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posted: 2017-03-19 03:19:08 (ID: 100100798) Report Abuse
Toni Gorilla wrote:
Anthony11111 wrote:
Yeah, prob gonna drop down into 1.1, had 2 oline retire at the end of last season and will have another retire at the end of this season. ggs

Hi Anthony11111. You are currently holding the record of fewest posts ever held by any Elite manager (i.e: 2). Keep up the good work!!!

He worked hard to take that record from me
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posted: 2017-03-19 14:36:19 (ID: 100100832) Report Abuse
Good game Holger!

I'm not unhappy to be on the lucky side this time, always close our games.

And this game was quite strange, I had two INT-returns, while my def gave up 3! long-TD.... very strange
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posted: 2017-03-21 19:57:39 (ID: 100101014) Report Abuse
arghh, that hurts

good game Firenze... I haven't given my team much hope after the Supercup mismanagement yesterday and Moral ~ 70, and thus also played three new CB with TC ~10-30. After all, to my own suprise, this was so much closer than expected... all I needed was the fumble at the end to turn my way (before my own sealed the loss )
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2017-03-21 20:13:54 (ID: 100101015) Report Abuse
Congratulation on the win, OrangeCrush.
That was close, but my defense was not strong enough to stop your offense at the right moment.
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posted: 2017-03-21 20:38:18 (ID: 100101016) Report Abuse
joi.pranzl wrote:
arghh, that hurts

good game Firenze... I haven't given my team much hope after the Supercup mismanagement yesterday and Moral ~ 70, and thus also played three new CB with TC ~10-30. After all, to my own suprise, this was so much closer than expected... all I needed was the fumble at the end to turn my way (before my own sealed the loss )

Good game... that was a very close one.
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San Diego Blitz

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posted: 2017-03-21 20:44:35 (ID: 100101017) Report Abuse
Two last minute pick-6's made my game look a lot more like a blow out, but it was really quite close. Was down 10-0 early.

Good luck the rest of the season Toni...

SD Blitz
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Toni Gorilla
posted: 2017-03-22 00:58:13 (ID: 100101043) Report Abuse
Solana_Steve wrote:
Two last minute pick-6's made my game look a lot more like a blow out, but it was really quite close. Was down 10-0 early.

Good luck the rest of the season Toni...

SD Blitz

Thanks, Steve. I spend too little time here recently to expect much more. However, not that it would make much of a difference if I did. I will need a lot of luck to survive this season.
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posted: 2017-03-25 19:02:41 (ID: 100101229)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
0:17 after 16 min and 5 interception (one 2 yards before the goalline) was to much, congratulation to Lyon

Last edited on 2017-03-25 19:03:21 by Cool-Runnings

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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2017-03-25 20:11:43 (ID: 100101233) Report Abuse
Congratulation on the win bobcor. That was a clear win.
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posted: 2017-03-26 00:56:06 (ID: 100101248) Report Abuse
Good game OC. Was pretty surprised to pull that one out, especially with my kicker going full on shankopotamus (0/3), and my 22yo QB ... doing about what you'd expect from a 22yo.

Looks like another season of live and die with my defense trying to carry the team.
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