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posted: 2015-06-24 20:05:28 (ID: 100056490) Report Abuse
Sorry to hear about the Hippo's and sorry to hear about your fathers health. I hope he gets better. I have had a few health problems myself so I understand. It would be great to see him back because that would mean his health has improved. Good luck.
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posted: 2015-06-25 05:15:46 (ID: 100056493) Report Abuse
emerson wrote:
Beergut2 wrote:
Nothing like forgetting to reset your starting lineup after a supercup bot game. DOH!!

Indeed, it seemed certainly too easy! Now I understand

And I was looking forward to our game to see how I would do... what a waste. Just too distracted by other things lately unfortunately.
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San Diego Blitz

Usa   Solana_Steve owns a supporter account   Solana_Steve is a Knight of

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posted: 2015-06-25 15:09:26 (ID: 100056499) Report Abuse
crb246 wrote:
Sorry to hear about the Hippo's and sorry to hear about your fathers health. I hope he gets better. I have had a few health problems myself so I understand. It would be great to see him back because that would mean his health has improved. Good luck.

Sorry to see the Hippos go....was my oldest rival from my Galaxy days and then a season in the elite.

Best of luck,

SD Blitz
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posted: 2015-06-27 09:24:38 (ID: 100056522) Report Abuse
Sorry to see the Hippos go.
From the Nuremberg Fallen Templars staff best wishes for the great manager of the Heidelberg Hippos.

Last edited on 2015-06-27 20:25:26 by Templer

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posted: 2015-06-27 20:21:30 (ID: 100056545) Report Abuse
========== TEMPLARS FOOTBALL ==========

********************* RZA Galaxy 1.1 Season 17 League Day 43 ***********************
Nuremberg Fallen Templars 23 vs. Saarbruecken Orcs 10

The Fallen Templars left behind the city Saarbrücken in burning ruins.
On the streets the corpses of Orc creatures rotting.
A decayed stink wafts through the city.

Good game GM Hard_Boiled.

Next tuesday GM’s the ram 8-4 Ramdozers will show up in the 9-3 Nuremberg Fallen Templars Halls of Justice.

Last edited on 2015-06-28 19:26:21 by Templer

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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2015-06-27 20:22:40 (ID: 100056546) Report Abuse
Bellj...we had many chats, even after your decision, which was to be made! Cheers, many thanks again, and hopefully you will find the time to say a short hello...again, in the future...

All the best for you, and of course the ones around you. Bobcor, all the best as well...
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posted: 2015-06-29 14:00:22 (ID: 100056581) Report Abuse
Templer wrote:
========== TEMPLARS FOOTBALL ==========

********************* RZA Galaxy 1.1 Season 17 League Day 43 ***********************
Nuremberg Fallen Templars 23 vs. Saarbruecken Orcs 10

The Fallen Templars left behind the city Saarbrücken in burning ruins.
On the streets the corpses of Orc creatures rotting.
A decayed stink wafts through the city.

Good game GM Hard_Boiled.

Next tuesday GM’s the ram 8-4 Ramdozers will show up in the 9-3 Nuremberg Fallen Templars Halls of Justice.

What the Heck ! A 352 yards vs 202 yards resulting in 10 vs 23 loss ?

Well, maybe i shouldn't have fed the team with some Templars right before the match.They sat in in our dungeons since last season. Hard to play with a filled belly...

next time i'l feed the ORCS Team with Templars AFTER the match...

Last edited on 2015-06-29 14:00:52 by Hard_Boiled

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posted: 2015-06-30 10:34:23 (ID: 100056601) Report Abuse
...another one...."Opava Black Sox" gone bot

Too bad to see all these teams go.
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posted: 2015-07-07 17:32:55 (ID: 100056789) Report Abuse
A classic match tonight : Orcs vs Bandids

// History
Wins League 7 Wins League 21

// Last 10 matches
Last 10 official games
S 14 Sa 2014-11-08 19:00 Divisional Playoff Bretzfeld Bandits 17:24 Saarbruecken Orcs
S 14 Sa 2014-11-01 19:00 Liga Bretzfeld Bandits 17:0 Saarbruecken Orcs
S 14 Di 2014-09-16 19:00 Liga Saarbruecken Orcs 27:17 Bretzfeld Bandits
S 13 Sa 2014-08-02 19:00 Liga Bretzfeld Bandits 21:30 Saarbruecken Orcs
S 13 Di 2014-06-24 19:00 Liga Saarbruecken Orcs 33:10 Bretzfeld Bandits
S 12 Di 2014-05-13 19:00 Liga Bretzfeld Bandits 20:26 Saarbruecken Orcs
S 12 Sa 2014-03-29 19:00 Liga Saarbruecken Orcs 24:27 Bretzfeld Bandits
S 11 Sa 2014-02-08 19:00 Liga Saarbruecken Orcs 17:48 Bretzfeld Bandits
S 11 Sa 2014-01-11 19:00 Liga Bretzfeld Bandits 27:31 Saarbruecken Orcs
S 10 Sa 2013-11-30 19:00 Liga Bretzfeld Bandits 55:16 Saarbruecken Orcs
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------------------------------

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posted: 2015-07-07 17:37:09 (ID: 100056790) Report Abuse
Hard_Boiled wrote:
...another one...."Opava Black Sox" gone bot

Too bad to see all these teams go.

We lost 7 teams this season.
Many well known, some of them friends.

Last edited on 2015-07-08 20:59:56 by Templer

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