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BobBoy Magpies

England   dell_g owns a supporter account

Joined: 2014-01-04/S11
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posted: 2018-02-11 15:36:17 (ID: 100123699) Report Abuse
Come on chaps, lets get 100% this time please?: -

Black Dragons 50m
BobBoy Magpies 50m
Leeds Celtics 50m
Lyon Eagles 50m
Montesacro Mermaids 30m
noTown*mYsTics 50m
OrangeCrush 50m
Secret Air Service 50m
Wilmersdorf Wadenbeisser 50m
WV BoBcats 50m
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posted: 2018-02-11 18:02:04 (ID: 100123728) Report Abuse
We will not be 100%. I have only about 3 million right now at season roll over.
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San Diego Blitz

Usa   Solana_Steve owns a supporter account   Solana_Steve is a Knight of

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posted: 2018-02-12 00:40:48 (ID: 100123791) Report Abuse
$50M...when do we have to make payment by?

SD Blitz
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France   Drogon owns a supporter account

Joined: 2011-12-07/S02
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posted: 2018-02-12 01:28:16 (ID: 100123793) Report Abuse
I'll pay the rent.
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punch drunk
Dark Matter


Joined: 2014-12-05/S15
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posted: 2018-02-12 03:02:12 (ID: 100123794) Report Abuse
Solana_Steve wrote:
$50M...when do we have to make payment by?

SD Blitz

Bonus payment for Early Birds:
There is one financial u p d a t e at the Wednesdays after Seasonrollover before the real season begins. The cashback for this single payment will be multiplied by 5. If a teams return would be at 1,000,000, the payment at this single day (aka draft wednesday) will be 5,000,000
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punch drunk
Dark Matter


Joined: 2014-12-05/S15
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posted: 2018-02-12 03:21:06 (ID: 100123795) Report Abuse
We are @ $ 1,080,000,000 and reached 67.5 % of the funding goal.

We are in the 120% payback range right now - the point that it would be bad management to not contribute and earn guaranteed profits.
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posted: 2018-02-13 10:02:51 (ID: 100123923) Report Abuse
Come on guys, we need just another 20 Mio $ to reach the 90% plateaeu

Keep the $ coming
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posted: 2018-02-13 14:37:00 (ID: 100123941) Report Abuse
hollyhh2000 wrote:
Come on guys, we need just another 20 Mio $ to reach the 90% plateaeu

Keep the $ coming

Well Done, Oliveh

we just need 10 Mio$ more,

come on guys
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Jonny Utah
Chelt Nam Bobbers

England   Jonny Utah owns a supporter account

Joined: 2015-02-18/S15
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posted: 2018-02-13 15:29:50 (ID: 100123947) Report Abuse
We're at 89.7%! So close!
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posted: 2018-02-13 17:24:38 (ID: 100123969) Report Abuse
We got it!


you got us over the 90%
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