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Main / Galaxy / Galaxy 1.1 Saison 26 Media Center Search Forum
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posted: 2017-06-01 10:45:53 (ID: 100106155) Report Abuse
i have put in $50m
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Bretzfeld Bandits

Germany   Kottan owns a supporter account   Kottan acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2017-06-01 13:07:40 (ID: 100106177) Report Abuse
wofrotep5 wrote:
i donĀ“t understand how can i help to You,but i am in....

I want to know if you are for or against the media center. And if you support him, with as many million dollars you can support him in the next season.

For example: I will donate $25 Millions for the media center in the season 26.
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posted: 2017-06-01 16:38:55 (ID: 100106229) Report Abuse
i have about 150 milions dolars more than i need,i can sent it....
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posted: 2017-06-01 19:34:54 (ID: 100106247)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
I only have 62M in the bank so I'm not sure how much I can donate without getting my team into trouble. Or does the money not come directly out of our account? I'm a little confused... Any ideas?

Last edited on 2017-06-01 19:47:15 by Beergut2

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posted: 2017-06-01 20:05:28 (ID: 100106251) Report Abuse
Beergut2 wrote:
I only have 62M in the bank so I'm not sure how much I can donate without getting my team into trouble. Or does the money not come directly out of our account? I'm a little confused... Any ideas?

I have currently 63 M$ in the Bank and will pledge 50 without hesitation if I am sure that we get enough Managers pledging that we reach the 50% Goal before the Draft Wednesday

If we reach that goal, we will get 10M$ already back on Draft Wednesday, so we will be ready.

Nobody should pledge anything, before we agree here, that we think we reach the goal

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posted: 2017-06-01 21:46:54 (ID: 100106276)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Thanks for the PM OrangeCrush.

I'm running very low on cash at the moment and just bumped up a bunch of player's salaries. I won't be able to pledge any money at the moment.

Edit: I can probably pledge $5M to start and be safe.

Last edited on 2017-06-01 21:57:47 by slider6

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posted: 2017-06-02 05:09:03 (ID: 100106297) Report Abuse
OrangeCrush wrote:
Beergut2 wrote:
I only have 62M in the bank so I'm not sure how much I can donate without getting my team into trouble. Or does the money not come directly out of our account? I'm a little confused... Any ideas?

I have currently 63 M$ in the Bank and will pledge 50 without hesitation if I am sure that we get enough Managers pledging that we reach the 50% Goal before the Draft Wednesday

If we reach that goal, we will get 10M$ already back on Draft Wednesday, so we will be ready.

Nobody should pledge anything, before we agree here, that we think we reach the goal

Ah, sorry if I'm not wrapping my head around the whole thing, just wasn't sure how the 50M 'donation' would work. If it doesn't go out in one lump sum and I don't have to worry about going bankrupt then I'll gladly put up 50M as well.
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posted: 2017-06-02 06:04:21 (ID: 100106300) Report Abuse
Beergut2 wrote:
OrangeCrush wrote:
Beergut2 wrote:
I only have 62M in the bank so I'm not sure how much I can donate without getting my team into trouble. Or does the money not come directly out of our account? I'm a little confused... Any ideas?

I have currently 63 M$ in the Bank and will pledge 50 without hesitation if I am sure that we get enough Managers pledging that we reach the 50% Goal before the Draft Wednesday

If we reach that goal, we will get 10M$ already back on Draft Wednesday, so we will be ready.

Nobody should pledge anything, before we agree here, that we think we reach the goal

Ah, sorry if I'm not wrapping my head around the whole thing, just wasn't sure how the 50M 'donation' would work. If it doesn't go out in one lump sum and I don't have to worry about going bankrupt then I'll gladly put up 50M as well.

If I'm reading everything correctly, yes, it does go out in 1 lump sum. That's why I can't pledge $50M right now. But the Media Center isn't active this season, so if you were to pledge right now nothing will happen. After rollover this weekend, then it's live and will take the money.
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Bretzfeld Bandits

Germany   Kottan owns a supporter account   Kottan acts as Mentor for beginners

Joined: 2011-09-04/S00
Posts: 1086
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posted: 2017-06-02 06:15:22 (ID: 100106301) Report Abuse
slider6 wrote:
Beergut2 wrote:
OrangeCrush wrote:
Beergut2 wrote:
I only have 62M in the bank so I'm not sure how much I can donate without getting my team into trouble. Or does the money not come directly out of our account? I'm a little confused... Any ideas?

I have currently 63 M$ in the Bank and will pledge 50 without hesitation if I am sure that we get enough Managers pledging that we reach the 50% Goal before the Draft Wednesday

If we reach that goal, we will get 10M$ already back on Draft Wednesday, so we will be ready.

Nobody should pledge anything, before we agree here, that we think we reach the goal

Ah, sorry if I'm not wrapping my head around the whole thing, just wasn't sure how the 50M 'donation' would work. If it doesn't go out in one lump sum and I don't have to worry about going bankrupt then I'll gladly put up 50M as well.

If I'm reading everything correctly, yes, it does go out in 1 lump sum. That's why I can't pledge $50M right now. But the Media Center isn't active this season, so if you were to pledge right now nothing will happen. After rollover this weekend, then it's live and will take the money.

Yes, everything you enter up to Saison Roll Over ingame in the MediaCenter, is currently only for test purposes.

After seasonal rollover, it is switched "sharp".

Therefore, in this thread, we want to determine whether we can ALL reach the goal of at least 800 Mill so that we can ALL make a profit from the Media Center.

Therefore again the request to ALL:
Post here PLEASE: Team xyz takes part here and invests $ ....... for the media center in season 26.

Or post: Team xyz will NOT participate in the media center.

Many Thanks !
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posted: 2017-06-02 12:21:08 (ID: 100106324) Report Abuse
So, I added a new thread, to document our status quo.

We Need to get that confirmed amount to >800 Mio $, in order to recommend to start purging Money in the Mediacenter.

50 Mios is a lot of Money, nearly all of my acount
We need to have trust that our invest will be a success, before we start purging.

Trust is essential in this.

If anybody does not make the promised payments in time, everybody else who invested whole trusting this guy will make a loss!

That is the reason, I am so adament that everybody knows what is required and makes a clear promise!

For any questions, drop me a pm or post in this thread!

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