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Main / RZA Elite League / RZA Elite Season 31 Search Forum
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posted: 2018-08-01 20:01:21 (ID: 100131285) Report Abuse
Hi guys, I am glad that I can finally spend at least one season in such an Elite company.
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posted: 2018-08-03 09:09:50 (ID: 100131356) Report Abuse
Also checking in for my first Elite season.

At least I am in a very weak Division
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Buddy Ryan
posted: 2018-08-03 10:11:49 (ID: 100131358) Report Abuse
welcome guys!
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posted: 2018-08-03 16:49:07 (ID: 100131377) Report Abuse
Shanny wrote:
Also checking in for my first Elite season.

At least I am in a very weak Division

Right there with you. First time in Elite and thrown right into the fire (no pun intended) with a tough division. And for good measure, I get both teams from last season's championship game, too.
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San Diego Blitz

Usa   Solana_Steve owns a supporter account   Solana_Steve is a Knight of

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posted: 2018-08-04 20:19:17 (ID: 100131420) Report Abuse
Wow....4th quarter fumble, led to a Bulls drive, 4th down conversion and TD and after a punt - another drive and a missed 56 yards FG. 2 point victory for the Blitz - - Season #31 is here!

getting the cheap wins as well...

Good luck to all,

SD Blitz
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2018-08-04 20:26:34 (ID: 100131421)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
OK, right now we have 16 teams praising the new season, and 16 teams blaming the new engine, I guess

Last edited on 2018-08-04 20:26:48 by pete

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posted: 2018-08-04 20:28:00 (ID: 100131422) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
OK, right now we have 16 teams praising the new season, and 16 teams blaming the new engine, I guess

I predict that the average player will win 50 percent of their games.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2018-08-04 20:30:40 (ID: 100131423) Report Abuse
I predict it will rain tomorrow if it doesn't stay dry
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San Diego Blitz

Usa   Solana_Steve owns a supporter account   Solana_Steve is a Knight of

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posted: 2018-08-04 20:44:23 (ID: 100131424)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
pete wrote:
OK, right now we have 16 teams praising the new season, and 16 teams blaming the new engine, I guess

My favorite game engine was the one you built to specifically make Cameron Turtles loose. :-)

SD Blitz

Last edited on 2018-08-04 21:54:24 by Solana_Steve

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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2018-08-04 20:46:57 (ID: 100131425) Report Abuse
Oh, there were some more engines "custom-built". Do you remember the one promoting you from Galaxy to Elite?
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