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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-01/S00
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posted: 2016-04-12 06:40:30 (ID: 100073501) Report Abuse

From Dragons 1.1 , ranked 179 globally, with a league record of 59 wins - 30 losses and holder of 5 trophies including S17 league championship it's Jonny Utah - owner of Chelt Nam Bobbers!

Hi JoHnny!

What part of the world are you from?

Cheltenham (often pronounced Chelt-Nam or Chelt-Numb depending on your accent) U.K. We’re famous for horse races, people think it’s posh but in reality it’s just people dressing, in their minds, posh then getting totally hammered and making our town a nightmare for a week!

Who is your real world favorite team?

I kind of want to lie because everyone’s a Packers fan! I am fascinated by the Browns too, really interested to see what happens next and how RGIII gets on.

Who is your all-time favorite player?

Based solely on their play, ignoring their views off the field, it would be Reggie White, when I was a kid I was way more excited seeing him destroy plays than Favre making them. I’m also a fan of Aaron Rodgers, great player and hilarious dry sense of humor in interviews, and J.J. Watt, another amazing player, seems like a nice guy and was funny in The League.

How long have you been here at RZA?

Since February last year, five seasons. The 3.x was still in play then and I’m depressingly proud of my 3.4 League Champion Trophy!

What is the inspiration for your team’s name?

We’ve nick-named our two year old son Bobber or “THE BOBBER” depending on how naughty he’s being, not for the reason Bob-Boy got his nick-name though! It’s also a type of motorcycle hence the winged wheel on the logo.

How would you describe your team?

New guys, old school (sort of). We like a loaded backfield on offence and don’t go in for these crazy spread formations. I’m probably holding my team back slightly by taking this stubborn approach but to me it’s their identity, of course I want to win but I want to have fun doing it, and I like a challenge!

Brag about your most dangerous star player

That’ll be my number one pass rushing OLB, Timmy Mendenhall. A #32 pick he can also play inside like a beast if I plan on using 4 CB’s a lot during a game. Most people seem to put their best linemen at tackle so this variation on his role can cause a lot of problems against guards and centres. He’s fast, strong and clever and his blood-curdling, trade-mark scream as he explodes through the line strikes fear into the hearts of QB’s across the land, “TIMMY!”

What has been your favorite RZA season?

Season 19, my first year in the 1.1 and only losing year so far, but definitely the most exciting. After starting 0-10 all I wanted was one win so I wouldn’t get relegated on 0-16. I somehow managed to pull 3 wins out of the bag which was enough to get me out of the automatic relegation positions on point’s difference. My team then had their best game of the season in the playoff and somehow survived what had looked like a definite relegation campaign.

Your team’s most important/favorite win?

My favorite is probably the first win from season 19, I’d been really close in two games before so breathed a sigh of relief once I got over that hurdle. All four wins from that season, including the relegation playoff, were important, a loss in any of those games would’ve meant relegation.

Biggest rival?

The longest I’ve spent in any division is 2 seasons so I’m not sure if I’ve earned a true rivalry yet. I do really enjoy our division though, if you finish bottom (like I did) on 8-8 you know you’re up against some tough teams that make it a great challenge. I wasn’t bothered by the thought of relegation so much before, if someone else is better than me then they deserve to be here and I’d need to come back stronger, but knowing I probably wouldn’t come back into the same division would suck!

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

Ha ha ha, I feel like this question has been worded slightly differently to the other interviews because you already know the answer. It’s not the team on the field that causes the headaches it’s the manager off it! He does make me laugh though, has a really good team and makes being in the same division a lot of fun.

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

Annoyingly it’s the same answer as above. After my 3 wins in season 19 this guy congratulated me on them in the forum, it was the first time my team had been mentioned so made me feel welcomed to the community. Same person congratulated me on winning against him beginning of this season, and I know he wasn’t just being nice because he has no problem calling others out if they didn’t necessarily deserve to win their games! His team deserved to be in the playoffs this year, if we had NFL tie-breakers or he was in any division in the other conference he would’ve made it, I won’t use his name though as I don’t want him to get all embarrassed, I’ll just say cheers P. Drunk, no that’s too obvious isn’t it, we’ll just call him Punch D.

