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San Diego Blitz

Usa   Solana_Steve owns a supporter account   Solana_Steve is a Knight of

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posted: 2015-04-15 14:41:48 (ID: 100052621) Report Abuse
Should be an exciting final week. We'll see if we can do better against the Vulcans in the re-match.

SD Blitz
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posted: 2015-04-15 16:53:52 (ID: 100052624) Report Abuse
alexshans84 wrote:
Bye-bye Elite league, it was fun to be a part of it. Good luck to Alcatraz and 'Jackets!

Sucks to see you go. I still remember getting murdered in the S12 Fire Bowl (52-7). Hopefully you'll be back in S18.
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San Diego Blitz

Usa   Solana_Steve owns a supporter account   Solana_Steve is a Knight of

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posted: 2015-04-18 19:39:12 (ID: 100052737) Report Abuse
Exciting finale to decide the NC South crown! Buffalo edges ahead on PD with a convincing win! Bring on the playoffs!

SD Blitz
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posted: 2015-04-18 22:57:34 (ID: 100052753) Report Abuse
Solana_Steve wrote:
Exciting finale to decide the NC South crown! Buffalo edges ahead on PD with a convincing win! Bring on the playoffs!

SD Blitz

Although that does pale a bit in comparison to the decision for the sixth playoffspot in the AC that got decided by 9 points of PD, and thanks to a last-week upset Alcatraz suffered at home. With 6 minutes left to play in the 4th QT today, Alcatraz was still in the playoffs! Talk about a fotofinish!

Last edited on 2015-04-18 22:59:29 by wiesengrund

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posted: 2015-04-19 20:55:32 (ID: 100052804) Report Abuse
wiesengrund wrote:
Solana_Steve wrote:
Exciting finale to decide the NC South crown! Buffalo edges ahead on PD with a convincing win! Bring on the playoffs!

SD Blitz

Although that does pale a bit in comparison to the decision for the sixth playoffspot in the AC that got decided by 9 points of PD, and thanks to a last-week upset Alcatraz suffered at home. With 6 minutes left to play in the 4th QT today, Alcatraz was still in the playoffs! Talk about a fotofinish!

If you would have told me my QB would complete 65% of his passes and throw 0 picks and would have thought we'd at least be in the playoffs. But two 9-7 teams are relegating so I can't complain. (I think that's third season in a row for the AC East). Brutal for those guys. That's who I feel for.
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Black Dragons

Usa   angus owns a supporter account

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posted: 2015-04-19 22:18:21 (ID: 100052807) Report Abuse
On that note. I did a spot check. It looks like pass completion % is up about 10% from season 14. Thats quite a jump. Im curious why the increase. Im not complaining, just interested in why a change was made.
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posted: 2015-04-20 13:28:49 (ID: 100052821) Report Abuse
Is that just in the Elite League? If so, maybe the fact that there has been a Bot in the league for 13 games and a manager tanking for 4 means that 17 games had a much higher completion % which could influence your observation, no?
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posted: 2015-04-20 19:09:49 (ID: 100052837) Report Abuse
Come on Pete fair doos ...

are you having a laugh at my expense ? Team Ratings 80 v 64 and when scouting the players seemed pretty much what you'd expect for the ratings.

Shotgun 4WR against 34
Shotgun 4WR against goal-line
Shotgun 4WR and 53
Shotgun 4WR against the 44

The only defence that the Shotgun 4WR was effective against was the 335.

I'll admit didn't get round to any gameplanning but the whole thing is a bit of a farce now.

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posted: 2015-04-20 19:50:20 (ID: 100052843) Report Abuse
mikemike778 wrote:
Come on Pete fair doos ...

are you having a laugh at my expense ? Team Ratings 80 v 64 and when scouting the players seemed pretty much what you'd expect for the ratings.

Shotgun 4WR against 34
Shotgun 4WR against goal-line
Shotgun 4WR and 53
Shotgun 4WR against the 44

The only defence that the Shotgun 4WR was effective against was the 335.

I'll admit didn't get round to any gameplanning but the whole thing is a bit of a farce now.

You should have won but those turnovers really cost you as they accounted for 14 points. What struck me just was the third down conversion rate but when I looked at it the majority were short yardage. Your opponent converted three third and ten or more situations against 4-4-3 which will have also hurt you as that accounted for even more points. In fact I saw several situations of facing third and three or less and your opponent was facing 3-4-4 or 3-3-5 defenses.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2015-04-20 21:05:14 (ID: 100052853) Report Abuse
mikemike778 wrote:
Come on Pete fair doos ...

are you having a laugh at my expense ?

For sure not!
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