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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2016-01-12 19:14:48 (ID: 100065901) Report Abuse
It's over when it's over...
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posted: 2016-01-12 19:22:03 (ID: 100065902) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
It's over when it's over...

Oh I'm not giving up in the 1stQ - just seems like he can run, and my squad is backing up a yard or two every time we try. We'll see if I manage a long catch or two from the aggressive run D.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2016-01-12 20:16:22 (ID: 100065907) Report Abuse
wow. check the yards of the bowl...crazy!

Congrats to both for such a close game

see you 1 season
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posted: 2016-01-12 20:35:13 (ID: 100065910) Report Abuse
WOW what a title game. Now if only more season games were as close. Except mine. With me on the winning end. Yeah. That'd be greaaaat.
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posted: 2016-01-12 20:43:39 (ID: 100065912) Report Abuse
imo, a bug did decide the Bowlgame:

9:32 1 and goal to go on opp 2, Micheal Hirsch (OC) snaps the ball to Alfred Antipas (QB), who hands off to Major Cain (HB/C), he starts running over the left end, Franz Düsli (DE/R) breaks through, Micheal Gregory (TE/L) blocks, Major Cain (HB/C) fumbles, the ball was recovered by Siegbert Knechtenhofer (DT/R) (Big I formation vs. 4-4-3) more

9:27 There is no return by Siegbert Knechtenhofer (DT/R) (4-4-3 vs. Big I formation) more

9:27 Safety: more

IMO that should have been a touchback and not a SF
or am I wrong?
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posted: 2016-01-12 20:44:49 (ID: 100065913) Report Abuse
Crazy comeback ... aided by a bug. Great game Mermaids, shame the result feels a bit tainted from this:

9:32 1 and goal to go on opp 2, Micheal Hirsch (OC) snaps the ball to Alfred Antipas (QB), who hands off to Major Cain (HB/C), he starts running over the left end, Franz Düsli (DE/R) breaks through, Micheal Gregory (TE/L) blocks, Major Cain (HB/C) fumbles, the ball was recovered by Siegbert Knechtenhofer (DT/R) (Big I formation vs. 4-4-3)

9:27 There is no return by Siegbert Knechtenhofer (DT/R) (4-4-3 vs. Big I formation)

9:27 Safety:

Should have been the ball back to the 20, unless the defender went backwards into the endzone after recovering.
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posted: 2016-01-12 20:46:44 (ID: 100065914) Report Abuse
hollyhh2000 wrote:
imo, a bug did decide the Bowlgame:

IMO that should have been a touchback and not a SF
or am I wrong?

You are correct. And beat me to the punch while I was typing.

Though, I don't know if I'd say a bug determined the WHOLE outcome ... it's a shame it did occur, or we might have had some overtime.

Last edited on 2016-01-12 20:53:21 by Gambler75

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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2016-01-12 21:06:52 (ID: 100065916) Report Abuse
I don't believe - based on a first quick review the bug is in the score. I truly believe the bug is in the play by play. I will have to check that.

- - - - -
Wrong, I have mixed up "opp 2" with "own 2"

Last edited on 2016-01-12 21:16:41 by pete

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posted: 2016-01-12 21:14:55 (ID: 100065917) Report Abuse
Gambler75 wrote:

Though, I don't know if I'd say a bug determined the WHOLE outcome ... it's a shame it did occur, or we might have had some overtime.

ok, agreed

replace decided with heavily influenced

Although it was not only the 2 points of the Safety but also the possession of the ball after the free kick back to your team.

On the other hand, if that RB would just have held onto that ball on the goalline it would have been 5 extra points for you.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2016-01-12 21:31:52 (ID: 100065921) Report Abuse
OK, it was a bug. Im really sorry for that. I fixed it immediately, and the new engine version will go online coming weekend at season rollover.

However, I have absolutely no idea how to fix it backwards. It seems you will have to deal with the screwed result. I would offer you a rerun of the sim, if you both agree, but I cannot make sure you did not change any related settings in the playbook or DC meanwhile, so it would be unfair. On top the outcome of experience, morale, PC and so on was added to the players and cant be reversed.

So, @gambler and @emerson: how to?

Last edited on 2016-01-12 21:39:58 by pete

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Main / Galaxy / Galaxy 1.1 Season #19