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

If we could call plays during the game then I’d like to say go for the win, if we’re averaging 5 yards against a stacked box then run it in. I do change my end of game rules depending on opponents though, I’m not going to try it against someone with a good run defense, if their pass defense isn’t that great it’s one situation I consider passing in the spread!

Any last comments?

Thanks for doing these interviews Puhnch Druhnk (had to be done), they’re really fun to do and have made for some great reading. A massive thanks to Pete and everyone who’s helped in the development of this game, it’s so much fun and the fact that it’s been, and continues to be, such a challenge has kept me hooked, you’ve done a truly excellent job. My fiancé would also like to say thanks for giving me somewhere else to vent my infantile sense of humor so it’s not constantly directed at her!

Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!

Last edited on 2016-04-12 07:41:33 by pete


Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2016-04-16 17:05:53 (ID: 100074195) Report Abuse

From Elite league, ranked #2 globally, Elite member for the last 8 seasons and holder of incredible 59 trophies including Season 20 Global Bowl (Supercup) championship it's Solana_Steve - owner of San Diego Blitzkrieg!

Hi Steve!

Congrats on your 24 - 23 victory against a very tough Landru Athletics and the S20 Global Bowl championship trophy!

What part of the world are you from?

California. Live all over the state...grew up in SF Bay Area, went to college in the City of Angels and then moved to San Diego.

Who is your real world favorite team?

Grew up a Raider and 49er fan. Not sure I’m really a Charger fan even after 20 years in San Diego. I guess I mostly cheer for my alumna mater, UCLA. Go Bruins!

Who is your all-time favorite player?

Wow…this is really tough. I’ve been watching football since I was a kid in the mid 70’s. From my childhood, I’d have to go with TE Dave Casper.

How long have you been here at RZA?

I started out playing -TOG-(can we say that?), but came over here for season #1 and never looked back. I love the game!

I really appreciate all the hard work Pete has put in the game. People don’t realize how much work it is...especially to keep making improvements, fixing things when they break and dealing with the immature people etc. Until you’ve tried to run one of these games yourself, you will never truly appreciate how much love and devotion he puts into the game. Thanks Pete!

What is the inspiration for your team’s name?

I’m not very creative….Blitz is just a football concept and San Diego is the city where I’m located.

How would you describe your team?

Traditionally, the Blitz have been a strong defensive team with a conservative run-first offense. However, as time goes by and the game engine changes, I think you can only consistently win by throwing more (at least at the highest levels). So we adapt.

On the player build side, I prefer high physicals (scout my teams…you’ll find a lot of 50’s). I used to be pretty conservative on salaries, but a couple of seasons ago I’ve made an effort to train a little higher and salaries have climbed. We’ll see if that makes the team more competitive.

Brag about your most dangerous star player

Yong Mcwhorter (QB)…I think we’re going to throw a little more this season and you’ll see what kind of numbers he can really put up. Last season in the Elite League regular season: 3980 passing yards, 65% completions, 27 TDs, 0 Interceptions & 93.92 QBR. Plus 360 return yards (13.8 ave). He can do better though!

What has been your favorite RZA season?

Not sure. I love the Elite League…but the rivalries I had in the Galaxy with Pete, Toni, kevin, slider6, Kottan, emerson, the Hippos & the Sheep (bots now) and the other teams. Galaxy was a great place to grow up.

Your team’s most important/favorite win?

Probably winning our first Galaxy Bowl in Season #3. We had lost the Bowl to Bocian Squad 17-14 the season before and that gave us motivation to work a little harder the next season. We came in as underdogs to the Cameroon Turtles and then stuffed them 31-6!

Biggest rival?

Going all the way back to the Galaxy days, probably the Heidelberg Hippos (unfortunately they went Bot). Have a pretty competitive rivalry going with Vulcans in the Elite league now (we’ve both been in same Elite League division from the start).

I think the Blitz are Toni’s nemesis…I really don’t think my team is that much better than his. But we just have his number. I beat him in a couple of championship type games and had three Elite seasons of fighting and relegating him. Perhaps he’ll unseat either the Vulcans or Blitz this season….good luck Toni!

