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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2017-05-18 06:27:40 (ID: 100104546) Report Abuse
OK, I updated the Guide to Version 1.1.0, which does include now the retirement changes and some other stuff which did happen sind last year.

Overall it was more or less a correction and small Addition work, the new text does spread over almost every chapter and is in total about 5.000 word in Addition.

If you are looking for new Jedi Master tricks ... as far as I can remember I did not enter any new ones.

But i did find a big error in the Coaching chapter which I did correct.
For some unknown reason were some Patterns deleted and nobody did complain.

Now it's all fine, still, if you find Errors, let me know.
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posted: 2017-09-02 01:53:53 (ID: 100113343) Report Abuse
GREAT JOB!, really helpful.
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posted: 2017-09-04 01:19:22 (ID: 100113494) Report Abuse
I just wish I understood some of the math formulae, never got past basic.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2017-09-04 06:33:49 (ID: 100113503) Report Abuse
Phareux wrote:
I just wish I understood some of the math formulae, never got past basic.

Which one for example? Which would be most helpful?
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posted: 2017-09-04 11:06:47 (ID: 100113529) Report Abuse
(33 + TW + AC-CP-Formular ) / 2 /100

The long term consistentcy is the one that I am not clear on
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2017-09-04 17:42:58 (ID: 100113559) Report Abuse
Phareux wrote:
(33 + TW + AC-CP-Formular ) / 2 /100

The long term consistentcy is the one that I am not clear on

From the manual:
RZA manual wrote:
Coaches affect the training

Each AC affects the training of those players he is responsible for coaching (defined by the players' position!). Of course this only valid for skills the player is using on his position. You do not need to know exactly how the training is calculated, but in case you are curious, the formula is as follows:

There is an AC coach:
This means that CP > 50 and the value used for AC-CP-Formula = CP - 40
Example: AC has 70 CP. For the training calculation, 30 CP will be used in the calculations.

There is no AC coach:
CP <= 50 and this means the value for AC-CP-Formula = 1

Fitness points = Fitness training percentage out of ((random 25:40 + Teamwork + AC-CP-Formula)/2) / 100

Skill points = The percentage out of (random 25:40 + Teamwork + AC-CP-Formula)/2 / 100

Keep in mind there are variations based on the Experience and Consistency of the coach and his CP!

The bold formular is the formular for a single training.
Since I decided to ignore the random number between 25 to 40 and substituted it with the median of that range = 33 the formular becomes what I wrote.

(33 + TW + AC-CP-Formular ) / 2 /100, with TW = teamwork.

now each training this the training value is more or less constant.

Example: AC = 85 CP, EXP = 3.5*, player 1 has TW =35 player 2 has TW = 50

1. step: get the real CP
the manual has 2 factors here, exp and con.
since longterm con should equal itself out at 1 it can be ignored for this calculation.
of cause on gameday it's important, but longterm training works fine without it.
real cp = cp * exp-factor.
exp-factor for 3.5* = 0.975
so real cp = 85 * 0.975 = 82.875

2. step: crunching numbers
AC-cp-fomular = real cp - 40 = 82.875 - 40 = 42.875

player 1 wit tw = 35:
(33 + TW + AC-CP-Formular ) / 2 /100
= (33 + 35 + 42.875 ) / 2 /100
= 0.554375 at 100%

player 2 wit tw = 50:
(33 + TW + AC-CP-Formular ) / 2 /100
= (33 + 50 + 42.875 ) / 2 /100
= 0.629375 at 100%

if you train 10% agi and 90% vis (without any facilities) you have to split the result by those ratios.

So each training you would get in average that value, so per season 20 to 24 times that value and if you train like 4 skills equally, the total (24 * 0.554375 as example = 13.305) has to be devided by 4 (example = 3.32625) to get the average gain per season per skill.
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posted: 2017-09-04 19:12:08 (ID: 100113562)  Edits found: 3 Report Abuse
Why are you subtracting cp and ap and formular ?
Or am I misreading it?

Wait I got it

Last edited on 2017-09-04 19:30:02 by Phareux

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posted: 2017-09-09 18:16:56 (ID: 100113885) Report Abuse
Under the coaching section for example you have AC training 6 people for kicking and punting is this 6 people each position or 6 people total for both those positions just trying to make sure to get my numbers right thanks
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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2017-09-09 19:24:07 (ID: 100113892) Report Abuse
This limits are introduced by Peter a few seasons ago and are not my numbers, they are from the manual.
It means that you can have an ST-AC and up to 6 players (so K, P, G and KR I assume, never tested it) on the roster affected by that AC on ST-positions. A 7th player would put that over the limit, with the consequences described in the manual.
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posted: 2017-09-09 19:33:36 (ID: 100113893) Report Abuse
Got it thanks
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