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Main / RZA Elite League / RZA Elite Season 27 Search Forum
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posted: 2017-08-26 09:10:22 (ID: 100112453) Report Abuse
That is pretty amazing mate. I had that wage bill when I won the promotion but the contracts renewal just now doubled that bill. I really like to have a low wage bill and you have my respect and appreciation now good sir.
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posted: 2017-08-27 05:47:21 (ID: 100112531) Report Abuse
Buziano wrote:
No retirees here. I guess I might have a maximum of 5 at the end of the starting season.

30 home grown players in a roster of 69. I will not be surprised to learn that my team is among the youngest and cheapest in the league :

Avg Age Seniors: 24.3
Weekly wages Players $ 2,293,151
Weekly wages Coaches $ 765,052

Wow, reaching Elite with such a low payroll! Impressive! You also have my respect!
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Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

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posted: 2017-08-27 07:15:31 (ID: 100112535)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Cheesehead wrote:
That is pretty amazing mate. I had that wage bill when I won the promotion but the contracts renewal just now doubled that bill. I really like to have a low wage bill and you have my respect and appreciation now good sir.

Thank you both.

Before the end of season negotiations I was at 1,7 mill for the players. I started last season with the 10th lowest salaries in my league. Now I am curious what my team can do here.

My team used to cost much more. At this time i had lots of financial trouble and went some weeks in the minus. Very frustrating times.

Last edited on 2017-08-27 07:16:06 by Buziano

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posted: 2017-08-27 08:23:23 (ID: 100112540) Report Abuse
I have just done the math: I have 34 home grown talents, so 50% of my team comes from the draft and the Youth Academy.

This year's objective will be again to stay in Elite, but it will be hard as usual with the Magpies and Green Mark promoting. Maybe10 to 11 wins will be needed to Keep my place in Elite.

I have 2 retirees this season, one is my SF1 and the other one is my DE1, so youngsters will be asked to step in and fill the gap.
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Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

Joined: 2013-05-07/S08
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posted: 2017-08-27 14:34:42 (ID: 100112551) Report Abuse
Alright, schedule is out. My team can go anywhere between 0-16 and 6-10 without scoring any major upsets. 6-10 would mean a new team record for the Elite League for me so I will try everything to achieve this.

2 retirees at the end of the season. Both will hurt but that's life.
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posted: 2017-08-27 14:55:00 (ID: 100112552) Report Abuse
5 Retirees only and 2 who will try to find a new challenge for their last season.

Tough SC schedule with AS Roma and Shard.

Landru, Styrian, Leeds x2, MSS x2... Elite taste real now!

Should be an esay first round in CoC.
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posted: 2017-08-27 19:50:32 (ID: 100112614) Report Abuse
Two seasons in a row that the AC North plays the NC North. Which division will prove to be tougher.
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posted: 2017-08-27 20:49:27 (ID: 100112634) Report Abuse
I have 55 out of 63 homegrown, and one of the highest payrolls in the game. Guess my love of depth will need to be tamed a bit...

Landru, WW, Roma, Lyon, Maykop. ... could be a tough season.
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posted: 2017-08-27 22:09:29 (ID: 100112643) Report Abuse
Re: Retirees:
We talking about guys we're going to lose after this season or guys we lost this morning?
- I got real lucky on the s27>28 rollover retirements.
34yo s13 pick #59 (all-time team leader in snaps, good blocks and pancakes) and a $5k lotto ticket from s12 with 1.5* talent I bought into my YA threatened to retire (no straight retirements
I'll probably keep the draftee.

Or are we talking about guys that rode into the sunset this morning?
Not so lucky ...
Season 26 playoff receiving yards:
Guys that retired this morning - 759 yards
Guys that are still on my team - 59 yards
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posted: 2017-08-27 22:24:03 (ID: 100112646) Report Abuse
wiznoo wrote:
I have 55 out of 63 homegrown, and one of the highest payrolls in the game. Guess my love of depth will need to be tamed a bit...

Landru, WW, Roma, Lyon, Maykop. ... could be a tough season.

Makes me proud to be listed in the tough games next to these guys, I hope I can live up to your expectations and kick your ass
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