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

Not sure…I think right now at the top level there is very little you can do to stop the pass. If you’ve got a good QB (with high speed and/or the right formations), some games they just go off and you can call the perfect defense, but there is no stopping them. The run defenses are pretty effective at combating the running game. But the pass defenses are a bit lacking. But maybe that’s football is today…can anyone stop the elite QB’s now? Last team with the ball wins…right?

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

I don’t know…the one I feel is most like me is Landru. I’m not sure we’ve ever been the flavor of the month (team that is at the absolute pinnacle of RZA greatness for a season or two), but we’ve been a top team for a very long time.
I admire and respect so many teams though.

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

My OT record is pretty good…I think I go for the tie and win it in OT.

Any last comments?

You become better by trying and struggling to win every game. Don’t think you can’t win a game…put forth your best game plan for every game and you will win more and more games. I don’t think there is a magic player build formula in RZA, nor some financial loop hole you should exploit. Most competitive games come down to putting together a game plan and usually less random than you think.

SD Blitz

Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2016-04-19 17:51:45 (ID: 100074475) Report Abuse

From Fire 2.2, ranked #440 globally with a 14 win - 4 loss record (including a wildcard playoff win) from his 1st RZA season it's viper72501 - owner of Alabama Crimson Tide!

Hi viper!

What part of the world are you from?

Grapevine, Texas USA.

Who is your real world favorite team?

It's actually a split between Dallas Cowboys ( since from area) and Pittsburgh Steelers.

Who is your all-time favorite player?

I actually have 4 of them. 2 on offense - Tony Dorsett and Franco Harris and 2 on defense in Jack Ham and Ronnie Lott.

How long have you been here at RZA?

I joined RZA in season 20 on January 23rd right after the first league game

What is the inspiration for your teams name?

I've always been a Alabama Crimson Tide fan when it comes to football. It's a winning program and the way they have always been coached is something I wanted to try and imitate on here.

How would you describe your team?

That depends a lot on the game I am playing. At times I play aggressive and at other times I try and stay balanced. The main thing is I don't tolerate mistakes with my team..too many fumbles, interceptions, missed tackles and such and the player is gone. Execution is expected by my guys!

Brag about your most dangerous star player.

At the moment I would have to say it would be my WR Steven Lehmann I aquired off the TM last season. Anytime I need a big play he is almost always at the other end of it. He never seems to let me down. His stats over his career seem to tell how much of an asset to a young team like mine he is.
1385 catches for 21,293 yards and 280 touchdowns in 333 matches.

Your teams most important/favorite win?

I think being my first season on here it would have to be my 39-13 wildcard playoff win against a good team in Banska' Bystrica Stars. I wasn't expected to make the playoffs and to advance to Divisional felt like a major accomplishment on the season to me.

Biggest rival?

I really don't have a rival at the moment since I'm still trying to get settled in to RZA but I know if I see Auburn Tigers that becomes

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

Actually, none really. I take each game since I am so new on here and use it as a learning experience.

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

All teams on here. To see the way each team is developed and ran, how each week unfolds from preparation and such. It shows a lot of work by everyone running a team on here in early development and on through the years.

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

I'd kick the field goal and take it in to overtime. There is better odds of winning there than if you go for it.

Any last comments?

Anyone new to RZA, don't hesitate to ask questions. The experienced players know what they're doing and are always there to help. Find a mentor as well because it makes things a whole lot easier in understanding various aspects of the game on here. For all that have helped me on here...I just want to say thank you.
Most of all, have fun on here and have a great season.

Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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Posts: 20620
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posted: 2016-04-25 07:53:16 (ID: 100074958) Report Abuse

From Elite league, ranked #13 globally, holder of a fantastic 50 trophies (including 6 Elite member) and here since the beginning it's Buffalo - owner of Mombasa Lions!

Hi Buffalo!

What part of the world are you from?

I grew up in the rural middle of Germany and I'm living now in Hamburg in the north of Germany.
So I'm not from Jamaica or Kenya

Who is your real world favorite team?

The Arizona Cardinals. I was rooting for the underdog in the playoffs 2009. My room mate at that time was Steelers fan, so we had a crazy super bowl night and I started to love this game. Since then I never liked any other team.

