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Main / RZA Elite League / Draft Season 26 Search Forum
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posted: 2017-06-07 14:22:26 (ID: 100107272) Report Abuse
I took a bit of a gamble on caps and got a young DL, hoping for improvement potential good enough to fill my DE hole long term.

Both are 44-46 and yellow, so he is still a 'bit of a gamble'.
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posted: 2017-06-07 19:08:28 (ID: 100107291)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
I took a sure thing, but older DE. 50 Str, 48 Spd, high TW, and Heavyweight trait. Was the only player that old I had in my top 30 rankings, so obvious why he fell ... but still pleased, should be a great player but with a shorter window than most.

Last edited on 2017-06-07 19:08:56 by Gambler75

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posted: 2017-06-07 19:12:12 (ID: 100107293) Report Abuse
I was not unhappy either, would have wished for a yellow cap instead of two red, but eh. It is what it is. He will be my future QB for many seasons to come. Maybe a high agility cap could make him great, contributing to the 47/47.
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Black Dragons

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posted: 2017-06-07 19:26:04 (ID: 100107296) Report Abuse
Got #11 on my board, tollerable speed strength and intel. Plays a position of need for me. Too old for most draft boards so I'm not surprised he fell to me. Overall a good solid pick. I sure would have liked that QB the Ducktales got.
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posted: 2017-06-07 19:56:49 (ID: 100107300) Report Abuse
angus wrote:. I sure would have liked that QB the Ducktales got.

Same here
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posted: 2017-06-07 20:56:54 (ID: 100107305) Report Abuse
jetto wrote:
angus wrote:. I sure would have liked that QB the Ducktales got.

Same here

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posted: 2017-06-07 23:18:36 (ID: 100107319) Report Abuse
I had some glitch going on when I did my draft board. I would move a guy from number 36 to number 1 then it would show me with two number ones. It eventually did what I wanted it to, or so I thought
I drafted a player that was not even on my board for the first round. He just happened to be in the positional groupings by age when I did my original scouting reports. So I got a 21 year old CB (at least his speed capped at 50 overnight.
You would think after this many drafts that I would have gone back and checked to make sure it all looked good.
Ah well, at the end of the day the Spartans are a team loaded with FA mercenaries anyway.
Round two should be a little better.
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posted: 2017-06-08 04:32:41 (ID: 100107338) Report Abuse
CB, 21, 50 Speed, Tr. Star, Long Reach, 33 Strength uncapped

only trouble is the low exp (and low agility), but in my young team, he can be a day1 starter somewhere, so that should be fine in the end.

And yes, for once drafting a QB turned out good
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posted: 2017-06-08 10:38:18 (ID: 100107368) Report Abuse
Took a risk on another 19 y/o LB, and it worked out alright. Low EXP, but should be a starter someday.
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San Diego Blitz

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posted: 2017-06-10 20:08:11 (ID: 100107599) Report Abuse
Going to sell all three eventually....which is pretty typical. Actually, with the sales tax now, you're better off selling your draftees than other players you've bought and trained.

SD Blitz
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Main / RZA Elite League / Draft Season 26