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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2017-05-31 15:40:47 (ID: 100105988) Report Abuse
OrangeCrush wrote:
Please confirm that you will do your pledge Draft Wednesday:

Before, guys...before!
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Bretzfeld Bandits

Germany   Kottan owns a supporter account   Kottan acts as Mentor for beginners

Joined: 2011-09-04/S00
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posted: 2017-05-31 15:53:29 (ID: 100105999) Report Abuse
OrangeCrush wrote:

Ingame is just for this season

Pete made a change, if the pledge is in before Draft Wednesday, the payback for your invest is significantly higher, so we need to try to get to 820 M$ in the first 2 days of the season.

Please confirm that you will do your pledge before Draft Wednesday:

Orange Crush 50 confirmed up to Draft Wednesday
Montesacro Mermaids 50
Bretzfeld Bandits 50
Saint Etchford Spitfires 50
Vienna Armadillos 50
250 M$

Denver Death 50 not yet confirmed in thread
Kauto Stars 50 not yet confirmed in thread

Yes you are right. Let's count only the sums that were posted here.

Despite this change from Pete will not change much for Galaxy. The interest does not seem to be great here. For Elite it looks different, there are many financially strong teams. So I am now skeptical whether this new "rich get richer" -Feature here in Galaxy 1.1 functions. Since it looks rather better in Galaxy 2.X, because there are many BOT teams, who automatically donate $ 50Mill.
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posted: 2017-05-31 16:00:27 (ID: 100106003) Report Abuse
It is not rich get richer, it is actives get richer.

They spent a lot more on players and coaches in Elite.

I am pretty sure there is money available in Galaxy 1.1
We just need to wake them up.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

Joined: 2011-09-01/S00
Posts: 20620
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posted: 2017-05-31 16:02:17 (ID: 100106005) Report Abuse
OrangeCrush wrote:
It is not rich get richer, it is actives get richer.

They spent a lot more on players and coaches in Elite.

I am pretty sure there is money available in Galaxy 1.1
We just need to wake them up.

My post of the day, I don't "hate" you anymore
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posted: 2017-05-31 16:24:23 (ID: 100106009) Report Abuse
Update, I PMed lots of managers:

Please confirm that you will do your pledge before Draft Wednesday:

Orange Crush 50 confirmed up to Draft Wednesday
Montesacro Mermaids 50
Bretzfeld Bandits 50
Saint Etchford Spitfires 50
Vienna Armadillos 50
Oakland Raiders (Gal2.1 Runner up) 50 (young team)
16_horsepower 50 (young team) (up to August)

350 M$

Denver Death 50 not yet confirmed in thread
Kauto Stars 50 not yet confirmed in thread

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posted: 2017-05-31 21:18:57 (ID: 100106064) Report Abuse
I think i will join...i always need cash
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posted: 2017-06-01 02:30:37 (ID: 100106096) Report Abuse
The Owners Board was able to raise fundings of $ 850,000,000 and reached 53.1 % of the funding goal.
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Bretzfeld Bandits

Germany   Kottan owns a supporter account   Kottan acts as Mentor for beginners

Joined: 2011-09-04/S00
Posts: 1083
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posted: 2017-06-01 06:12:37 (ID: 100106102)  Edits found: 3 Report Abuse
Hello everyone,

This is the current state:
Orange Crush 50 confirmed up to Draft Wednesday
Montesacro Mermaids 50
Bretzfeld Bandits 50
Saint Etchford Spitfires 50
Vienna Armadillos 50
Oakland Raiders (Gal2.1 Runner up) 50 (young team)
16_horsepower 50 (young team) (up to August)

350 M $

All values currently in the owner board are deleted at Season Rollover. Here are also many BOT team still included which will be going down after season rollover into Division 2.

This means: The values shown here ($ 850 Mill and 53.1%) are NOT valid for season 26. Therefore this thread is very important!

THEREFORE, I PLEASE ALL: Post here how much you can spend in season 26 for the media center. If we get together over $ 800 Mill, we all win. But only then!

Any amount helps the community. If you have a young team with little financial resources and you are only able for $ 5 or $ 10 or ....., then post that also please. Each amount helps the entire community!

Thanks for the cooperation!

Last edited on 2017-06-01 06:15:55 by Kottan

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posted: 2017-06-01 06:34:40 (ID: 100106103)  Edits found: 2 Report Abuse
$50m pledged

Last edited on 2017-06-01 07:36:46 by William

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posted: 2017-06-01 08:48:28 (ID: 100106126) Report Abuse
i donĀ“t understand how can i help to You,but i am in....
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