Who is your all-time favorite player?

I would lie if I would name players like Jerry Rice, Barry Sanders, Emmitt Smith, because I never saw them playing.
I'm from the younger generation and I love Larry Fitzgerald on and off the field. He is such a great player and still tries to get better and better.

How long have you been here at RZA?

I think I can say from the very fist minute. I already played the test version. Somebody invited me on G r i d I r o n and I'm happy that I found my way to RZA, because TOG was boring and one dimensional. RZA is so deep and still fun after such a long time.

What is the inspiration for your teams name?

My team started as the Lucea Cardinals. Lucea is a small town in Jamaica and the capitol of the perish Hanover. I love Jamaica and I was living in Hannover, Germany, when I started with RZA.
I changed my team name into Mombasa Lions last year, because I married last year and my wife's hometown is Mombasa and Kenya is famous for Lions.

How would you describe your team?

My team was always defense first. I invested many Draftpicks, youth players and money into my defense. Keeping the opponents offense off the field was priority. Unfortunately many retirements in the last seasons weakened my defense and my team is in a transition phase. Now I try to have a more balanced team, but I'm still struggling to get my pass offense going.

Brag about your most dangerous star player.

I had great players in the past. Most actual players had not so much time on the filed to make themselves a name. Probably my best player is CB Hotaka Okazawaya. Sometimes I wish his skills would translate more into big plays.

Your teams most important/favorite win?

The first league title in season 5 was very important after 4 very painful playoff losses in the seasons before.
My favorite win was the 17:13 against T'Pau Vulcans in the season 12 Global bowl.

Biggest rival?

I would say Leeds Celtics. We played many close games in the league. I think we are rivals, but there was never bad blood between us.

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

Leeds Celtics and Naprzód Marsz. Both teams where many times able to play their best football against me and caused many painful moments. Thanks gus for these challenges.

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

There are many. It's impressive, what Landru Athletics and San Diego Blitzkrieg accomplished in the last 20 seasons. I have a lot of respect, that they are still perform at the top of RZA. I also admire Jack6, who never gave up despite having not a top team. Its impressive how he builds his team with youth players and fights for every win.
I respect also michigan state spartans and cool-runnings in our league. I observed their rise in our league and it's nice to see whose competitive they are now and make the life hard for old teams.

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

I probably should try to win the game in regular time, because my OT record is awful. But I guess my playbook says something different.

Any last comments?

I thank Pete for this wonderful game. Thanks for putting so much effort into developing this game. I experienced the beginning and I can say that many things changed for good.

Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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Posts: 20620
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posted: 2016-05-01 10:19:20 (ID: 100075410) Report Abuse
From Claymore 1.1, ranked #77 globally, holder of 13 trophies (including 3 Elite member) and currently undefeated in league and Super Cup it's scottishbronco - owner of Oban Bay Broncos!

Hi scottishbronco!

Hey Punch Drunk and the RZA community

What part of the world are you from?

I am from a small west coast town in Scotland called Oban. Very famous for our whisky...just ask Pete.

Who is your real world favorite team?

I have been a Denver Broncos fan since I caught my first TV game back in the early 90's. That love was cemented by a certain John Elway against the Packers in that resonated with me as a young, impressionable person

Who is your all-time favorite player?

...Tough question! It's hard to keep some form of loyalty when player's are traded regularly but I'm always torn between Ed McCaffery and Shannon Sharpe.

How long have you been here at RZA?

I had a brief spell away from the game during a housing move just as the game was made live to the public. I did a couple of season's as a beta tester and rejoined the fun at the end of season 2.

What is the inspiration for your teams name?

I didn't think that Oban Broncos had a good enough "ring" to it so I chose to go with Oban Bay Broncos. The actual real life bay here in Oban is pretty special. I'll dig out some pictures to show you all.

How would you describe your team?

The best I can do with the free time I have? We are a decent passing team trying to develop a more stable ground game. Our defense has some depth issues this season but I think we have enough time to fix this before the business end of the season.

Brag about your most dangerous star player.

Our veteran DE Fabien Duchemin. Has the most experience on the team and is fast and strong. On the offense we have strong WR Andreas Floyd.

