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posted: 2015-04-22 18:58:06 (ID: 100052933) Report Abuse
bwadders76 wrote:
mikemike778 wrote:
Come on Pete fair doos ...

are you having a laugh at my expense ? Team Ratings 80 v 64 and when scouting the players seemed pretty much what you'd expect for the ratings.

Shotgun 4WR against 34
Shotgun 4WR against goal-line
Shotgun 4WR and 53
Shotgun 4WR against the 44

The only defence that the Shotgun 4WR was effective against was the 335.

I'll admit didn't get round to any gameplanning but the whole thing is a bit of a farce now.

You should have won but those turnovers really cost you as they accounted for 14 points. What struck me just was the third down conversion rate but when I looked at it the majority were short yardage. Your opponent converted three third and ten or more situations against 4-4-3 which will have also hurt you as that accounted for even more points. In fact I saw several situations of facing third and three or less and your opponent was facing 3-4-4 or 3-3-5 defenses.

The turnovers cost us but take 14 points off and it is about even. I've scouted some of their guys and they have starters who are significantly wekaer than players who wont make my depth chart.

The 3rd downs matchups weren't ideal but they were able to move the ball from pretty much every situation. Talking mismatches, passing against a 443, we weren't able to do anything. When they passed against a 443, they were killing us.

Its a small sample. The best QBs in the NFL have bad days and the same should apply here. But if they have a bad day every game then you start thinking they aren't good they are actually bad. And if a QB with 50 passing, 50 vision , 50 Int, 5 Exp , 94 Sp/Str is bad then what's going on ?
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posted: 2015-04-22 19:09:38 (ID: 100052934) Report Abuse
This guy is one of their starters


He abused our team with 13 catches and 127 yards. And he was covered by these two guys

Rubbish CB
Another Rubbish CB

Are player skills irrelevent. Super WR played 82 snaps compared to 56 for my corners and they had close to 100% PC.

We do have a very old team. The only thing I can think of is there is a bug re older players. The PC impact is only supposed to impact the PC loss after the game iisn't it ? Does it impact ingame fatigue as well ? If so and it was a pretty serious hit might explain things.

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posted: 2015-04-22 19:48:39 (ID: 100052941) Report Abuse
mikemike778 wrote:
We do have a very old team. The only thing I can think of is there is a bug re older players. The PC impact is only supposed to impact the PC loss after the game iisn't it ? Does it impact ingame fatigue as well ? If so and it was a pretty serious hit might explain things.

Honestly I'm not sure but I've noticed that my 33 year old MLB made much fewer INT this year than in previous years.

S16: 1547 plays, 12 INT at 33
S15: 1780 plays, 20 INT at 32
S14: 1957 plays, 20 INT at 31
S13: 1843 plays, 19 INT at 30
S12: 1635 plays, 18 INT at 29
S11: 1640 plays, 21 INT at 28
S10: 1422 plays, 20 INT at 27
S9: 1385 plays, 16 INT at 26
S8: 1536 plays, 22 INT at 25

I was pretty much guaranteed 20 INT per year with this guy and suddenly his total dropped even though I train his PC back to 100% each u p d a t e so age might be a factor.
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San Diego Blitz

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posted: 2015-04-28 19:22:43 (ID: 100053231) Report Abuse
Wow....thought my game would at least be closer. Surprising neither was much of a contest.

Congrats to Buffalo on a fine season!

2-2 lifetime record versus FAM, but I think he's gotten better...

SD Blitz
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San Diego Blitz

Usa   Solana_Steve owns a supporter account   Solana_Steve is a Knight of

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posted: 2015-04-28 20:01:48 (ID: 100053237) Report Abuse
Looks like SD Hurricanes and Pawn Stars are re-joining the Elite League from the Galaxy.

SD Blitz
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posted: 2015-04-28 22:25:37 (ID: 100053253) Report Abuse
OLIVEH and I will be joining you all for next season. I sure hope I'm ready for this challenge.
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Black Dragons

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posted: 2015-04-28 23:40:31 (ID: 100053257) Report Abuse
Impressive getting here so quickly Brickington. Less than 2 years. What is this about your 8th season?
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posted: 2015-04-29 04:11:59 (ID: 100053267) Report Abuse
I started in season nine, so in season seventeen it will be my ninth full season. The Green Eagles are a newer team than I, if I'm not mistaken, so they stole what thunder I might have had otherwise.
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posted: 2015-04-29 12:38:10 (ID: 100053293) Report Abuse
Solana_Steve wrote:
Wow....thought my game would at least be closer. Surprising neither was much of a contest.

Congrats to Buffalo on a fine season!

2-2 lifetime record versus FAM, but I think he's gotten better...

SD Blitz

Congratulation to Steve and Sanco. These two teams played a great season and deserve to be in the final.

My team definitly reached its peak after 16 really good seasons. 11 players retire now, with a experience of 2000 league games together (6 with 200+ league games).

Next season the backups must show how competetive they are. Another playoff experience would be amazing, but my goal will be to avoid relegation. I think this will be the end of my era with many wins and trophies.
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posted: 2015-04-29 13:05:30 (ID: 100053296) Report Abuse
congrats on a nice run Buffalo. Congrats to Steve and Sanco. Probably the 2 best teams right now.
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