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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2017-08-15 22:00:43 (ID: 100111644) Report Abuse
So, what is the status?

The Drinkers will fully pledge the first day it is possible.
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posted: 2017-08-15 22:41:27 (ID: 100111646) Report Abuse
I got the money to spare, I can pledge
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posted: 2017-08-16 11:14:03 (ID: 100111746) Report Abuse
I will not be part of the Galaxy 1.1 Mediacenter next season, but just wanted to provide a lessons learned from last Season.

Do not just wait on people posting on the forums.
Someone needs to pn all members to get the confirmations in.

Especially the young teams will not know, if they still get the auto pledge, how long the autopledge will last, etc.

Last season, I shared the effort of communication with Kottan, which is advisable to put the burden on more shoulders.

Good Luck, Galaxy 1.1 , you will get it done to reach 51%
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posted: 2017-08-16 18:07:18 (ID: 100111803) Report Abuse
I'm in
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2017-08-24 13:59:57 (ID: 100112338) Report Abuse
OrangeCrush wrote:

Do not just wait on people posting on the forums.
Someone needs to pn all members to get the confirmations in.

So true! However, I cannot do this one, since people would receive a PM from "admin" then, which turns the asking for money into something official. It has to be done by regular league members...
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2017-08-28 09:19:31 (ID: 100112705) Report Abuse
I sent this message to all users who haven't pledged so far

pete wrote:I want to invite you to pledge for the Mediacenter. If only enough of our leagues managers are pledging, everyone will earn money from it. Please find the Mediacenter in Front Office / Mediacenter!

Since we hit the 25% threshold already, your pledge is completely free of any risks. Once you decide to go for your pledge before this Wednesday. And remember, on Wednesday you will receive the early bird bonus, which results in a return of 5 times of the usual return. So...a little bit more of 24 hours left, please act now!

It would be a really terrible management decision by you if you do not join.



PS: this is a private statement of the user Pete, no admin-statement!

Just remember, due the 5 times early bird bonus the pledge is really free of any risks, as long as it was made before this Wednesday. But even manager not making it until Wednesday should go for the pledge. We need only a few more Pledges to hit the next stage.

C'Mon, let's make some serious money...
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2017-08-28 09:20:57 (ID: 100112706) Report Abuse

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posted: 2017-08-28 12:13:18 (ID: 100112745) Report Abuse
maxed it out on my end, thanks for the message pete.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2017-08-28 12:28:05 (ID: 100112749) Report Abuse
ProvidenceLA wrote:
maxed it out on my end, thanks for the message pete.

Above 50% now, risk free pledging, on guaranteed earnings from now.

Great job, Galaxy 1.1
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posted: 2017-08-28 12:40:31 (ID: 100112751) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
ProvidenceLA wrote:
maxed it out on my end, thanks for the message pete.

Above 50% now, risk free pledging, on guaranteed earnings from now.

Great job, Galaxy 1.1

yiehaw! good Job guys

That's the proof: (near) silence does not equal inactivity
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Main / Galaxy / S27 Mediacenter 1.1