Your teams most important/favorite win?

I feel sad that our only bowl win was way back in season 3 and still feel it was our most important win. The game has grown massively since then and we have been to the Elite for a few season's but the bowl win still ranks as most important. My favorite win was the Friendly Cup win in season 6, the Wednesday Night Football with "Dandy" Don Meredith and Howard Cosell...sorry Steve

Biggest rival?

This season has shaken that up with Hell Hounds and Diorite Lions promoting to Elite. The Lions were divisional rivals more recently than the Hounds so they would take this spot, leaving the Hounds as my headache

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

Hell Hounds

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

Everyone gets the same amount of respect. I have to admire the top team's though. notsch, Solana_Steve and spartans11 just to name a few.

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

Championship game...all or nothing. I go for the win!!!

Any last comments?

Big thanks to Pete for such a great game and the passion to keep it all running. Even bigger thanks to you Punch, and the community in general. It's things like this that make it so much more enjoyable to play and be involved with.

Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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Posts: 20620
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posted: 2016-05-04 16:09:50 (ID: 100075767) Report Abuse

From Sea Devils 1.1, ranked #19 globally, holder of 30 trophies, including 4 Elite member and 3 league championships and currently undefeated in league and Super Cup it's Grzymisław - owner of Naprzód Marsz!

Hi Grzymislaw!

What part of the world are you from?

I'm from Gliwice, Silesian voivodeship, Poland

Who is your real world favorite team?

I've just seen 12 NFL matches in my whole live and few of local Polish leagues which are amateur leagues. My city team Gliwice Lions isn't even in Polish top division. Let's say it's my favorite team.

Who is your all-time favorite player?

Let's say it's Payton Manning. But as I said before. I'm not American football fan. I think he impressed me the most among players I've seen.

How long have you been here at RZA?

I've joined very early in season 1. Earlier, when I read Pete's comments somewhere else suggesting he is developing his own football manager game, I wanted to join testing crew, but it was already full. So I was here since the beginning. Since days when playing 100% runs to the left side was ultimate offensive tactic. That shows a lot how RZA have improved over the years.

What is the inspiration for your teams name?

Naprzód Marsz! is a military order. Means to march forward. Inspiration is very simple. American football is at first simple game which target is to march forward carrying the ball as long as possible until reaching the end of the field. Cannot imagine any better name for American football team.

How would you describe your team?

Ouch, another open question! Team is mix of experience and youth. Over 20 seasons team has experienced everything. From ending the season in wildcard play-off to winning several league titles, and Champ of Champs cup. I always build the team for the future. Don't like now or never. I could think so several times that it was last occasion for the title. Especially in season 15 when I knew that 9 players retire at the end of the season. But not only we managed to secure league title, but also return to contention took only 2 seasons.

Brag about your most dangerous star player.

So hard to choose just 8, don't mind 1. So ok. I choose Yaroslav Dubrovskiy. Simply because I've never seen better FB than him.
His opposition of previous rushers I had over the years. They were often failing against strongest defenses. He can start slow, but improves when game is going.

Your teams most important/favorite win?

Again I must choose just one? The most important win was in Sea Devils conference final season 13 over Lucea Cardinals (modern day known as Mombasa Lions). It was the first win over strongest conference rival in years. Marked end of an era of pursuing the title. We then got relatively comfortable win in league final as well.

Biggest rival?

It had to vary over the years. Tough to choose between JonnyP of Leeds Celtics and Buffalo of Mombasa Lions.
For 13 seasons, before Elite League was formed, those 2 teams, 2 best of entire league, were my conference rivals. It was always very hard to game plan against them. And no matter of everything beating them was achievement I could wait for all those seasons.

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

Historically that was team of Leeds Celtics. Then Michigan State Spartans. Long before they rose to fame and opinion of world strongest team. Due to tactical work they could overcome rating deficit.
And recently it was the team of... Underachieving Steamrollers. No matter what they did for the whole season they played best game against my team.

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

Landru Athletics. Other champions had better and worse moments. Or started later than season 5, maybe later than season 10 and just peaked when achieving the greatest results. Landru were near the top all the time. Since the very beginning until today.

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

I order field goal to equalize. No doubt at all.

