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posted: 2018-02-16 10:16:50 (ID: 100124316) Report Abuse
Off to a roaring start with 2 gunners and 1 QB.

Think it's my first draft ever with only 1 of 6 physicals capped.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2018-02-17 20:20:17 (ID: 100124478) Report Abuse
Overtime win for the Drinkers, using MOTY and much luck....

Sorry, Gambler - could have been the other way as well.
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posted: 2018-02-17 20:40:53 (ID: 100124480)  Edits found: 2 Report Abuse
It's all good ... My ELO is quite bloated considering the company around it. A few more losses would probably be a very good thing. That and me getting off my butt and trimming some of the overpaid guys who won't be around long enough for any sort of prolonged WL run.

And respect to your guys for beating my "real" players, even if it was with home + MOTY bonuses stacked. I had the starters not the friendly lineup out there this time..

Last edited on 2018-02-17 20:47:20 by Gambler75

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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2018-02-17 20:57:31 (ID: 100124483) Report Abuse
So you say the Drinkers are on a good way back to the top? Thanks, very kind!

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posted: 2018-02-19 20:38:59 (ID: 100124584) Report Abuse
wondering how my team OVR went from 71% to 69% again over the span of two days without me doing anything but training & playing a bot match....
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posted: 2018-02-20 05:17:57 (ID: 100124595) Report Abuse
If I remember correctly, team rating is based on whoever played for your team in your last match.

When I use Methuselah my ST rating is about 91 ... when I don't ... about 76
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posted: 2018-02-20 16:16:47 (ID: 100124619) Report Abuse
Yeah those team averages don't mean a whole lot ... mine will swing anywhere in about the 80%-73% range, based off which depth chart I used last.
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posted: 2018-02-20 17:44:08 (ID: 100124624) Report Abuse
We lost the Green Panthers to bot

What a shame, they were a well managed team
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posted: 2018-02-20 23:05:40 (ID: 100124655) Report Abuse
Yeah definite shame ... him and the Templars were my main competition for quite a few seasons in the old AC West, before bounces up and down from Elite started scrambling things.

Longest turnover return I've ever had today vs the Dawgs. Game was about to be 23-16, and things took a turn:

Roland Peck (CB/L) returns the ball, missed tackle by Jerome Fitch (WR/R), Ondrej Navrátil (WR/L) is not able to make the tackle, missed tackle by Tore Pohjonen (QB), this was a 99 yards interception touchdown.

Got him in my YA season 12 ... he's been around a LONG time. He did finally decide to retire this season.
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posted: 2018-03-03 21:14:49 (ID: 100125179)  Edits found: 3 Report Abuse
Currently Im not really liking my team composition and now we are retooling and trying to get younger. Hopefully we can still score some wins along the way but im not expecting them. Think we can still suprise some people though. Hope everyone has a great season

Last edited on 2018-03-06 04:01:03 by ProvidenceLA

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Main / Galaxy / Season #29