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posted: 2015-07-08 12:13:32 (ID: 100056849) Report Abuse
Thanks Buffalo.. I hope to bounce back soon! It's a weird old league the Sea Devils, it's devoid of any real depth but it consistently produces a handful of the very best teams in the game.

This season I made mistakes, there were some lazy PB amendments which weren't properly thought out, plus I left it too late to convert my WR to fill the RB gap - that led to me losing some games early on (especially in the Cup!).

I'm going to shift a few expensive oldies, so it might be a couple of seasons before the squad is firing again.

Last edited on 2015-07-08 12:17:15 by JonnyP

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posted: 2015-07-08 21:36:12 (ID: 100056869) Report Abuse
JonnyP wrote:
Thanks Buffalo.. I hope to bounce back soon! It's a weird old league the Sea Devils, it's devoid of any real depth but it consistently produces a handful of the very best teams in the game.

This season I made mistakes, there were some lazy PB amendments which weren't properly thought out, plus I left it too late to convert my WR to fill the RB gap - that led to me losing some games early on (especially in the Cup!).

I'm going to shift a few expensive oldies, so it might be a couple of seasons before the squad is firing again.

I still expect to see you and the Bats back here in season 19. Good luck Saturday and next season.
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San Diego Blitz

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posted: 2015-07-11 19:14:40 (ID: 100056953) Report Abuse
7 Points decided the NC South...congrats to Vulcans. I win the final game, but not by enough. :-(

Three 10+ win teams relegate. A bot and a 3 win team stay up. Where's the justice!

SD Blitz
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posted: 2015-07-11 20:17:30 (ID: 100056955) Report Abuse
Don't expect any justice in this game...for that, you would need rationality.
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posted: 2015-07-11 20:40:53 (ID: 100056956) Report Abuse
11-5 and down we go.

We WILL be back.
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posted: 2015-07-11 21:30:24 (ID: 100056958) Report Abuse
JonnyP wrote:
11-5 and down we go.

We WILL be back.

That stinks. You would have won four of the division's this season. I would be in favor of the top 16 teams staying in elite and the others relegating to there old league if available or elsewhere if not
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posted: 2015-07-12 07:11:44 (ID: 100056977) Report Abuse
spartans11 wrote:
JonnyP wrote:
11-5 and down we go.

We WILL be back.

That stinks. You would have won four of the division's this season. I would be in favor of the top 16 teams staying in elite and the others relegating to there old league if available or elsewhere if not

Pete already said that that won't happen.

I am wondering if we could solve at least the bot issue.... pete, I guess you have the rank inside the division as a variable inside the database, would it be possible, just before starting the relegation procedere, to do a "mini bot flush" insider the EL divisions? So that any bot with rank 1 or 2 gets flushed to the bottom of the division, and then he can be replaced by one of the two Bowl participants when the real promotion procedere starts?

Last edited on 2015-07-12 07:12:39 by wiesengrund

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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2015-07-12 08:15:04 (ID: 100056981) Report Abuse
Overall my first season here did play out totally different than expected, still I managed to stay in the league, which is nice.

The game mode is quite brutal.

By the way, just because some team got a whatever-record doesn't mean the team would have won another division, just because the actual division champ has a weaker record.

Division schedules are all different and, as an example, having this season the AC South on the schedule did mean in general earning more wins than having AC East on the matchup list.

Of cause it can happen that a team at 3rd place in the division is still be much better than most of the other teams, but that doesn't mean the results in another division would have been equal than in the home division.

Regarding the playing mode. My personal favorite would be this:
The 4th placed get swapped with the Bowl winner from the attached region.
The 3rd place gets a relegation game against the conference champ (non bowl winner) from the attached region.
Only problem with this is a scheduling issue.
If the 3rd place team is in the playoffs, it might end up in the bowl.
Relegation games are 1 u p d a t e before, so such a team would enter the bowl with a tiny weaker situation.
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Toni Gorilla
posted: 2015-07-12 14:08:17 (ID: 100056987) Report Abuse
JonnyP wrote:
11-5 and down we go.

We WILL be back.

Same here, Jonny.

And once I'm back I will relegate again, since it's Blitz and T'Pau I'm dealing with. Good luck to both Steve and Kevin representing Galaxy in the PO!
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San Diego Blitz

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posted: 2015-07-13 04:14:58 (ID: 100057004) Report Abuse
Toni Gorilla wrote:
JonnyP wrote:
11-5 and down we go.

We WILL be back.

Same here, Jonny.

And once I'm back I will relegate again, since it's Blitz and T'Pau I'm dealing with. Good luck to both Steve and Kevin representing Galaxy in the PO!

Don't worry...Pete and the Templars are taking us down next you can deal with them.

SD Blitz
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