Any last comments?

Thanks for that very interesting series of interviews and thanks for Admin and whole community for great involvement in Redzoneaction game. The best online sport manager game ever!

Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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Posts: 20620
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posted: 2016-05-10 15:27:56 (ID: 100076177) Report Abuse

From Sea Devils 1.1, ranked #27 globally, holder of 12 trophies (including 12 - division 1.1 wins) it's the Transfer Market phenom Firenze - owner of Firenze Fappers!

Hi Firenze!

What part of the world are you from?

Born and raised in Leicester, England.

Who is your real world favorite team?

My favorite NFL team is the Arizona Cardinals, mainly due to having family living in Arizona.

Who is your all-time favorite player?

Larry Fitzgerald is a model professional, both on and off the field.

How long have you been here at RZA?

I joined in May 2012, sometime during S4. So about 4 years. Most of it spent on the TM

What is the inspiration for your teams name?

I'd love to tell you that it was something witty or insightful, but it is by far the most immature team name in RZA history. If you're not aware of what a 'Fapper' is, try searching it (with SafeSearch on)

How would you describe your team?

Bordering on competency, but never quite reaching greatness. I've tried to sustain a competitive team that can make the 1.1 playoffs every season, but the step up to Elite seems to be too much.

Brag about your most dangerous star player (active)

Giuseppe Hackett has been a mainstay of my offensive line for the last 10 seasons or so, racking up over 11k pancakes in his career. He was a free agent signing back in S5. There was a TM glitch on that particular day, and I was able to pick him up for free.

What has been your favorite RZA season?

Season 7 was my best in terms of trophies, making the Sea Devils 1.1 Bowl.

Your teams most important/favorite win?

My most memorable win was a Supercup win against Free Agent Mascots back in S6. I forget the circumstances, but I think he used the wrong playbook. Either way, it was a fun match to watch for me.

Memorable surprise loss?

Two particular matches spring to mind, not because I lost them, but because of how badly I was beaten (50+ points)

Biggest rival?

I've had a few interesting rivalries over the years. Solihull Moors were my first big rival, with my current rivals being Winchester Lions, Leeds Celtics and Dracs Legion.

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

I always have trouble against Leeds Celtics and Michigan State Spartans. I've also found Mombasa Lions to be pretty much unbeatable. Those three teams are the games I dread most.

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

Mombasa Lions have a been an elite team for the entire time I've played RZA, so they are the team I most admire. That kind of consistency is something I'd love to achieve.

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

Have to play it safe here and go for the tying FG. I can always blame the kicker if he misses

Any last comments?

for Pete for creating an excellent game and being so active on the forums, it really makes a difference.

for yourself as well Punch, these are really good questions that get you thinking, and they are really interesting to read.

Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-01/S00
Posts: 20620
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posted: 2016-05-17 10:19:56 (ID: 100076616) Report Abuse

From Sea Devils 1.1, ranked #41 globally, with season 18 and 20 division winner trophies and in a tight race for another it's WorpeX - owner of Chichester Chimera!

Hi WorpeX!

Hey Punch, thank you for thinking of me! Really enjoy everything you do for this game. Hope this answers are good and thanks again!

What part of the world are you from?

United States in the Suburbs of Philadelphia

Who is your real world favorite team?

Cleveland Browns. When I was young I wasn't into football at all and one of the popular kids asked me in class one day what my favorite team was. My response was, "What team is the worst?". His answer was the Browns and so from then on, they have been my favorite. I've always loved the underdogs!

Since then, I've actually had a bunch of friends move out to Cleveland so I make regular trips to the city and went to a game last season. Not much has changed since I picked them as my favorite though, they're still the worst!!

Who is your all-time favorite player?

Marshawn Lynch and Joe Thomas. Lynch is hilarious, his interviews are the best!

How long have you been here at RZA?

2 and a half years? Jeez. I didn't realize its been so long already...

What is the inspiration for your teams name?

I work in the city of Chichester so I picked that for the city. There is a mythical animal called the Chimera that also starts with "Chi" so I used it as the team name. I thought they sounded cool together, especially since they are both pronounced differently. The school district doesn't think Chimera is as cool and went with the "Eagles" for their football team instead. Awful pick!

