running season.

Relegation would await based on my picks the following teams.

name wins
Marines 4
Spawn City Killers 4
Peterborough Pirates 4
Benik Cowboys 2

Versailles Knights 1
Alanitized Daggers 1
Paris Roosters 0
Seattle Fighters 0
It's so far not really sure which team will directly relegate (of cause) and which will play a relegation game, but normally some bOT teams will take the bad spots and the human teams the rest.

And to keep this transperant, here the picks for the next gameday.

2015-03-03 17:00:00
Alanitized Daggers vs. Burnaby Bruisers -> Burnaby Bruisers
Benik Cowboys vs. Florida Gators -> Florida Gators
Blood Kings vs. Down Under Devils -> Blood Kings
Gorillas vs. Sentinels -> Gorillas
Harrisburg Fire vs. Peterborough Pirates -> Harrisburg Fire
Leverkusen Leopards vs. Torchwood Aliens -> Leverkusen Leopards
Newhouse Eagles vs. Adelaide Crows -> Adelaide Crows
Panteras Assassinas vs. Muppet Liberation Army -> Panteras Assassinas
Sedalia Slugs vs. Versailles Knights -> Sedalia Slugs
Skyzo Shenkos vs. Marines -> Skyzo Shenkos
Spawn City Killers vs. Berinsfield Hornets -> Berinsfield Hornets
Strike Team vs. River City Ice -> Strike Team
Winds of Erytheia vs. Manchester Machine -> Manchester Machine
srib_bdx vs. Neptunes Bologna -> srib_bdx

Have fun.
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posted: 2015-03-03 21:36:47 (ID: 100050947) Report Abuse
Thanks for picking me over DUD... I did not think I would beat them. It was once again a very close match against a good team. OT victories are rough on the ol' heart.

This is going to shape up to be a rough season.


Last edited on 2015-03-03 21:38:23 by hamakto

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posted: 2015-03-04 08:29:06 (ID: 100050970) Report Abuse
Aaargh, my team is getting worse

Well done to blood kings, but it's back to the drawing board for me.
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posted: 2015-03-04 09:35:11 (ID: 100050972) Report Abuse
It looks like my season is over and we've just started...
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2015-03-04 18:05:12 (ID: 100050987) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:
2015-03-03 17:00:00
Alanitized Daggers vs. Burnaby Bruisers -> Burnaby Bruisers
Benik Cowboys vs. Florida Gators -> Florida Gators
Blood Kings vs. Down Under Devils -> Blood Kings
Gorillas vs. Sentinels -> Gorillas
Harrisburg Fire vs. Peterborough Pirates -> Harrisburg Fire
Leverkusen Leopards vs. Torchwood Aliens -> Leverkusen Leopards
Newhouse Eagles vs. Adelaide Crows -> Adelaide Crows
Panteras Assassinas vs. Muppet Liberation Army -> Panteras Assassinas
Sedalia Slugs vs. Versailles Knights -> Sedalia Slugs
Skyzo Shenkos vs. Marines -> Skyzo Shenkos
Spawn City Killers vs. Berinsfield Hornets -> Berinsfield Hornets
Strike Team vs. River City Ice -> Strike Team
Winds of Erytheia vs. Manchester Machine -> Manchester Machine
srib_bdx vs. Neptunes Bologna -> srib_bdx

So, two games not correct, interesting, both are from the AC South.
Not a big impact, so far, we will see, if I have to change my picks of the season soon.

Next picks for the next gameday:
2015-03-07 17:00:00
Adelaide Crows vs. Alanitized Daggers -> Adelaide Crows
BOIU vs. Sedalia Slugs -> Sedalia Slugs
Burnaby Bruisers vs. Berinsfield Hornets -> Berinsfield Hornets
Down Under Devils vs. Newhouse Eagles -> Down Under Devils
Leverkusen Leopards vs. Harrisburg Fire -> Leverkusen Leopards
Manchester Machine vs. River City Ice -> Manchester Machine
Marines vs. Hot Pigs -> Hot Pigs
Paris Roosters vs. Panteras Assassinas -> Panteras Assassinas
Peterborough Pirates vs. Winds of Erytheia -> Winds of Erytheia
Seattle Fighters vs. Spawn City Killers -> Spawn City Killers
Sentinels vs. Blood Kings -> Blood Kings
Skyzo Shenkos vs. Benik Cowboys -> Skyzo Shenkos
Torchwood Aliens vs. Strike Team -> Strike Team
Versailles Knights vs. Muppet Liberation Army -> Muppet Liberation Army
Bye week: Florida Gators, Gorillas, Neptunes Bologna, srib_bdx

I'm curious to see upsets here (except for my team )
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posted: 2015-03-05 14:50:58 (ID: 100051005) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:
Next picks for the next gameday:
2015-03-07 17:00:00
Adelaide Crows vs. Alanitized Daggers -> Adelaide Crows
BOIU vs. Sedalia Slugs -> Sedalia Slugs
Burnaby Bruisers vs. Berinsfield Hornets -> Berinsfield Hornets
Down Under Devils vs. Newhouse Eagles -> Down Under Devils
Leverkusen Leopards vs. Harrisburg Fire -> Leverkusen Leopards
Manchester Machine vs. River City Ice -> Manchester Machine
Marines vs. Hot Pigs -> Hot Pigs
Paris Roosters vs. Panteras Assassinas -> Panteras Assassinas
Peterborough Pirates vs. Winds of Erytheia -> Winds of Erytheia
Seattle Fighters vs. Spawn City Killers -> Spawn City Killers
Sentinels vs. Blood Kings -> Blood Kings
Skyzo Shenkos vs. Benik Cowboys -> Skyzo Shenkos
Torchwood Aliens vs. Strike Team -> Strike Team
Versailles Knights vs. Muppet Liberation Army -> Muppet Liberation Army
Bye week: Florida Gators, Gorillas, Neptunes Bologna, srib_bdx

I'm curious to see upsets here (except for my team )

I think that the Marines might be able to beat Hot Pigs. And Torchwood has a chance at Strike Team if they play well. Otherwise, the picks seem pretty straightforward.
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Captain Jack
posted: 2015-03-05 16:18:03 (ID: 100051009) Report Abuse
gatorfan1 wrote:
I think that the Marines might be able to beat Hot Pigs. And Torchwood has a chance at Strike Team if they play well. Otherwise, the picks seem pretty straightforward.

I tend to agree but I think the home teams will have the advantage and that may be too much for the new boys to overcome.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2015-03-05 18:30:56 (ID: 100051012) Report Abuse
You are all welcome to do your own picking game here.
I would love to see that.
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