For pronunciation:
Chichester: ch-i-ches-ter
Chimera: ki-meer-uh

How would you describe your team?

I build my team thinking of Defense first and most of my funds go that way also. Strong up front and ball hawks in the secondary. The offense feeds through the running game!

Brag about your most dangerous star player (active)

Khasib Ahmed. My fearsome near perfect physical monster! This guy is so good that I tend to move him around my defense every season. He has awards achieved as a LB and a DL. That's just how damn good he is!

What has been your favorite RZA season?

Season 20! I think every season has been more fun then the last.

Your teams most important/favorite win?

Honestly none that really stands out. My team is notorious for being horrible in the post season but great in the regular season.

Memorable surprise loss?

Season 20 Supercup. I lost to the Red Star Goats in the 3rd round of the play-offs. The Goats are in the same division as my team in Sea Devil's 1.1 and I hadn't dropped a game against him all season or the prior season. As usual, the Chimera blows it in the Playoffs! They're a great team though and I was very proud to see him advance!

Biggest rival?

Drac's Legions, we're both in the same division in Sea Devil's 1.1.

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

Drac's Legions again! We tend to bounce back and forth between who wins between us each season. Our record against each other is kind of hilarious actually!

S16 Chimera swept
S17 Drac Swept
S18 Chimera swept
S19 Drac Swept
S20 Chimera Swept
S21 As per the prophecy, Drac is up 1 game so far in the series....

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

Mombasa Lions. They've been playing this game at such a high level for so long it's incredible!

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

I would go for the tie. Now, if it were 4th and inches.... then I'd probably go for it. At the 2 though, I'd rather force it into overtime.

Any last comments?

Yes! For the last year I've been creating Red Zone Action teams in Madden 2008 and posting the pictures in the Sea Devil's forum. So far I've made a bunch of teams like the Mombasa Lions, Leeds Celtics, Tyrolean Twix's, Red Star Goats and of course, the Chichester Chimera. You can check out the images here: RZA Sea Devil's in Madden 08

Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!

Thank you for doing this!! It's a pleasure to be selected and I look forward to more of your work!

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-01/S00
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posted: 2016-05-21 15:23:49 (ID: 100076966) Report Abuse

From Admirals 2.2, ranked #652 globally, in his 1st full season and in a tight race for a wild card spot it's Krytical - owner of Dillon Panthers!

Hi Krytical!

What part of the world are you from?

I'm a 33yrs old football addicted. I coming from a City thats called Bielefeld.

Remark by Pete: Bielefeld? Hm...

Who is your real world favorite team?

The La Rams. Afters years of looking for a Team to fit i finaly found a Team. Young talentet with a big history. It was darn hard because I don't have the "local root legacy"

Who is your all-time favorite player?
NFL - Steve Young / NCAA - Tim Tebow

How long have you been here at RZA?

2 Months and a bit....

What is the inspiration for your teams name?

Friday Night Lights is an American drama television series about a high school football team in the fictional town of Dillon -
The High school Team is called the Dillion Panthers.

Its my all time-fav. TV-Series.

How would you describe your team?

My breed. I guess its hard to describe them. I'm still in the Process to get a backbone, where i can continue to rebuild .

Brag about your most dangerous star player.

Its my FB. His Nickname is Slug. Its a 28 Years old FB and my best evolved player so far. Its my personal John Kuhn.

Your teams most important/favorite win?

Last Season I had a friendly against the Owner "Pepsi". The Team name was on the line. Losers Renames his Team in the East Dillon Lions. ( Anyone who knows the TV-Series will understand this )

Biggest rival?

Pepsi from the East Dillion Lions

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

The Rhinos from a S07 Owner Lonewolf58 . He will still rape my Guys in a long Time in the Future.

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

bagss (FAJNY TIM). His Players on the TM really helped a lot me to get a start into the game.

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

FG, and beat the OP with the First Play in the OT

Any last comments?

Patience, Evolve, Succeed, Repeat.

Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!

Last edited on 2016-05-21 15:25:12 by pete


Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-01/S00
Posts: 20620
Top Manager

posted: 2016-05-26 07:41:03 (ID: 100077611) Report Abuse

From Admirals 21.1, ranked #207 globally and holder of 4 trophies including 2 conference championships it's copperviking - owner of Lakefield Vikings!

Hi viking!

What part of the world are you from?

I live in Lakefield, Ontario, Canada. It is situated in the Kawartha Lakes region of Ontario. Being less than a two hour drive north east of Toronto, it is a very popular area for fishing, boating and cottaging, with many lakes connected by the Trent Canal system.

Who is your real world favorite team?

The Minnesota Vikings have been my favorite team since I began watching with my grandfather in the 60s. Coach Bud Grant who also spent time in the Canadian Football League, was an inspiration to me as a young athlete.

Who is your all-time favorite player?

The Purple People Eaters were the Minnesota defensive line in the 1970s, and consisted of Alan Page, Carl Eller, Gary Larsen and Jim Marshall. Marshall had a stellar career setting many records in his time. 282 Consecutive games, 270 consecutive starts for the Vikings, 30 Fumbles. He also sits 2nd in all time sacks for the Vikings at 127 and played in all four of the Vikings Superbowls. He will be forever remembered, however, as the player who made one of the most boneheaded plays in NFL history, when he picked up a fumble and rumbled 66 yards the wrong way and then fired the ball into the end zone for a safety. (by the way, this is also a NFL record as the shortest play at -66 yds.)

How long have you been here at RZA?

I started playing in January of 2015. I joined Admirals in Division 3 part way through Season 15.

What is the inspiration for your teams name?

Well Lakefield is the town i live in and the Vikings are my favorite team.

How would you describe your team?

Inconsistent. When I joined the game, I read all the forums and the manual and followed a lot of the advice. I debated about a mentor but decided against it, because the fun for me is learning the game, making the mistakes and then figuring out the best way to correct them. A couple of seasons ago it dawned on me that i had a lot of older players that I purchased to move up the ladder. Since then i have been putting in an effort to build my youth academy and develop some depth to go with the youth. I think I have my quarterback for the next 10 seasons or more so I just need to be patient while he develops along with some great young prospects

Brag about your most dangerous star player (active)

Currently, Gary Durden is one of my defensive ends and is performing well. I especially like him because he was one of the first draft picks I received and have had a chance to watch him develop and am now enjoying him on the line as he comes into his prime.

What has been your favorite RZA season?

Season 18 when I went to the Bowl game in admirals 2.2. While I lost that game, my team was strong because I had finished my stadium and had spent lots on the transfer market to get competitive.

Your teams most important/favorite win?

My teams most important win is the next game. My favorite win was eking out a 23-21 victory in the season 18 conference championship.

Memorable surprise loss?

In my first season I lost the Bowl game in which I was favored to win. The other teams passing game dominated and I learned a lesson not to take the opposition lightly, no matter how they are rated.

Biggest rival?

I'm not sure I have started a rivalry with anyone yet, however I could see the London Silverbacks becoming a rival because we are both based out of Canada and play in the same division in Admirals 1.1

Which opponent causes you the most headaches?

Right now I think Galrauch Raiders. This is the only team in my current division that I have never beaten. So my sights are set on beating this team, however I may have to wait until next year because I don't think I'm strong enough yet.

Which opponent do you admire/respect the most?

I guess I admire the Guiness Drinkers for having the talent and drive to develop this game and give me something to do while the wife watches TV. As far as which opponent I respect the most, I respect them all. Disrespecting your opponent is the best way to get your butt kicked and earn scorn from your fellow competitors.

Championship game is on the line! It's 4 and goal at the 2 - under 30 seconds left to play and you are behind by 3. What do you do?? Go for the tie or the win?

I go for the field goal. My basic philosophy is to take the points every time. Never leave points on the field.

Any last comments?

I would like to take the time to thank Pete and all the other moderators and mentors for making this the best online game I have ever played. All of the players I have interacted with have been helpful and the vast majority who play this game are interested in making sure it stays the best game out there. The communication between players through the various forums and the willingness of the administrators to make changes to improve the game will make sure I participate for a long time to come. Thanks to everyone for playing and good luck with your team.

Thank you for your time and contribution to making this a fun and competitive game!
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